remember what i smsed ya today ~
*winks* and we'll keep this gg for days , months , years and decades !! (;
(of cos not centuries cos we cant live that old X= )
you're one of my sweetest thing , love ya many many !
cos you are too many reasons for me to love ,
i don't need any reason (:
last long with ur hsuan (: . i'll be looking forward to your wedding , and i'll definitely be INVITED TO YOUR WEDDING EH ? if not . i'll burn down ur wedding place !! *smirks*
YOU are LOVE and YOU are LOVED :D
just a random post for today .

anyway , mahjong-ed ytd till early midnight on tues.
YONG , ENGCHIANG , KARHWEE , KUNTHAI , XINHUI(eh , alot of xinhuis oh) . at first i was losing , and xinhui's mom is great! she helped me play and cover back my loss + $2 winning ! hahahahahhaa . she kept hi-5ing with me when she won, one of those damn hyper moms i've seen . i think next time we shant play 20-40 alrdy , should play bigger 40-80 ~ then shiok and exciting ma ;P
now i'm craving for it again [: aft mahjong yong , kh and kt acc-ed me to my hse downstairs . so gentlemanly ah . haas . i insisted that i can go home myself ~ X.X today i'm so deprived of sleep, slept for 4hours only and i started watching the new tw drama 公主小妹 . youtube episode 1 nia . 2THUMBSUP ! ((: so princessy* ohmy . so waiting for more epis to come out asap ! =D
And I need to shop, like seriously seriously. i mean walking about in town etc though i know it gets bored sometimes as SG is way too limited .
Online shopping is fun , but still it lacks something , something that is missing as compared to gg real shopping with darlings. suddenly i realised i haven't been out and as in out shopping or walking aimlessly in town or something for a damn long time. This is getting unhealthy ):
i online-shopped the whole entire day on monday. Got what i wanted . was prettaye satisfied then , but my bank acct burnt a big hole ! That happens pretty much when you have a atm card/internet banking . IB is so convenient cos i can just transfer funds online that i kept transferring X= oppsey! *

greyblack checks dress .

"CAFE" maroon tee .

graphic wrdings tee .

chiffon lady top .

black vest .

jeans shorts .

offshoulder .

orange blouse .

silkscreen bubble dress .
purchased many many . some even for darlings and babes X= .
upload the rest of the other stuffs when i'm free =D
Oh ya ! remembered something . Remember that day when i was returning home aft sista's bday celeb ? I kept having the jap guy's head(in the movie) in my brain . So coincidentally my lift's lights became faulty , and they flickered and flickered when i'm inside . Sounds like a ghost movie eh ? Shivers went down my spine as its the wee hours alrdy and i started mumbering and imagining wildly. i was so afraid that when the lift door opens something will be outside ! Phew ! i dashed out of the lift and ..
RANN !!!!

i guessed i think too much . Bleahh xP i told ppl what happened when i'm the lift and they laughed at me and say i'm silly . :( boo!
i felt irritated when people ask me stupid and irritating questions just to have a chat with me on msn. Yes, i think i dont really like that person, so i told him he's not the one whom i'm interested in entertaining with , and i told him i HAVE TO delete him from my friends' list cos its occupying one useless space down there . Oppsey , i think i'm toostraightforward . Rahh but serves him right , heard that he's a hongster cum flirt and whatever bad stuffs a guy has done to hurt a girl , will relate to his name. LOLS . Nowadays hongsters love to get close to me eh ? Rahh i think they found the wrong person , i'm not a naive XMM to mess with (:
tues night i slept at 4 in the morning . I stared at the ceiling . Different thoughts running through my mind . Think about it , will you rather be a guy's best friend forever or will you risk being his lover for once ? For me , i don't have the courage . Aww , because if the risk is taken you'll have to bear whatever consequences your choice leads to . i mean , maybe its the fear of lost ba , losing someone dear to you . cos eventually when lovers became friends(some don't even and thats prettaye sad) , they wouldn't be so close like they can share everything ; tgt like before anymore . A sad thing lar . So what if its you ? i seriously need advices now . Go ponder over it , and tell me on msn ^^

waking up today feeling worse than having a hangover . the only upside was that there was no puke . last night received a call and then went out to mit EILEEN , WENDY , RAYMOND , VINCENT , LIHENG . oh ya and also AHTAT awhile . was finding them cos i forgot 406 at where liao , then i called him ask him he say he nt with em .. but he with them lar . idiot . but he awhile hafta go home due to his probation .
chat , laughed and slacked and then headed over to V's house for drinking . i think i was drunk ? but better than previous time alrdy .. behind part was that eileen helping me to drink a few glasses . can't rmmbr what happened alrdy but i know when i returned home i just sat on my doorstep and mom opened the door and realised it when she's awake in the morning . i did a small lie , aww . i told her i forgot to bring my keys , cos i can't possibly tell her i go out to drink and get myself drunk back home ah ? i think wendy must be busy taking good care of us ..
giddy giddy now ..

remember what i smsed ya today ~
*winks* and we'll keep this gg for days , months , years and decades !! (;
(of cos not centuries cos we cant live that old X= )
you're one of my sweetest thing , love ya many many !
cos you are too many reasons for me to love ,
i don't need any reason (:
last long with ur hsuan (: . i'll be looking forward to your wedding , and i'll definitely be INVITED TO YOUR WEDDING EH ? if not . i'll burn down ur wedding place !! *smirks*
YOU are LOVE and YOU are LOVED :D
just a random post for today .

