actually its ytd lars but i'm darn lazy to blog ytd i just don't know why .. ahh hahas . during lunch break me and wendy took out the cake out[luckily one kind hearted stall vendor lent us their fridge] and while lighting the candles before walking over the candles kept blowing off ! LOL . and the cake is super YUMMY lars ! :D so was VERY full after eating 1piece . hahaas . we asked laopo to finish eating the rest :PP !

ytd was a peaceful day lars nth much really happen , joshua's foolish acts as usual . used to it alrdy , i imagine we still hafta be classmates like .. for 2yrs and its only the 1st month[to be exact today 16th] only ~ and i video-ed down the funny video boon gary they all chased him like wad sia . and the face of tat AMANDA . lol .

this is boon in blue . HE ACT camera shy lars . beside him in red is akba .
he's damn funny . funniest guy i've ever seen . ultimate alrdy ~!
every single wrd we say or commented , he gt alot of things to say!
BOON ! see this liao pls tag ur comments in my board x= eu re famous now!

JO !!! my you mao de ! hahaa x=
she's sooo cute[like penguin] in akba's oversized sweater lars !
talking about today , i think i'm darn suay nowadays . MUM out of nth woke me up an hour earlier den my alarm tat i set and i BLURBLUR wake up i tot i late liao still rush bathe all tat lo . no wonder when i'm in the bus i felt so giddy .. so when i reached sch i tot its alrdy 10am .. but its 9AM okay!! argh . den gary and seng they all still at clementi onli wa i damn sian cos everybody haven reach sch .. luckily got rui acc me chat on phone hahas .

this is shaoteng . he's very bu jian dan x= .
haha .
was very tired for the whole of today . the weather damn dry lars making me dehydrate sia ~ i hate summer ! BFD test today i anihow crap inside the essay questions .. den we all get abit of answers here and there frm cheeyong x= . felt v guilty lars should have studied but really no time to study cos previous night i was at dear's place and reached hme at 11pm+ .. i was playin my psp[ my puzzle bobble lvl 100+ alrdy ! x= ] and i nv listen to wad YVONNE actually taught for the new chap for AFD .. eventually slept during accounts lessons . OFA was very fun for me lars i think i can only score in OFA ~ hahas . and i finished doin the assignments lerhs :DDDDDDDDDDDD .
talking about SUAY . during lunch break we went to central .. my ezlink forgot to topup $ so i put coins .. den i wearing ITE polo the bus driver still insist to check my card and i showed him alrdy he still ask me scan the card ! he tot i wanna cheat him isit ? he dun haf eyes ah i frm sch cum out take bus wearing ite shirt he still wanna check ! KANA WACK sia .. den me and wendy look at each other .. so i just on the spot infront of him aft scannin my card i say , " SHEN JING BING AH , nv see i wear ite shirt isit? kao! " den aft tat we moved to the back he kept looking at me lors ! can dig his eyes out mann . i lodged a complaint against him just now and they told me they'll get back to me. Hope they do if not i'll complain again x= . really cant tahan sia if he nv look at me i wun complain but he kept stare stare like as if my fault like dhat . IDIOT .

so i acc wendy go coffeeshop eat cos mac quite boring hahas . den was so hot lars ~ aft tat wendy suddenly say she dun like to c elderly people esp those very old de .. so i say her .. must RESPECT them[ JING LAO ZUN XIAN ] den STRAIGHT AFT i said tat , an old lady infront of me blocking my way standing there dun move =.= . so i give way to her when wendy remind me of what i said , JING LAO ZUN XIAN ! LOL ! and following by alot of ahmas and ahpeks we met sia block our way ! so qiao de meh ? took bus back to sch alrdy reaching sch gate wanna cross road alrdy gt a lao ah pek driving a SLOWW motor past and we must wait v long for him to drive past before we can cross . again block our way . wa piang .. i think i must go BAIBAI[pray] liao .
aft sch we train-ed back home and i slept till 9pm haas . shiokk . but then now cant slp liao sian . okay larhs i blogged ler . :D
xx.shihui : eu at bugis ah? i onli saw sylvia~ saw me nv call me ! :D
Eunice : sum1 fake his name , he too *POPULAR* mahs x=
when euu cumin my sch visit him again ? LOL ! miss ya!
Pearlyn : yea i saw ya ! haaslets go ksingin tgt sumday *loves*
ting : hahas xiexie ni . wo paiseh le lars :PP
seng : ho seng ying ! eu aint cute or nice okay ! hahas .
SOUYAN : thanks thanks ! :)
celine : no lars not sweet lars hahas . i paiseh liao ..
Mic sis : jie ! miss eu so much ! yeap i received :D thanks !!
Lynn : I miss ya too ! smuacks !!
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