met up gary sis , sengying and wendy at bpp . wells , was late again ! so sorry ~ cos my eyelash went into my eye sial , and i asked mum to help me !!! she ownself don't know how =.= in the end i manage to get that out , and my makeup ruined so re-makeup again . lols . went to town and waited for IS to reach . shopshop , alot of stuffs wanna buy hahas . ~

so when IS finally reached we walked over to paragon to mit up my laopo tiff . she with her girls and aft tat 2 went off left she and her friend with us .. we went up to MUJI to look for ahbooooonnnnn . haas . but hope we nv disturb dao him la .. say bye le went off to cine .. in the first place go out is to watch the 200pounds beauty that movie , okay we are slow kays . but no choice no time watch mahs . and i wanna watch it BADLY lors ~!! its like alot of my friends all cum and tell me very very nice larhs .. making me so envious * ~

cinderella and ME . my sista gary :D .

laopo and me .
wendy oso wanna watch badly sia ~ but then cos my sista gary gt curfew , haas . cant imagine right he gud boy leh .. but then hor face realli don't look like . wahahahhaas . kays so in the end they cant decide hao .. so nv watch le =.= .. took neos . been so long kay since the last i ever took ! hahas . but the neos were quite stupid la .. =.= its ok :D

aft tat queued up at SWENSEN'S for dinner . well , alot of ppl as usual , making us wait and wait .. arghh i hate waiting lahs .. serves me right also cos i always make ppl wait , now i know the feeling liao . hahas . had our meals . yummy ! i ordered my fav chickennn baked rice and fries whilst the rest ordered superbly delicious looking stuffs . :D and aft our meals . desserts up . cos of IS's bday , he had a complimentary treat frm the manager or smeting ..



actually wanted to get a bday cake for him but then he say how to finish ~ haha cos ordered alot of foooddddddddddddddddd . :D and we sang happy birthday song ~ oh there's a guy who sits in the table beside us KEEP on LOOKING AT ME LA ! not i sensitive or what but its the truth la wendy and is oso saw lors . i damn damn pekcek la ~ *DIAOS* i hate ppl looking at me like dhat lahs .. and you know what happen ? when the guy and his friends table's food are here ..

beside wendy de guy . shucks .

pic with a clown , wendy ask me take a pic with him ..
but i'm so afraid la cos i'm afraid he suddenly move ~ haas.
billed and we went to MNG for abit of shopping last min . cos quite late alrdy shops are closing soon ~ immediately i eyed on the formal long sleeve blouse la its like so nice la with those blinkblink stuffs ^^ ~ and i wanted to get a formal top ages ago ~ just that i cant find the one i wanted . den wendy findin the sweater for quite long le ma and she cant decide green or white to buy , while for me i can't decide yellow or black .. BOTH ARE SO NICEYY LAHHHS !!! so in the end i chose black , hope i don't regret lahs .. come to think about it , i don't think i have any yellow tops at all !! perhaps i'll get one ASAP C= !


black .

me and WENDY C=
went to pay for our clothes and WENDY PAID for me this lovely blouse !! HEARTS* HER LOTS LA . she insists to pay as for my bday present ~ waaahhs .i'm so damn paiseh to make her pay for my top lahs .. sum more not cheap oso .. HUGS HER LOTS LAH !! *LOVES* !!! i swear i'm gonna get her a BIGBIG prezzie for her on her bday too ! so shiok la she .. i also wanna work and spend using my own money too . any jobs to recommend huhs ? but i think i might be a lil lazy . haas .


mit ahseng and his two friends at fareast and den aft tat slacked awhile .. they ah xiaodidi la 17yrold onli x= . LOLS helped em buy alcohol at 7-11 there , wa piang the uncle wan to check my IC . haha den he disturbed me say " WA JUST 18ONLI AH hahas " laughs* so i asked him i don't look like 18 ah den he say YA! LOLS . so ltr on gary and tiff they all went back first , me and wendy wanna watch movie ma .. so we and the 3of them walked all the way to cine .. den reached le den dun wan watch . sian diao la ..

me and sengying . he looks si-wen right ? but he's not lor . full of craps . x=
so we go check timeslots first , left 1.30am one cos 11pm+ almost full .. bobian lorhs . sighh . so was deciding where to go all that , they ahh very indecisive oso de duno wan go where .. so go kpool .. they play , i paiseh la dun dare play scarely they pro den ltr malu onli LOLS !

