isnt it over the line?

been almost a wk that i've last blog ! everytime i wanted to blog , i felt so lazy .. bleah . but i decided to blog today and RANT ! argh . shall elaborate later on then .
can't remember what exactly happened for last wk's school already. anyway as requested by vivi :D , thurs there's a BIG BEETLE struggling as it's flipped over in our smart room com class . and our PIE teacher is sooo AFRAID !! i wonder why so many girls nowadays ain't afraid of COCKROACHES ! eek ! i'm super afraid can ! esp FLYING FUGLY ONES ! hahahaha . and idiotic joshua go flip the beetle back to let it move . yucks . in the end gary saved our day with the broom and dustpan . so damn big can ! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

thurs during lunch , entertainment center . went up to kbox to get the hero door hook thingy . then kobayashi-ed . so in love with kimchi food nowadays :D

fri , mr sunny chow taught us law . hahahas . told us his experiences of how he's got his deserved customers rights by going court etc .. he's so cool ! my idol sia! LOL . Better watch our mouth then , with merely 20buckaroos , you can bring a small matter up to the subordinate court.

Me , wendy and cy brunched at Swensens aft sch . my set doesn't look like what it is in the menu and the potatoes replacing the fries doesn't looke enticing and delicious as it stated down there fries and vegetables . So we asked why is this so and under influence of mr chow we decided to get back my customer rights . hahahas . asked to see the captain because the staff do not want to change for me and he immediately volunteered to change it .

In the end i am a happy customer then :) wendy was too famished that she starting eating already so hers remain the ame as we were paiseh-ed to have it change too la ..

after that giant -.- alright it is due to our PIE group work about x'mas party . we hafta find info on the prices of the bbq stuffs all that . and we took everything we saw into the trolley and went around . damn funny cos EVERY single thing i can crap and link it related to the chalet that we need to buy .. like e.g bolster , pillow , pads , toilet roll , electric fan , massager chair , cat food etc etc ! can't remember alrdy but its every single thing i see ! hahahahas . then we were saying if every of that we've to buy we need thousands of $ already ! :P
worn out after those madness of laughing all that . in the end we hafta put back the nonsensical stuffs we took . bleah xP . and went out of Giant empty handed -.- ~ went over to entertainment to check out prices again . then stroll ard and headed home aft that . LOLS . i hate chasing after buses . yikes . so tired ..
reached home during evening time. slacked and fagged . then wendy told me we need to finish our project . hais no choice . bathed and went over to cck to meet her and headed to oliver's place . then we 4 did our project discussions all that . Had supper halfway downstairs with his friend joining us . aft the whole night , realised the world is so small . hahahas . his friend work kbox before , and i think i saw him before at cine . then chatted and fagged . watched Haunted School till i slept zzz . i mean we slept -.- ~ then went back room and slept till morning . woke up slack awhile and cabbed home to bathe and go for work .
Sat and Sun had two nice beautiful days working . i love working with my work girlies cos they made me smile like always (: Gossiping and bitching took place . got my loreal volume shocking mascara and it's great la :) Sat stayed back aft work as usual and sang with em till i reached home at 12am+ .. damn tiring cann . after my bath i pounced on my bed and had a nice beauty slp~ Sunday i hafta wake up early cos dad's bringing me over to get my new phone . W910i's red is out of stock , thus dad paid first and i've to go back again after they ring me up to get my phone . i can't wait ! hahas . Dad says i made use of this opportunity to scam him cos in total he paid $800+ for the phone plus stuffs like sim card and etc accessories . Weee ~ i'm so looking forward to our outlet christmas party ! and on x'mas night we'll be given poppers to play with the customers and cute x'mas hat !! :D

