i just woke up , last night i went out still .. haas nv been a guai baobao . LOL . was on phone with ahtat till i forgot the time , so i quickly go bathe all tat and waited for cab . no cab sial ~ idiot . actually wanted to haf supper with em but i'm damn full lars ~ aft tat on cab wendy called me ask me straightly go vincent hse if nt waste my cab fare.. so last min i ask driver turn . LOL ! luckily he's a nice driver .. so i tipped him . *smiles* and he kept thanking me ahh .. like , wah can see their money very hard-earned lars ~
so i waited for .. hmm half an hour ? hahas . cos they go buy alcohol . so under his blk so weird lar gt alot of kuku faced ppl . scary ~ and one BIG FATFAT MIAO . ohmyTIAN . faints* luckily camwhoring can save sum time .. haas.

anyway , i'm a bad drinker lars haas . just drink cos play cards lose .. not drink for fun lars ~ cos bo bian .. bell and wendy dunno how to play . so gt me , eileen , rongqing and vincent play .. sum more i first time drink neat lar , idiot one .. 1st time i drink is with coke .. dis time neat . so erxin de taste .. soon aft yileen joined us .. den vincent wan to make everybody drunk sia .. luckily i sehseh liao , i noe my limit le so i nv play le then they contd lars ~ den i wan go vomit , wendy acc me go toilet i just vomit everything out into the toilet bowl. so xinku .. dunno y sum ppl like to drink everyday .. lol i oso forget what they do le but i just go slp for 5-10min .. aft i wake up i totally awake liao head nv pain le . hee .

so cabbed and reached home at 5am+ . slept till so shuang den wendy phoned me chatchat .. haas .
30 JUNE 07 - SAT , Class Bbq .
i was superrrrrr late ! again ! sista SORRIE ! cos she go collect satay sticks frm ahman, and sum more she paid extra 40bucks for em lars ~ den i tink she waited for me quite long sia ~ aft met her le we headed over , i gt 1buyer waiting for me .. cool right go east side still can do selling hahas. den went to bbq pit ..
i tried bbq-ing , but i guess i'm not for this . so in the end they bbq-ed hahas .. was happy lar cos i tot my vivi lover and yun nv cum , in the end they came ! yeahh . eat abit only damn full liao , i tink the satay the best only haas . *winks we go walkwalked ard .. and quite sian sia , so wanna go catch midnight movie .. wa piang luckily i ask cheeyong call his friend see online got what slots .. if not wasted our trip .. in the end no midnight movie . so suay .
okayy so we go walked ard .. farhan they all wanna buy alcohol . so we walked to whitesands cos cheers closed as they need to change the price tags for the gst increase .. den i helped em buy .. they like v scared like dhat haha so cute . anyway we slacked outside mac dunno what to do lar .. that oliver idiot one PSK .
so we walked back bbq pit frm whitesands .. i kept jogging haha ! they laughed and say i siao .. cos wan burn fats what ! hee . so we ton den jon came den he helped me fan cos damn hot haha . so cooling ~ aft tat 6am+ alrdy i wanna go hme and BATHE !! so whole night wendy and cheeyong walk here and there .. haas. den luff like what sia .. tot gt what mad gal behind .. i asked em take cab with us they lame sia ~ : " nono we wan to walk awhile more first .. " hahas . so we two left first den ..
i think this class bbq quite lil ppl lars.. not as much as our sec sch one .. i missed 4B !! haas . maybe next time better? :)
3 July 07 - Tues , ZOO & PRAWN FISHING .
woke up at 7am cann ! haas . den wendy at 11am called me ask me go prepare cos she and eileen ng at zoo alrdy .. btw gt alot of eileens lar.. so dun get mixed up :D . haas . so i slowly prepared haas . 1pm+ i reached there.. peiwei haven reach yet . slow ah my son .. den we walked ard watching animals all tat .. LOL lame right haha .. but quite fun eh .. was perspiring profusely lar .. climb up and down .. anyway very happy oso , cos aft we noe so many yrs first yr my "son" and me talk face to face .. cos he owaes v ps when he sees me i dunno why ! haha .. he don't look like lar cos normally gals see him will go screaming and liking him all that .. so eh .. haas .
den we all kip suansuan him , playplay one lars .. den kept disturb him and ....... lol !! haiya this son alot of attractions one .. we rest at a shelter place and started camwhoring . haas . and first time me and son took pic tgt . haas . shyshy . den evening zoo close le , eileen's guy came and fetch her , shun bian fetch us to lot 1 lurhs .. den on the way they tot of gg fish prawn .. haas .. so excited . cos nv fish prawns before .. so waited for clariss to cum cos she mitin us ..
so we alighted and was deciding what to eat , so i say , " wendy , our favourite ~ " *winks* den she noe what ler .. LJS ! haas . den go buy food all tat .. was damn full and cos of sum reasons i didnt finish up my food . haas . hor hor wendy .. cos she kept looking .. lalalalas . aft tat we slacked awhile , and bus-ed to peiwei's hse he go hme take his personal scissors all tat stuffs cos he need to go friend's hse help em cut hair hahas .. but no charge one cos friend friend lars .. too bad he attached le if nt i can intro my darlings to him X= ~ haas . anyway next time if eu girlies wan go jeanyip for ur hair , go tampines one kay ? den ask him cut for u .. haas . he v lihai one .. *smiles* wa so proud to haf a son like him hahaa !!
okay enuf of tat . its ard 11pm+ alrdy and we reached the prawn farm there at jurong bird park there.. on the way cabbed over pw ah can down there chatchat with the cab driver like know v long like dhat .. reached alrdy eileen's mum they all there they damn niceyy ppl lars :D .. funny parents ^^ ~ so we started prawnfishing . den i noob lars.. but hors so happy .. i caught 4 in total can !! wendy oso .. den eileen pro sia .. haas . pw worst ! caught 1 !! haha but he cute lar he v patiently wait .. haas .. den cai-en aft tat joined us .. wendy so paiseh .. hahahahas .
till 4am+ cai-en rode pw back home , ahman fetched us home .. so shiok to haf a car .. soo convenient lars ! and had a very fun day with em ~ *loves*
so the previous day reached home at 5am+ aft prawning .. and this day woke up at 11-12pm so early cann !! *yawns* ~ cos we're gg JB shopping ~ haas . so went to prepare le i meet em at bangkit cos we need to change money there.. aft tat ahman drove us to custom . =.= i need to change foto ! haas . okay i'll try to asap .. anyway ~ we went to one famous hawker place and had 7dishes cann! ohmy .. *faints . cos ahman he ordered and ordered for us , and damn full .. but is yummy one lars ~ and he even treated us . :) but me and wendy ps lar so we wanna pay him he dun wan .. haas .
aft tat went to further in JB .. forgot what shopping mall ler .. bought a cute hp accessory tgt with wendy ~ and i bought la pi xiao xin for my bro :D . cos he ah likes to watch ma. i good sis right ? :PP . den they two go take the neoprint is couple take den will haf ur future baby face out one .. damn cute ..
hopped onto his car and go another shopping mall .. i went there once before .. and bought a suspender shorts tgt with wendy ! haas we all bought alot of same stuffs sia .. and a pair of black ribbon heel pumps for our performance .. and i also bought a loreal cleansing milk for makeup remover..
den he brought us go dou feng .. ride ard .. so shiok lar .. den eileen go help him move the steering wheel summore . wa piang haha . abit scary but fun lar hahas .. den evening + we reached SG and he fetched us home .. :) at first eileen still wan go eat supper ltr on BUT .. haas we damn tired le ~ ..
and .. this day . damn suay my hp dropped into toilet bowl ~ luckily the toilet bowl is clean one kay . so i use sumting to scoop it up . total sian diao liao .. *faints . and at night me wendy and son conference at my spare fone ..
my miaotiao called me and i told her abt my fone .. so she suggested go service with me .. so okayy i go prepare den mit her go woodlands and aft tat to JE .. sian diao burn hole in pocket .. haas . nvm ~ as long as my hp okay tats okay alrdy .. cos i'm too dependant on it alrdy .. the camera .. haas . felt so weird without it .. =/

