Finally !
Done with my blog new layout . phew . haas . cos its been sum time i used tat ler so in order not to bore myself and eu guys lars :D isit plain-er now ? my motive is to make it plain lars . haas . *smiles*
ytd night was in conference , but then onli seems like eileen and me kept tokin to each other onli ~ haas . cos she say wan conference so we go call BEE and wan to disturb him LOL ! he also dunno how to 配合 one leh .. den 1 guy cum pick up fone chat with us but we at first dunno who is he , summore is eileen's fren she dun recognise voice one lors ~ wa piang .. lol tat JONATHAN down there "entertaining" us cos eileen always ask him entertain haas .

my eileen sista , dun sad ler ~ cheerup ! don't know how to console ppl .. but just dun be too upset ba .. Everything's gonna be fine mann :)
chatchat till 5-6am+ ba i abit tired ler so go slp first .. den that jonathan ah , halfway go slp nv inform one ~ but at least better den BEE , like pig like dhat slp till so shuang .. LOL slept for 1hr+ woke up ~ but i 赖床 till 8am den wake up , so as usual took 1hr to prepare and left hme at 9 , lessons start at 9 . diao . okay so i go take bus lars so suay bus 跑掉 ! sian lor ! so waited for quite sum time zzz ~
i alrdy in bad mood liao den while i was slpin suddenly gt 3girls boarded and yikyikyakyak nonstop and giggling , mind its GIGGLING kays ! luffing and squeaking like ugly mice .. ewwk . its like everybody is watching them lar cos ours is nt the double bus so its v obvious .. den they still bu hui zi dong . attention seakers . ka pui ! *faint . den i really cannot tahan already cos i wan to SLEEP eu noe ! slp is v impt esp eu haf a loss of slp !! so i just ask em to diam , they v guai la they realli diam sia LOL . and i went back to slp . HAHA :D
and so i missed AFD lesson . LOL ~ aft sch cabbed to JE for lunch , korean food is lovee :D ~ aft tat WOOF went off with his friend to fix his lappy , and OLI acc us go back sch cos he has got nth to do before he go over BPDC for his bike lesson .. and went over to selfaccess room cos still got sum time .. but we forgot about the time =.= ! MOUSE in the room den wendy go disturb him lol .. den me and oli were watching XUBIN's GF , CELESTE CHEN's videos . we luff till like wad sia ~ wa piang . now i noe BLOG oso got VIDEO BLOG one sial ~ pro . she damn pro , more zilian den me . *nodds head* and XUBIN's really handsome though he's a cheena , but he's the most yandao cheena i've seen :) ~

go view her blog ba : http://www.celestechen.com
i think she looks v bitchy to me . no offence . view her VIDEOS . euu'll be amazed by this insane girl ..

and i found the cutie who has a powerful voice :) SHAWN . soo keai . haas.
Oh my 天 ! we didnt attend singing today . aww , actually wanted to go but v PAISEH lar cos so late already, sum more today onli girls nia more cham ah eu go inside ppl will noe eu late ! wanted to ask peeps to help us sign our attendance one but heard the cher look at each of em signin their OWN names. okay lar nvm ..
wanted to buy Guy's uniform euu noe , cos its so comfy ! haas . who cares? 宝宝 ! mon we go buy kay ? *winks ~ i'll buy guy's smallest size LOL . 宝宝!!!! ur DRESS IS OUT OF STOCK !!! sian diao ~ i'll refund euu the payment :) !
Anyway , yesterday lessons were like so free sia .. cos mdm seet went for exam thingy , den Malcolm also haf sumting on so no lessons .. den Jamie oso dunno go where sia in the end whole day onli attended 1accounts lesson . thus early dismissal lors ~ like dis whole wk damn slack de lars ..

我很烦 !! 我要死掉了啦!!
last but not least . i'm so forgetful i wanted to wish her in sch but i've forgotten ~
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