saw HAN YI !! HONEY !! haas. at the kbox receptionist there she the recept for tat day , she still rmmbr me .. call me gongzhu ~ hahahahs . i'm so happy la cos she say MY FACE BECUMS THINNER !!! WAHAHAHAHAHAS . i asked her abt michelle den she say michelle cumin back end of yr ba aft her birth . i wanna c her child sia !! den she asked us wanna sing ma she give good room and price haha but don't wan ba haas . den chatchat while go le .. so me and wendy watched em play , abit sian la hahas but nvm .. so aft tat they 3cabbed home lors me and wendy wanna take the NR but then we realised dun haf sia ~ so cabbed home also .. den mood very sian diao lahs . like v boliao like dhat .. nvm .. haas .
oh ya its been quite sum time i've shown what i online shopped right ? been prettaye busy for stuffs lately that i don't have enuff time to shop ! but nevertheless i still did some shopping :D . will show pics tml or other days den !
today mitup wendy at cck cos i was lazy to take the bus la .. sum more now we've our student pass lerh[so ugly!] so perhaps i'll always take the train le ba .. take train i can sleep 1hour more , take bus sian diao long journey but gud thing is can slp la.. gary waited for us at clementi den go sch tgt .. today lessons were okay~ but i'm so proud of myself la ~ COS .. I MANAGE TO GRASP SUM OF THE ACCOUNTS STUFFS LAHS !! i had no idea of anything at all de lorhs . den gary taught me step by step den i do .. hahas . now i just need to learn the transfer thing which i still don't understand . how i wish i learnt accounts during sec sch , at least i'll have the basics lahs .. he say he take 2yrs to learn LOLS hahahas . BUT MUST SAY THANKS TO HIM LA !! HAHAHAA . or maybe can i request to haf a prettier and younger + voice sweeter derh accounting lecturer ? [:

den mr malcolm's class he take each and everyone of our pics as pic reference for future stuffs etc .. so i was very reluctant to take la bcos i didnt doll up tat day u noe ~ and can you imagine the pic will be very UGLY la!! hahahs so i pleaded him to let me take tml .. but he say very mei liao la =.=" so nvm i had to take .. so i take with a reluctant smile LOL .. very paiseh la cos we take infront of the whole class one hahahas . HENG ah tml can retake again! ^^
for lunch we went outside sch walked to central .. realised our class onli gt 9 chinese girls sial .. haas. den 9of us walked over and aft tat 6of us go coffeeshop eat hahahas . cos mac very sian nth to eat liao + FATTENING ! :D realised time's almost up so we bus-ed back and was abit late la .. so haf the KHOOYY's lessons abt the thinking skills . crap la those stuffs. LAME . hahahas but he's a nice chap . i kip di-siao him and he asked us those late de stay back den tell us next time dun late ah this time he marked us present .. he's gud la hahahahas . so he marked our attendance and i tell him next time must rmmbr our face if not ......

mdm seet lessons . quite okay la i manage to get hold of the techniques all tat .. the typing i lovee lahs cos typing is my strong area wahahahhas .. x= . aft sch wendy acc me to clementi to mit a buyer up and we train-ed back home ! :D .
hmm today ahboon like v emo lehs .. don't know what happen , ask him he say nth .. but i think maybe bad mood ba .. hope he tml return back to the luffin buddha again :)
met up gary sis , sengying and wendy at bpp . wells , was late again ! so sorry ~ cos my eyelash went into my eye sial , and i asked mum to help me !!! she ownself don't know how =.= in the end i manage to get that out , and my makeup ruined so re-makeup again . lols . went to town and waited for IS to reach . shopshop , alot of stuffs wanna buy hahas . ~

so when IS finally reached we walked over to paragon to mit up my laopo tiff . she with her girls and aft tat 2 went off left she and her friend with us .. we went up to MUJI to look for ahbooooonnnnn . haas . but hope we nv disturb dao him la .. say bye le went off to cine .. in the first place go out is to watch the 200pounds beauty that movie , okay we are slow kays . but no choice no time watch mahs . and i wanna watch it BADLY lors ~!! its like alot of my friends all cum and tell me very very nice larhs .. making me so envious * ~

cinderella and ME . my sista gary :D .

laopo and me .
wendy oso wanna watch badly sia ~ but then cos my sista gary gt curfew , haas . cant imagine right he gud boy leh .. but then hor face realli don't look like . wahahahhaas . kays so in the end they cant decide hao .. so nv watch le =.= .. took neos . been so long kay since the last i ever took ! hahas . but the neos were quite stupid la .. =.= its ok :D

aft tat queued up at SWENSEN'S for dinner . well , alot of ppl as usual , making us wait and wait .. arghh i hate waiting lahs .. serves me right also cos i always make ppl wait , now i know the feeling liao . hahas . had our meals . yummy ! i ordered my fav chickennn baked rice and fries whilst the rest ordered superbly delicious looking stuffs . :D and aft our meals . desserts up . cos of IS's bday , he had a complimentary treat frm the manager or smeting ..



actually wanted to get a bday cake for him but then he say how to finish ~ haha cos ordered alot of foooddddddddddddddddd . :D and we sang happy birthday song ~ oh there's a guy who sits in the table beside us KEEP on LOOKING AT ME LA ! not i sensitive or what but its the truth la wendy and is oso saw lors . i damn damn pekcek la ~ *DIAOS* i hate ppl looking at me like dhat lahs .. and you know what happen ? when the guy and his friends table's food are here ..

beside wendy de guy . shucks .