den she intro me the meesiam yummy sia ~ haas. luckily whole day nv eat except for tat :) ~ aft tat we walked to IMM cos dun wan so early go home .. singsing on the way ~ lalalalas ~ we even go haf dessert sia !! ohmy .. aft tat walked ard i saw sumone .. haiyoo i faster ask her turn another way walk .. haas . den go Daiso play . LOL ! i saw a damn keai de small small umbrella .. transparent .. i go buy ! hahas . den i kept choosing cos alot of types and colours.. in the end decided to get a yellow one :) cos unique ma .. den eileen down there luffin madly cos i say cannot choose those antenna got metal one ltr kena lightning . LOL .

she so careless sia her knee kena cut by sumting .. den bleed till so what !! so much BLOOODDDDDDDDDD !! o.O ~ went to washroom and when we came out gt sum guys ard 20+ down there .. " not bad.. quite cute de ma ..... eh xiaomeimei ... ! " we heard liao we walked damn fast .. den i told her i shud haf turned back and said " xiexie i noe we re cute .. *rolls eyes* " . LOL . haha okay lar not so buay bah . lalalalas .

reached home my show ended le . damn . i missed alot of episodes le .
met up my miao tiao go shopping .. den aft tat go alter my clothes.. den did pedicure all of a sudden wanna do .. niceniceyy :) *loves* . purple nails with rose designs .. but cos i wore covered shoes so need to wait damn long for em to dry .. den eileen like waited damn long le wan die liao haas . so aft tat cos of the nails i go buy a pair of suitable opened toes sandals for em .. polkadotted , and its purple prettaye :) and bought alot of stuffs sia . i withdrew 100+ . all spent . LOL spendthrift i know .. whole of the day , bought two graphic tops , 1grey dress , two pairs sandals[ltr on i saw one prettaye so i buy again] =.="

rose ..
den my miaotiao angry cos .. haas . but i think she alright le lar .. i first time see her soo fierce.. and she walked damn fast . my legs so painful .. she cute lar walk so fast le den return back to wait for me cos she rmmbr i still with her .. haas .

den 9+ go mit jon watch movie : MY WIFE IS A GANGSTER 3 . we were late ! :P actually is i late lars .. den the movie quite funny eh .. alot of ppl say .. but for me okokay lars haas .. cos i seldom luff during movies one dunno why .. maybe i always think alot one hahas .. like e.g the shuqi go beat the gangsters all at a go , everyone luff i will think .. " wa they damn painful one .. " LOL ! and i definitely cry if sad scene. ! hahas . aft tat acc him go eat and we took NR3 go back home ..

waited damn long . LOL ! cos we missed 2 buses of NR3 cann ! waa .. haas . cos when the NR3 came , the driver i tink tot no-one wanna board so drove off .. idiot sia so waited again same thing happen ! wa piang .. den waited lo .. aft tat sat the 3rd one go one round den back panjang and he sent me home alrdy ..

TATA ! tats all ! lack of pics ~ the rest in my hp ! haas .
ch is starting tml ! which means early wake up !! aww .. but oso means i can get to see my darlings again !! aww miss em so much didnt go out with em at all during hols ! :(
tc !
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