I wanna let it out . What's wrong with you ? Friends care for you that's why they're concerned whether did you mis-use your money on those unneccessary stuffs resulting you to be always complaining of being BROKE , and all we got back is your sarcasm . If you want to spend your money like that , then don't COMPLAIN and borrow money from your friend ! Even if you've got your car license , it doesn't mean you can get a car so easily huh ? So why is there someone so damn proud to announce that he'll be different from us as he'll be in his vehicle ?
Oh please , lest spare a thought for other beings , don't be so self-centered . Ask everyone around , if you just got a bike license(or rather you still have NOT even attain one) , immediately you want to get car license , who will agree ? So don't ASSUME that everyone think that it's logical . sorry NOPE .
We don't encourage you to get a car license for the moment now is because you basically have no control over your money and you haven't even got your bike license yet ! What's with that insult to your friends of having an "immature thinking" ? Does maturity got to do with having a car ? I don't encourage the idea of having two licenses now is because i find it unrealistic at all . So why can't you think about why people told you all that ? And your " so you mean you all got bra no need panty anymore la ? "
Oh It's totally NO-LINK !
What has it got to do with lingerie ? i mean using that as an example is totally out of the question too ! Lingerie is a need , not a want . Of cos we need both necessary , if you've got no bra , den your neh become laolao liao la -.-" .. LOL . and what mature ppl eat in school ? Where is the logic down there ? You don't know what you're talking seriously . Don't always try to flaunt your english , thinking that yours are so wow wow perfect all that stuffs . Your english is just above average due to your family background . There will always be someone better .
And please , don't mention maturity when you yourself can't prove any single bit that you're mature in any way . Your actions and the way you speak especially . Sad to say , almost every of your behaviour look like a kid . A mature teenager wouldn't criticise everybody especially fat girls and malays who walked by , he wouldn't even need to be REMINDED to go to school everyday but still despite the countless reminders , still failed to attend and came up with different excuses to cover up your absence . People doing group work , you are either sleeping or playing .
Hopeless . shakeshead* i don't know why i'm so angry over your stupidity , and it totally spoilt my day . i've decided to STOP caring for friends like you already . It doesn't pay . The rest don't say it out right infront of you what they're unhappy doesn't mean i DON'T . i speak what's on my mind , i don't show a smiley face and talk to you when i'm angry , so i don't care whether you're happy with what i say or you don't .
Yes , we can have happy times together but think twice before you open your mouth .

anyway , i've got two new adverts again !
Nike Charity Run and Enchanted !
Press press :D
oh oh ~ for the enchanted i'll still yet to watch !
and it looks fascinating + ppl kept telling me its NICE !!
aww aww . i need to spare some free time please !
will update when i've got loads to talk about again :D
remember to visit my advertisements !
school tomorrow . teevee for now .
that's all folks .

been almost a wk that i've last blog ! everytime i wanted to blog , i felt so lazy .. bleah . but i decided to blog today and RANT ! argh . shall elaborate later on then .
can't remember what exactly happened for last wk's school already. anyway as requested by vivi :D , thurs there's a BIG BEETLE struggling as it's flipped over in our smart room com class . and our PIE teacher is sooo AFRAID !! i wonder why so many girls nowadays ain't afraid of COCKROACHES ! eek ! i'm super afraid can ! esp FLYING FUGLY ONES ! hahahaha . and idiotic joshua go flip the beetle back to let it move . yucks . in the end gary saved our day with the broom and dustpan . so damn big can ! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

thurs during lunch , entertainment center . went up to kbox to get the hero door hook thingy . then kobayashi-ed . so in love with kimchi food nowadays :D

fri , mr sunny chow taught us law . hahahas . told us his experiences of how he's got his deserved customers rights by going court etc .. he's so cool ! my idol sia! LOL . Better watch our mouth then , with merely 20buckaroos , you can bring a small matter up to the subordinate court.

Me , wendy and cy brunched at Swensens aft sch . my set doesn't look like what it is in the menu and the potatoes replacing the fries doesn't looke enticing and delicious as it stated down there fries and vegetables . So we asked why is this so and under influence of mr chow we decided to get back my customer rights . hahahas . asked to see the captain because the staff do not want to change for me and he immediately volunteered to change it .

In the end i am a happy customer then :) wendy was too famished that she starting eating already so hers remain the ame as we were paiseh-ed to have it change too la ..

