SATURDAY is a great day ! [:
and i got to know a new friend frm eileen,
BOBO is a nicey gal :) *grins

waited for eileen to cum panjang and we're late cos its rainin .
there's this guy standin beside me with his gf[buang one but act chio]
and he kept looking at me lar ! i got eyes i can SEE !
*diao* hate guys who're lyk dat . den the bus suddenly braked .
i dunno is purposely or what lar he "accidentally" touched my hand
cos i holding the pole thing ma ~
i'm darn fustrated lar so i kept starin at him .
wa piang starting of the day met dao this kind of stuff.
dunno is suay or what.
and i'm mitin somebody at 3 at heeren and we reached at 3.20pm aww ~
but met dao her fren BOBO [: ~ she damn cute .
went over cine cos having SWEET TOOTH :P .
in the end nth caught my eye .
wanna go KOBAYASHI-ed .
but craving for LJS . whre is my LJS sista ?? haas .
aft awhile BOBO came joinin us , eileen ask me mind ma ?
of cos i don't mind :D cos i like making friends . hee .
eventually we just met and we tok alot alrdy hahahahas .
everything oso can say .. frm ppl's dressing all tat ..
den behind we both attack eileen !

basically window-shopped today .
browsed thru and nth actually caught my eye .
wanted to purchase THAT button cardi which is soo in trend now .
BUT BUT .. so many ppl is wearing that cann! ?
the whole of today , out of 5 teens .. 1 is wearing .
i kept seeing ppl wearing THAT cardi everywhere !
thus i decided NOT to buy it ~ wise decision huhs ? [:
bobo's family is so damn rich .
i'm darn envious , though i'm not poor .
just above average i think ? haas .
2 maids . hse is big . often goes overseas .
2 cars . own family business ..

got myself ANNA SUI'S LOVE perfume ~ *BEAMING* ~
we walked all the way to plaza sing frm town .
chatting on the way and seems so fast we reached [:
her ex is darn MEAN . i mean darn CHILDISH .
if i've one lyke hers , i'll slap him upside DOWN .

and .. GUMMY GUMMY sweets from MARKS AND SPENCERS is lovee :D
i can spent my everything on sweets cann! :P
wanted to find JELLYBEANIES but dun haf ! sad lar =/

camwhored awhile in the ladies .
soo many ppl inside -_________-"
GUESS's new design of the pink wallet which is sooooooo damn PRETTAYE lar ! when the design of tat bag was released few wks ago ~
before i purchased my this wallet , i asked the salesperson whether will there be any wallet of tat design out and she told me no ..
and i gonna scold tat WOMAN ! now i SO SO REGRET larr !
i loveee that mann . aww .. i gonna GET IT very soon!
eileen acc me back to JE to collect my fone ,
i jus hate takin buses and trains during peak hrs lar !
so idiotic one .. i'm always the one kena squeezed ..
den my poor bag oso acc me shou ku .. so kelian ..
damn tat rainbow top guy . YUCKS bad fashion sense .
somemore dun wanna move so tat ppl can alight .
all the ppl who wanted to alight came squeezing at my side cos of HIM !
so ungentlemanly just snatch for seat when there's empty one .
and i'm down there cursing and cursing .

my fone is alright now . phew*
i miss my camera so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !
but the attitude of the uncle ***** lar .
argh . i'll never go back again ~
after which she sent me to the station and i bought my concession ..
was so noob lar cos first time buying ma . X=
and her dad and sis came to fetch her~
i met dao xq and christine on the mrt !
i sooo miss em lar :) and they complimented me that i've slimmed !
and i no need to slim ler cos no need too skinny not nice ..
haas . and say my slippers damn nicey . :D *smiles*
of cos kay ! got direct import frm tw , sg nv sell de k ?
den tok alot sia ! we damn high lor ! haas .
i sooo excited leh . kept jumpin lyke mad woman :P ~
they ahh . so long i nv go out with em le lor ! bo xim ~ boo !
they even acc me take my lrt train hme sia~ [they live at amk -.-]
hee smuacks :D
ohmytian . i spent 1hr blogging .
cos i nid to rmmbr what i did .. bad memory sia . haas .
pics taken today sarks . LOL ~
and i'm tired now zzz . 3.27am alrdy .
boo ! i'm upset with "somebody" . *whines .
tml i shud be mitin girlfriend :DDDDDDDDDDD
soo looking forward eh .
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