pic with a clown , wendy ask me take a pic with him ..
but i'm so afraid la cos i'm afraid he suddenly move ~ haas.
billed and we went to MNG for abit of shopping last min . cos quite late alrdy shops are closing soon ~ immediately i eyed on the formal long sleeve blouse la its like so nice la with those blinkblink stuffs ^^ ~ and i wanted to get a formal top ages ago ~ just that i cant find the one i wanted . den wendy findin the sweater for quite long le ma and she cant decide green or white to buy , while for me i can't decide yellow or black .. BOTH ARE SO NICEYY LAHHHS !!! so in the end i chose black , hope i don't regret lahs .. come to think about it , i don't think i have any yellow tops at all !! perhaps i'll get one ASAP C= !


black .

me and WENDY C=
went to pay for our clothes and WENDY PAID for me this lovely blouse !! HEARTS* HER LOTS LA . she insists to pay as for my bday present ~ waaahhs .i'm so damn paiseh to make her pay for my top lahs .. sum more not cheap oso .. HUGS HER LOTS LAH !! *LOVES* !!! i swear i'm gonna get her a BIGBIG prezzie for her on her bday too ! so shiok la she .. i also wanna work and spend using my own money too . any jobs to recommend huhs ? but i think i might be a lil lazy . haas .


mit ahseng and his two friends at fareast and den aft tat slacked awhile .. they ah xiaodidi la 17yrold onli x= . LOLS helped em buy alcohol at 7-11 there , wa piang the uncle wan to check my IC . haha den he disturbed me say " WA JUST 18ONLI AH hahas " laughs* so i asked him i don't look like 18 ah den he say YA! LOLS . so ltr on gary and tiff they all went back first , me and wendy wanna watch movie ma .. so we and the 3of them walked all the way to cine .. den reached le den dun wan watch . sian diao la ..

me and sengying . he looks si-wen right ? but he's not lor . full of craps . x=
so we go check timeslots first , left 1.30am one cos 11pm+ almost full .. bobian lorhs . sighh . so was deciding where to go all that , they ahh very indecisive oso de duno wan go where .. so go kpool .. they play , i paiseh la dun dare play scarely they pro den ltr malu onli LOLS !

saw HAN YI !! HONEY !! haas. at the kbox receptionist there she the recept for tat day , she still rmmbr me .. call me gongzhu ~ hahahahs . i'm so happy la cos she say MY FACE BECUMS THINNER !!! WAHAHAHAHAHAS . i asked her abt michelle den she say michelle cumin back end of yr ba aft her birth . i wanna c her child sia !! den she asked us wanna sing ma she give good room and price haha but don't wan ba haas . den chatchat while go le .. so me and wendy watched em play , abit sian la hahas but nvm .. so aft tat they 3cabbed home lors me and wendy wanna take the NR but then we realised dun haf sia ~ so cabbed home also .. den mood very sian diao lahs . like v boliao like dhat .. nvm .. haas .
oh ya its been quite sum time i've shown what i online shopped right ? been prettaye busy for stuffs lately that i don't have enuff time to shop ! but nevertheless i still did some shopping :D . will show pics tml or other days den !
today mitup wendy at cck cos i was lazy to take the bus la .. sum more now we've our student pass lerh[so ugly!] so perhaps i'll always take the train le ba .. take train i can sleep 1hour more , take bus sian diao long journey but gud thing is can slp la.. gary waited for us at clementi den go sch tgt .. today lessons were okay~ but i'm so proud of myself la ~ COS .. I MANAGE TO GRASP SUM OF THE ACCOUNTS STUFFS LAHS !! i had no idea of anything at all de lorhs . den gary taught me step by step den i do .. hahas . now i just need to learn the transfer thing which i still don't understand . how i wish i learnt accounts during sec sch , at least i'll have the basics lahs .. he say he take 2yrs to learn LOLS hahahas . BUT MUST SAY THANKS TO HIM LA !! HAHAHAA . or maybe can i request to haf a prettier and younger + voice sweeter derh accounting lecturer ? [:

den mr malcolm's class he take each and everyone of our pics as pic reference for future stuffs etc .. so i was very reluctant to take la bcos i didnt doll up tat day u noe ~ and can you imagine the pic will be very UGLY la!! hahahs so i pleaded him to let me take tml .. but he say very mei liao la =.=" so nvm i had to take .. so i take with a reluctant smile LOL .. very paiseh la cos we take infront of the whole class one hahahas . HENG ah tml can retake again! ^^
for lunch we went outside sch walked to central .. realised our class onli gt 9 chinese girls sial .. haas. den 9of us walked over and aft tat 6of us go coffeeshop eat hahahas . cos mac very sian nth to eat liao + FATTENING ! :D realised time's almost up so we bus-ed back and was abit late la .. so haf the KHOOYY's lessons abt the thinking skills . crap la those stuffs. LAME . hahahas but he's a nice chap . i kip di-siao him and he asked us those late de stay back den tell us next time dun late ah this time he marked us present .. he's gud la hahahahas . so he marked our attendance and i tell him next time must rmmbr our face if not ......

mdm seet lessons . quite okay la i manage to get hold of the techniques all tat .. the typing i lovee lahs cos typing is my strong area wahahahhas .. x= . aft sch wendy acc me to clementi to mit a buyer up and we train-ed back home ! :D .
hmm today ahboon like v emo lehs .. don't know what happen , ask him he say nth .. but i think maybe bad mood ba .. hope he tml return back to the luffin buddha again :)
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