wahahahhaas . i'm at sch now . lols . the coms so lag lors . *cant stand sia* . den hafta do the script roleplaying . :S omg . they all are so CRAPPY can . haas . update when i'm back home den . *yawns* so tiring sia . =/

back at home NOW . hahas . i'm in the conversation with my classmates . LOLS . AHBOON SEE THIS !! AHBOON SAYS HE WANS TO GO ON DIET SIA !! don't make me luff pls . he everytime say wan go on diet one . haha ! today during our 15min break went to the canteen and he luff like luffin buddha lahs . so de funny la his laughter machiam so entertaining like dhat :D . and my SISTA , GARY NAN QIANG ! i wan to tok abt him here. he's another FUNNY guy also , always gives me that KUKU face ! he brings ALOT of tissue packs to sch one haha ! tat time we first saw his tissue we luff like madd lahs . ~ then another guy SENGYING[AHSENG] he i really can shake my head . VERY VERY CRAPPY lahs. his craps can reach infinity one sia .. past few days we conversation he can whole of 1hour crap you know . POWER . and always disiao me . sumtimes PEKCEK sia . but know he jk la nv JIJIAO with him . hahas . owe me sweets for a wk . wows :D . and i think my class .. 90% ALL joker sia ..

today mornin mitup wendy and waited for shujing while we missed the train . haas. so they complained that we're v slow . aft tat still need to wait for some others our classmates . we 3 and gary go mac . had breakfast , was v full lahs aft tat . and saw tiffany sihui and huiling . aft tat weishan, vivien and yun came oso .. took bus frm clementi to sch sia . haas. cos tired to walk . today's lessons boring zz . found that oliver and cheeyong actually quite friendly and crappy oso .. cos tot they v DAO one hahas . impression of them the 1st wk lahs ~ so eventually all of us mix ard and clicked well :D reminds me of my sec sch class . BONDING [: ! haiya i miss alot of ppl frm 4B lahs ~ hope we can haf another bbq soon .. =/

so aft sch i went to get my stuff at kaichuan's hse , been a yr since i last saw him . haas . and aft tat serene came to look for me , shun bian gossip abit . huggs her lah . and was so shag aft tat darn tiring lahs* . aniway coincidentally met kunthai on the bus . and den he chatted with me till we alighted. haas . he was so shocked when he know i in ITE . lols . shock mehs . haas . den he say i wasted my time but i say its okay lahs .. aniway he in 2nd yr ler .. so fast . and he graduating soon le and go in NS alrdy sia . haas.
shall blog abt last sunday on how my CUTIES help me to celebrate my bday in advance pretty soon :D .

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