after that giant -.- alright it is due to our PIE group work about x'mas party . we hafta find info on the prices of the bbq stuffs all that . and we took everything we saw into the trolley and went around . damn funny cos EVERY single thing i can crap and link it related to the chalet that we need to buy .. like e.g bolster , pillow , pads , toilet roll , electric fan , massager chair , cat food etc etc ! can't remember alrdy but its every single thing i see ! hahahahas . then we were saying if every of that we've to buy we need thousands of $ already ! :P
worn out after those madness of laughing all that . in the end we hafta put back the nonsensical stuffs we took . bleah xP . and went out of Giant empty handed -.- ~ went over to entertainment to check out prices again . then stroll ard and headed home aft that . LOLS . i hate chasing after buses . yikes . so tired ..
reached home during evening time. slacked and fagged . then wendy told me we need to finish our project . hais no choice . bathed and went over to cck to meet her and headed to oliver's place . then we 4 did our project discussions all that . Had supper halfway downstairs with his friend joining us . aft the whole night , realised the world is so small . hahahas . his friend work kbox before , and i think i saw him before at cine . then chatted and fagged . watched Haunted School till i slept zzz . i mean we slept -.- ~ then went back room and slept till morning . woke up slack awhile and cabbed home to bathe and go for work .
Sat and Sun had two nice beautiful days working . i love working with my work girlies cos they made me smile like always (: Gossiping and bitching took place . got my loreal volume shocking mascara and it's great la :) Sat stayed back aft work as usual and sang with em till i reached home at 12am+ .. damn tiring cann . after my bath i pounced on my bed and had a nice beauty slp~ Sunday i hafta wake up early cos dad's bringing me over to get my new phone . W910i's red is out of stock , thus dad paid first and i've to go back again after they ring me up to get my phone . i can't wait ! hahas . Dad says i made use of this opportunity to scam him cos in total he paid $800+ for the phone plus stuffs like sim card and etc accessories . Weee ~ i'm so looking forward to our outlet christmas party ! and on x'mas night we'll be given poppers to play with the customers and cute x'mas hat !! :D

I wanna let it out . What's wrong with you ? Friends care for you that's why they're concerned whether did you mis-use your money on those unneccessary stuffs resulting you to be always complaining of being BROKE , and all we got back is your sarcasm . If you want to spend your money like that , then don't COMPLAIN and borrow money from your friend ! Even if you've got your car license , it doesn't mean you can get a car so easily huh ? So why is there someone so damn proud to announce that he'll be different from us as he'll be in his vehicle ?
Oh please , lest spare a thought for other beings , don't be so self-centered . Ask everyone around , if you just got a bike license(or rather you still have NOT even attain one) , immediately you want to get car license , who will agree ? So don't ASSUME that everyone think that it's logical . sorry NOPE .
We don't encourage you to get a car license for the moment now is because you basically have no control over your money and you haven't even got your bike license yet ! What's with that insult to your friends of having an "immature thinking" ? Does maturity got to do with having a car ? I don't encourage the idea of having two licenses now is because i find it unrealistic at all . So why can't you think about why people told you all that ? And your " so you mean you all got bra no need panty anymore la ? "
Oh It's totally NO-LINK !
What has it got to do with lingerie ? i mean using that as an example is totally out of the question too ! Lingerie is a need , not a want . Of cos we need both necessary , if you've got no bra , den your neh become laolao liao la -.-" .. LOL . and what mature ppl eat in school ? Where is the logic down there ? You don't know what you're talking seriously . Don't always try to flaunt your english , thinking that yours are so wow wow perfect all that stuffs . Your english is just above average due to your family background . There will always be someone better .
And please , don't mention maturity when you yourself can't prove any single bit that you're mature in any way . Your actions and the way you speak especially . Sad to say , almost every of your behaviour look like a kid . A mature teenager wouldn't criticise everybody especially fat girls and malays who walked by , he wouldn't even need to be REMINDED to go to school everyday but still despite the countless reminders , still failed to attend and came up with different excuses to cover up your absence . People doing group work , you are either sleeping or playing .
Hopeless . shakeshead* i don't know why i'm so angry over your stupidity , and it totally spoilt my day . i've decided to STOP caring for friends like you already . It doesn't pay . The rest don't say it out right infront of you what they're unhappy doesn't mean i DON'T . i speak what's on my mind , i don't show a smiley face and talk to you when i'm angry , so i don't care whether you're happy with what i say or you don't .
Yes , we can have happy times together but think twice before you open your mouth .

anyway , i've got two new adverts again !
Nike Charity Run and Enchanted !
Press press :D
oh oh ~ for the enchanted i'll still yet to watch !
and it looks fascinating + ppl kept telling me its NICE !!
aww aww . i need to spare some free time please !
will update when i've got loads to talk about again :D
remember to visit my advertisements !
school tomorrow . teevee for now .
that's all folks .
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