happy 18th bday to C.K bro and 16th bday to JOANNA mei !! (:
heh . hope you both enjoy your bday kay ?
so sorry to ck bro for not being able to go to the celebration cos of wrk .
aww :[ but nevertheless i'll try to make time for some gathering ~ :)
bingo! i nearly missed sch today -.- ~
but i still attended SUNNY CHOW's lesson kay!
TOM's very weird today , like ppl owe him a million bucks . LOL
i don't like LPK lar so no motivation to attend her lessons~
in her list of our names with our pics , she wrote comments beside them.
as for ME , she wrote : " slack .. "
by the way what kind of eng is that ?? !
somemore this is the 1st time i'm being called a slacker!!
should i be proud or what ? =.="
malcolm told her abt each and everyone of us our characteristics ..
but he merely told her that sometimes i miss lessons .
wa then she can write SLACK ah!!? $#@!*;%"*$#@!*;%*$%#
she really very qian bian sia!! i was FUMING when oli told me that.
still can laugh at me -.- ~ then i told malcolm i was very angry lar ..
haas then he kept asking me don't be angry , he treat water ..
but i don't want then i keep blaming him and say he betrayed me LOL ..
today aft sch was movie ! cabbed to JP aft waiting for 154 for DAMN LONG can!!
at once when we just boarded the cab , the bus came -.-
we can't even wait for a min more ~ X.X
movied BROTHERS . i've got movie tix ma .. so treated ENG and sisPIONG to watch . hahas . nice eh , should be NC16 ba ? a lil bloodey ~ but overall okay lar . smuggled fooddddddd in and the thrill of it * hahahhaha cos there were checkers halfway thru the movie .. oh ya by the way there're a few girls , initially i thought we went into the wrong theatre cos how come they will watch this kind of movie ??
then i know .. they don't intend to watch one , they PLAY in the theatre at the back ..
laughing and giggling LOUDER and LOUDER , on their hp and don't know watching what video with the sound LOUDER and LOUDER~ i think maybe porn lar that's why they so excited . hahahahaha . oh MEAN :PP .. but i really can't tahan liao , i mean WE .. including some others in the theatre . they think its their home . a handful of us watching for that timeslot only .. many of em kept giving the irritated face but NOBODY went over and just ask them to SHUTUP ? o.O so i couldn't stand it alrdy , i just told sisPIONG ,
" wa lao really very very fan leh .. i cannot concentrate liao .. i go over now .. "
then we go up to them and told them that they're damn noisy and disrupting US ! following by my last sentence to em :
" If you girls want to make unneccessary noise , please get out of here! "
LOL meanie ! x) they were shocked i think . DIAM all the way liao .. LOLS . some ppl need to be reprimanded ; zhen shi qian ma ~ -shakeshead- then contd watching , i think ard half an hour later the movie haven't finish they left liao ~
anyway that was a small hiccup ~ aft movie was walking ard .
basically JP has NOTHING to shop la , so went to get SWEETS !
and to our surprise , MARINA working at the crepes stall :D ..
so keai la her uniform , so pinkish~ ohmy ..
then went home , received call frm AHTAT that they're out at MS now .
then wanna sing ~ lol .. at night sisPIONG sent me to wrk ~
haas .. slacked ard first at JE then go up wrk liao *
just return from nightwrk just now . so damn boredddd*
was wondering how come that girl was so nice to me today o.O
like chi cuo yao like that .. i first time see her like that ~
whatever it is , i think nightshift is no longer fun lar ...
though they all kept entertaining me , but no mood leh ..
no motivation to wrk , SUPER SIAN *
i wanna go morning shift!!!
but then .. go morning shift will mean my SATs and SUNs will be occupied by wrk !
sigh .. sian ..

why you still don't wanna reflect on yourself and change?
wanna xian this girl and that , hong and hong and hong ..
now still eye on my sis's younger sis ..
you really need girls alot isit ?
i thought you'll really change but seems like you don't .
girls are not for ya to play with hur , believe in karma*
oh pls .. it's time to be mature and treat r/s seriously la ..
i forgive but i don't forget . (:
kay . got to SLEEP alrdy ~ night all * sweet dreams !
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