anyway , mahjong-ed ytd till early midnight on tues.
YONG , ENGCHIANG , KARHWEE , KUNTHAI , XINHUI(eh , alot of xinhuis oh) . at first i was losing , and xinhui's mom is great! she helped me play and cover back my loss + $2 winning ! hahahahahhaa . she kept hi-5ing with me when she won, one of those damn hyper moms i've seen . i think next time we shant play 20-40 alrdy , should play bigger 40-80 ~ then shiok and exciting ma ;P
now i'm craving for it again [: aft mahjong yong , kh and kt acc-ed me to my hse downstairs . so gentlemanly ah . haas . i insisted that i can go home myself ~ X.X today i'm so deprived of sleep, slept for 4hours only and i started watching the new tw drama 公主小妹 . youtube episode 1 nia . 2THUMBSUP ! ((: so princessy* ohmy . so waiting for more epis to come out asap ! =D
And I need to shop, like seriously seriously. i mean walking about in town etc though i know it gets bored sometimes as SG is way too limited .
Online shopping is fun , but still it lacks something , something that is missing as compared to gg real shopping with darlings. suddenly i realised i haven't been out and as in out shopping or walking aimlessly in town or something for a damn long time. This is getting unhealthy ):
i online-shopped the whole entire day on monday. Got what i wanted . was prettaye satisfied then , but my bank acct burnt a big hole ! That happens pretty much when you have a atm card/internet banking . IB is so convenient cos i can just transfer funds online that i kept transferring X= oppsey! *

greyblack checks dress .

"CAFE" maroon tee .

graphic wrdings tee .

chiffon lady top .

black vest .

jeans shorts .

offshoulder .

orange blouse .

silkscreen bubble dress .
purchased many many . some even for darlings and babes X= .
upload the rest of the other stuffs when i'm free =D
Oh ya ! remembered something . Remember that day when i was returning home aft sista's bday celeb ? I kept having the jap guy's head(in the movie) in my brain . So coincidentally my lift's lights became faulty , and they flickered and flickered when i'm inside . Sounds like a ghost movie eh ? Shivers went down my spine as its the wee hours alrdy and i started mumbering and imagining wildly. i was so afraid that when the lift door opens something will be outside ! Phew ! i dashed out of the lift and ..
RANN !!!!

i guessed i think too much . Bleahh xP i told ppl what happened when i'm the lift and they laughed at me and say i'm silly . :( boo!
i felt irritated when people ask me stupid and irritating questions just to have a chat with me on msn. Yes, i think i dont really like that person, so i told him he's not the one whom i'm interested in entertaining with , and i told him i HAVE TO delete him from my friends' list cos its occupying one useless space down there . Oppsey , i think i'm too
tues night i slept at 4 in the morning . I stared at the ceiling . Different thoughts running through my mind . Think about it , will you rather be a guy's best friend forever or will you risk being his lover for once ? For me , i don't have the courage . Aww , because if the risk is taken you'll have to bear whatever consequences your choice leads to . i mean , maybe its the fear of lost ba , losing someone dear to you . cos eventually when lovers became friends(some don't even and thats prettaye sad) , they wouldn't be so close like they can share everything ; tgt like before anymore . A sad thing lar . So what if its you ? i seriously need advices now . Go ponder over it , and tell me on msn ^^

waking up today feeling worse than having a hangover . the only upside was that there was no puke . last night received a call and then went out to mit EILEEN , WENDY , RAYMOND , VINCENT , LIHENG . oh ya and also AHTAT awhile . was finding them cos i forgot 406 at where liao , then i called him ask him he say he nt with em .. but he with them lar . idiot . but he awhile hafta go home due to his probation .
chat , laughed and slacked and then headed over to V's house for drinking . i think i was drunk ? but better than previous time alrdy .. behind part was that eileen helping me to drink a few glasses . can't rmmbr what happened alrdy but i know when i returned home i just sat on my doorstep and mom opened the door and realised it when she's awake in the morning . i did a small lie , aww . i told her i forgot to bring my keys , cos i can't possibly tell her i go out to drink and get myself drunk back home ah ? i think wendy must be busy taking good care of us ..
giddy giddy now ..

LALA : damn all these beautiful girls , were only gunna do ya dirt
we'll have you suicidal, suicidal , when I say its over ..
haha . so long nv see you alrdy ! ):
KEL : haha . funny .
TINKLE : sure !! -missed . during your sch hols jio me out i wanna meet you girls too (=
QING : you ah . piak ni ah .. you also nv blog ! And where's ur hubby ? never go dating ah ? got time to view my blog and tag . hahahaha .
EUNICE : dear's my prettaye dear too ^^
YES i'm catching it now !! he jun xiang , sooooo yandao X=
MM : my MM ! where have you been my girl !? MIA ah! i miss bitching with you on the phone , you can't shake me off forever ! :P
VIVI : well , SOON ! ^^ hahahaha . i think prob during your sch hols ba .. you also busy girl one mah .. miss you~ *
EILEEN : i miss your complaints and etc too ! hahaha .
when's ur hols ? lets go shopping again ! (:
NICKI : my KK ! love ya too *smuacks* go out soon ! :D
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