[the below was drafted some time ago]
SA - SK.
you know, i used to dislike LPK when she first replaced Malcolm and came to our class to be our Class Advisor. i remember i used to be the "opposition party", doing things opposing her, bad attitude and rude behaviour and etc(i regretted). however after getting to know her better as days went by, i realised that she's one great superb wonderwoman that i'll never ever forget, encraved in our hearts the things she did for us etc. our class was rebellious, naughty, and whatever you call it. mass absent rates and punctuality fell to the rock bottom, yet she did not give up hope on us. though she always nags(haha), but i know "it's all for our own good". frequently, she gets "bullied" by us and she just laugh it over. haha. what a cute lady. and we always bring FOOD, DRINKS up to class as what she said. "we're having a picnic". in other classes, can we do that? NO.
i salute her for everything she has done for us, really. (:
my birthday was 10 days after the 1st day of school. they prepared a surprise cake and such like singing birthday song in the canteen and i swear i'm so shy. will never forget that cos i'm really very touched seriously. first came to class with wendy. get to know gary, sengying, boon etc. i remember that on the 2nd day or something, we + iskandar went over to batok mac for some chilling. haha. gary had tissue papers storage in his bag and ahboon always joke till we can really laughed like there's no tomorrow. but few months later we like drifted and were not as close already. that was sad okay. but towards our graduation everyone did had their part of fun (:
then following by, oliver and cheeyong. i used to have a bad impression on oli cos during one of the first few days of school, he borrowed a pen from me to sign his name, use alr and flank it on the table(ya unintentionally). kanasai. i was so stunned O.O hahaha. will never forget those periods of enjoyable times when we cab here and there. clementi pizza hut regulars etc. and then in the midde though something happened, but the good memories remain unchanged. and after wendy quitted school, joined the girls. and later on this year some stuffs happened and such, till i have no idea whose words to believe, whose words are true etc. great dilemma and realisation of so many things. well the unhappiness's over (:
ironically as graduation is nearing, get to be closer with many classmates and i heart atiqah, azimah and munirah so much okay :D . especially atiqah my great darling, she was once my "ranting machine" haha and she'll always disturb me and vice versa ! love you and will miss you so much my dear ! i do not need to restrict myself and i can simply just tell her everything, and anything. azimah will always "EKSYEN" on msn with me, hahaha. just like yesterday when i was still online in the wee hours, she say i eksyen(action) cos i haven't sleep LOL ! this "EKSYEN" girl !! :D and munirah is "NEHNEK" am i right? "HAIRP" ~ let's go for some ice-cream again next time ~ *winks*
and not forgetting, the 4 babes whom we went to cambodia with. seri, ila(maomao), farah and shikin ! spell fun only (: ohya ~ and sharona ! she's though quiet but a nice girl, also accompanied to wait for my buyers for like, 2 hours while we lunch etc? we'll chill out once in awhile at BPP since we live so near each other (;
and lastly my girls. vivie, tiff, yun and shan. always cabbing to IMM to and fro during our lunch break. long john, mos burgers, macdonalds. a big change in our group earlier this year.
and cambodia trip with vivie, i really enjoyed being with her.
xiaohuang. haha, did jumpshots beside the pool, laughed heartily.
bathed w/o locking our bathroom door cos i'm afraid.
and munchings of titbits and more titbits.
running halfway while shopping when we were late and everyone's waiting for us in the coach.
+ desaru trip with yun and tiffy (:
ohya! and the F1 job.
a pity yun didn't join us down the sea for the dope jet-skiing and bananaboat-ing.
i'll miss you all calling me " JOLIN TSAI YI LING " OKAY !!
mwahahaha :P
meet up at least once in awhile and don't ever forget me okay?
haha. see you all soon at my bday celebration (:
all these are the kind of memories we would have when we are young,
and when we grow old, these are the memories we would always hold on to.

so nolstagic.
Chanel's Spring/Summer 2009 Essential Handbag
have you seen this chanel bag?
looks like a paper shopper bag right?
but it's made of leather and it's a handbag,
can't believe it heh?
think it's not an easy task to get a piece of leather that large to be that smooth and also have the crisp corners and creasing of a thick-paper shopping bag.
and this.
Gucci Cruiser Bicycle
a whopping $6365 USDollars haha.
was on msn chatting from last evening til 11 in the morning today.
lols. 16 hours. + webcam. of course i cheated, because i dont have a webcam :X
anyway, my phone sucks big time okay.
ahhhh argh ! felt so irritated with it.
gonna get a new phone asap ~ :(
it's the 3rd phone i've changed this year.
iphone? hmm or any touchscreen phones to intro?
WS, sorry for ditching you on prawn fishing tonight.
am sooooo feeling not very well due to my flu.
meet up soon (:
i want a pink vespa "toot toot" :)
bike license tempting heh, for this cutie.
realised i have lots of drafts waiting to be posted.
shall make some time out.
received lots of ques asking what do i want for my bday.
I'M ALLERGIC TO EM BTW, skin allergy towards fluffy stuffies.
20 yr old alr (:
(other than the gold hello kitty mahjong set haha cos its mahjong)
hmm. something i can use can alr.
aye. it's actually the thoughts that count lah.
hahaha. even if you all give me stuffs i dont like i'll also keep it :D
realistic :X
it's a pity that my NS good friends cant attend my bday cos they will be overseas.
sigh how sad :(
but they said they will give me a big prezzies each !
hoho ! :D
so sweet, yet not.
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