Hello ? its 2.35pm now and i'm still at home on a saturday ? arghh ! all thanks to me , our shopping spree is cancelled . How great is that? I'm so upset ! cos i only woke up at 2.15! By the time we meet up will be 3-4 already ~ and its very late and we'll not have enuff time as she needs to go at 6+ for her vocal lessons ! Sorry dearie ..
Whatever it is , i wanna have my shopping done ASAP !
urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .
Yesterday upon reaching home , yileen texted me for mahjong . Okay so aft my bath and everything[which took abit long lur] , they waited for me at bangkit and ltr on walked over to hongying's hse . mahjong-ed first round i lost 19BUCKAROOS cos of the damn suay place :P ! LOL but 3rd round i won back all with the suay place. maybe too suay till will heng hahahas . So , conclusion is no win no lose . Aniway its the game that counts , for me lars .. cos if play for the sake of earning money , den might as well you go casino can already , don't earn friends' money better right ? C=
okay lets rewind again :) Ytd we had the OFA exam . Does anyone knows the FOOTNOTE thing will deduct how many marks ah ? i think i did prettaye well in everything , BUT just that the footnote makes me go insane and wasted my time on it for GOD DAMN 15min ! i think there's sumting wrong with the com or what lurh . LOL dun think i blame on the com lurh but its just that the com dun listen to me , probably cos its not the usual one i used? eww . cos i wanted to put the footnote at the bottom of PAGE, den duno y it kept appearing at the middle of the letter and i'm damn fustrated , so BOBIAN i hafta put it at the bottom of DOCUMENT . Okay see the diff ? Page and Document .
Maybe euu think its just the same but WRONG ! cos we hafta merged the source and main tgt to produce the letter , and cos i put at the bottom of the DOCUMENT reluctantly , the two letters' footnote remain at the bottom of the whole document ! holy shit ~ my first letter don't hafta footnote lars! arghh . luckily the softcopy we printed out i changed the page and its just as normal , but the harddrive DIEDIEDIE .
Okay nvm whats done has been done , i'll pester Mdm seet to ask her WHY is that so . haas .
Aft exam me, oliver, cheeyong, huiling acc my 宝宝 Jo to Plaza Sing to collect her precious earring holder ! hahaas . so nice ~ good taste ! lunch was MOS , been a long time ever since the last time i've tat . still taste delicious ~ yummyumm ! and CHEEYONG can really EAT ! SEE THIS CHEEYONG ? *waves* ~ den they LAME ard again . lol and RACIST comments out . *shakeshead* just don't know why they so racist .
And , our singin starts at 2 ends at 4 , yet 2pm we're still eating ! haas . So eventually we reached sch at 3.15 ! =.=" we still went in , but v paiseh LOL . so we sang and its fun though :) can't wait for the performance to end and den we'll haf so much time aft sch on fri and without worrying about CCA points X= . So the whole of this day i've spent so much time on BUS TRIPS ! hee .
tml gg for TEPPANYAKI . aww hope wun gain alot of fats lars .. 宝宝 lets move on to our DREAMS asap! can't wait sia ~ MOTIVATIONS !! :)
Lack of shopping makes PURPUR crazy ..
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