while i was watching whywhylove ,
realised there's a BIGG moth in my room!
i ran for my life !! nearly burst out crying -.-
cos i'm super afraid of flying creatures/insects .
and worst its 3am and i don't want to wake my parents up .
in the end , i pick up my courage and go find a broom in the store ,
try to make it fly ~ in the end it flew out to the living room .
and i SHUT my door tight . phew* and i'm sweating like hell nw .
i settled it in 30min @.@ my struggle with a moth .
i swear it is the BIGGEST MOTH i've ever seen in my life .
ღ MIN : biatch~ don't be upset!!
i'm jus a fone cor away . i'll be there *winks
ღ PEIPEI : ello! new friend!
ღ WEI : okie *smiles*
ღ PING : darling~ cos i nid to celeb bday tat day!
another day kay ? paiseh .
ღ TINKLE : hi tinkle! hw are u ? i'm fine . cya ard soon~
ღ LIN : okay okay blogged ler ! :D
ღ QISHAN : yes ? my 73!!
ღ EMA : NP ! small case ma (:
alright . i was plain lazy ytd . haha .
slept for 3hours+ only !! X.X
am on the phone now with WENDY , chat slack ..
ytd night had somesort of party thingy gg ard in JE .
cos its CONGMING's bday celebration .
there're alot of kbox ppl came while we're wrking ..
was surprised to see GUOWEN ! haha .
because i didn't see him for so long alrdy ~
well he's still the same , and disiao me . LOLS . and i think he sehseh liao ~
ADE came too , but she left earlier cos she's got wrk the following morning.
and ytd's wrk is damn SIAN . i'm at blue , and there has got so lil rooms .
ytd's sales also not good ba , cos i like running about busying .
hahahahahhaa . then had great laughs down there cos of JACK .
he kept disturbing NELSON say he's niangniang boy or what one .
wa can't stand sia hahas . guy touch guy .. hankypanky ~ LOLS .
then i say ltr i tell adeline .. hahaha .
nth to do , me and jack taking pics .
but cos the lighting there not good so wanna ltr take one .
in the end he was like sehseh liao aft the drinking and he went back early .
during wrk halfway i was quite mad . i mean in terms of angry .
i don't know why i just can't stand ppl who bullies ,
who shouts at another angrily cos of a teenyweeny thingy
and the next moment laughs with other ppl ..
i wanted to directly say liao , but then think about it .
suan le lar , better don't get into any troubles this year .
No fret , i'm not the victim lar (:
so aft our wrk we went to other rooms ..
sing sing . LIFANG suggested gg other room sing .
so we both go and singsingsing . hahas .

then midway SHARON came and sing S.H.E songs with me :D
soooo nice singing with her ~ too bad she's leaving . aww =/
missssssssssssssssssssss her lar . finally pic-ed with her :D

left at 7.30am . wows .
i sang till no voice alrdy . so damn tiring .
waited for the bus , 176 came liao . but i didn't board .
AND I CABBED HOME just cos i'm too tired .
and its the peak hour . so extra buckaroos paid =.="
OKAY , back to WENDY's bday !

got myself prepared and met wendy and eileen ng at my hse nearby ..
i think its been quite long i last seen her lar (:
Candy Empire-d as usual , got what i wanted . happy .
coincidentally met dao the two lovebirds . hahahahas .
my lover ! how come she is having an affair behind me !! @.@
LOL . VIVIEN and CHEEYONG ! idiot CY still want act don't know us .
disturb disturb awhile we went diff ways ..

and went up fountain there to take pics .
guess who we met ? SHIHUI and FARUQ her guy .

chitchat awhile , with the catching up ..
realised wendy needs to rush home for her dinner celebration .
acc-ed her to taxi stand , then we walked back .

PET SAFARI , the dogs are sooooooo keai
but i can't get them ! cos mum don't allow X.X
i'm sure when i'm married i sure will get one for myself .
a small one (:
there's a shop , selling many cartoonic stuffs and things related .
saw many many MARIOS and mushrooms .
whenever i see i'll thought of my son . hahahahhaa .
cos he everytime kept niam mushroom to me . LOL .
so i got him a small mario . there's a LARGE one down there -.-

wa raooooooooooooo .
actually wanna get that soft toy .
BUT its the last piece and its abit torn at its legs !
so damn cute lar ~ its like jumping one lor .

then slacked outside with sh joining us .
wanna slim damn badly cann!! ? hahas .
time to meet them up at town , and saw ISKANDA !
hugged him* hahas . he was smoking down there ,
coincidentally his friend beside is our senior in WS .

so me and eileen drop off at dhobygaut , pretzel-ed and walked to cine .
then saw familiar faces at heeren . aft that meet up C.P.W .
slacked awhile wendy reached liao .. got her a surprise .
a prettaye cookie heartie + small cookies ..

looks super yummy* she kept emphasizing that she's v. gandong .
slacked at LJS awhile , peiwei's friend joined us .
he looks so emo-ish hahahahaha they kept jkingly disiao-ing him .
his IC really doesn't look like the way he's now .
should have took his pic down hahahahhaa .
caught ROUGE ASSASIN . lol ~
rao one big circle they still chose the rouge assasin in the end .
saw pw's ex . she looks cute , like tweetybird .
then they go find their friends to smoke first ,
acc-ed eileen to taxi stand and we walked back .
cine loads of ppl , saw friends' friends but i nv bother to say hi X=
realised its been very long i last hang out late over there .
and all the dressing is the same lar . i think its SO NOT unique .
i mean , need not that unique lar but at least you're not wearing the same as others .
it's just

both of our hps went DEAD . shucks*
and we were like separated from em lar , go downstairs find em .
they alrdy went up , luckily we met them "coincidentally" outside the washroom .
that's so lucky of us , cos we don't even know which theatre as the tix were with em .
the movie alrdy started a lil , ppl killed .
we're laughing =.=" LOL the way they died .
actually i thought it was boring , sista dozing off .
i contd watching and realised its quite thrilling .
but its damn disgusting lar cos normally kill ppl just kill ma ,
still show us how he stabbed through the FLESH all that ..
yikes. no wonder M18 show . anyway quite nice lar hahahaha .
cabbed home . so tired ..
aft that then knew what happened and why his ex was over there .
and we both didn't know that they, cos of him
go and buy the same movie as us[last min] , sitting infront of us ! ohmy *
haiyo girl , why bother to rekindle love that's not existing there anymore ?
and for guys .. they really don't know how to reject .
that's something they should change ,
or they're just giving females false hopes .

sister said that she's very touched for the
2376284963894623894 umpteen times ! :D hahahahas .
hope she enjoy her bday ah ^^
damn this world has so many eileen[s] ! :D
LOL . thru MIN , a new friend : EILEEN LOW TING TING
*WAVES* she's a nice girl (:
i think all she does is just go shopping with me that's ALL .

i'm getting a corset top for myself :D
sooooooooooooooo prettaye (:
* i slept halfway , leaving this left down here ,
and now its 9.45pm alrdy *
i bet i can't slp ltr , too much slp today !
contd watching awhile and we planned to be on the fone till morning (:
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