clubbing at CHEEKY'S ytd with babes MANR and LEEN
tgt with VICTOR and manr's guy friend whom i forgot his name all of a sudden (:
was hell-load fun though at the beginning we don't have much kick to dance .
in the end , we danced wild and drank , i didn't drink much actually . awhile ltr we cabbed over to central mall , wanted to go in PLUSH there as guests with the help of leen's friends but vic's bday have not reached so he's underage . It's much better than Cheeky's lar !!! More posh and more teenagers !! :)

Before drinking .

After drinking . face RED*

So in the end we cabbed back to Cheeky's again . That's a pity but it's okay ~ closure at 3am and i cabbed home with vic cos we were tired and we're having stuffs on today while manr and friend biked to DRAGONFLY. that gf of mine is soooo energetic and hyper luh ~ ! but i've some intuition that she's having some probs ):

and well , it was agreed between us that we'll be heading over soon ~
vic's bday ! officially EIGHTEEN ~ merry and laugh *
and i promised that i'll give him a PURPLEPACKET with $ of cos , inside .
i think $ is more realistic , he can buy anything he wants .. :)

bathed and slept till 11 in the morning today .
i was damn tired cos before clubbing , i had wrk ~
11am - 5pm actually , but 2more hours of OT cos not enough ppl ~
i think morning shift is so much better luh , night shifts more tiring .
somemore i prefer morning shift's staffs ~
not forgetting some of nightshifts' like ANGELINE and etc .
but there're so much stress down there lar ~
but luckily for me ! CCK's closing very soon ..
think should be next wk ba ,
and GF MANR will be comin to JE to be the recept !
wahahahahaha . more zi ji ren you know ~ :D
one SUPER irritating bad stuff happened .
i BTBJ kena complaint letter from a customer ! that idiotic motherpig .
she better don't let me see her outside ! X= LOL ~
i kept cursing and swearing lar ~ she complained abt me and pauline .
saying our attitude sucks all that stuffs ~ YIKES*
also lazy to type the details out lar , but i'm 100% sure its nt my fault .
if its my fault i'll admit one . she buay gan wan lor~
i wrk kbox so long , first time kena like that say !
some more last yr i kena compliment letter before ~ wa piang*
but management listened to both of our stories lar ~
and told me to roughly write the incident report ,
so i purposely wrote a LONGG report on what happened actually .
now i don't know what happened lar ~ hack care (:
she really better don't let me know what she is working as .
i make sure i go and ZA CHANG !!!! i mean it ~! @.@
wendy came and waited for me frm 5-7pm ~
cos she tot i 5pm finished !
LOL ~ hahahaha . i was shocked*
then helped her charge hp first and she go walk ..
then aft wrk finished at 7 , bidded goodbye and rushed off .
cabbed over to FES factory cos she taking something from MM ~
then saw alot of ppl lar all miss us hahahahahhaa ..
ahming also reached liao then we chatchat awhile they go in wrk le .
aww =/
aft that walked to JP . bought those linglinglonglong stuffs~
sis acc-ed me take 180 and she missed her stop cos we're slping .
far tooo tiring ! headed home and bathed and changed for clubbing !
cabbed down and initially i was super afraid lar ~ cos i reached there 1st .
they still on the way over ~ luckily they reached in a short while .

meeting jo and sieweng tgt with wendy for town-ing
and some major MAKAN-ING! (:
friends are lovee *
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