i have enough!
its beyong my limits alrdy . she keeps weaving tales . she's like forever the same like for how many years i've known her alrdy ? i know and i didn't question her , but it doesn't mean i approve of it . i thought ppl will change when they grow up , but still a leopard just wouldn't change its spots ?
It's like , how come someone will badmouth your dear friends whom you were so closed to in the past few yrs, for just a 1-2min gossip ? those whom are supposed to be her good friends(on the surface) were all backstabbed by her . and by saying stuffs which i think aint true abt them or worst , just spilled out their secrets which they trusted you to be kept with you. if you don't want to stay contact with em anymore , just tell em . don't rant and rant infront of me abt their bad stuffs and then on the other side still meet up and get tgt when you told me you don't feel like it .. but for what i've known abt them for so many yrs they aint those kind you've mentioned . so i'll only treat it as that you're spouting nonsense .
this is called contradicting yourself .
i never bother to find out the truth anyway .
she keeps commenting about each and everyone ; almost everyone has been said by her before .
and whereas she didn't realise that there's smething called karma . would your friend try to embarass you a lil infront of ppl ? she does that infront of some guys she wants to impress. that makes me super mad but i managed to turn the picture over and spoilt her "plans" . i hate it when ppl kept speaking bad abt others esp when those victims weren't what is said abt them and they are very innocent to have been criticised . how would you feel if you were the one being criticised? so don't criticise others! And besides that , if you seriously don't like a person you can just hide it or show it out ya . but don't ever do that : you dislike who and who and who , yet infront of em you still can put on a fake smile .
so what is that ?
that is an act of hypocrisy.
who chatters to you, will chatter of you.
perhaps she don't chatter of me to others now , it doesn't mean she wouldn't in the future .
cos basically she chatters of EVERY SINGLE PERSON ; be it friends(even good friends) or foes . Or maybe she has already done that to me. i've alrdy had mental preparation of that day coming . so pls don't let me find out if you've been stabbing my back or smeting , i'll flare i promise .
It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.
i'm just ranting my fustrations down here ,
i might not be pointing at you but just think about it if you've done what i've written .
if you have , do think twice/thrice before spouting irrelevant comments on others infront of me again . i seriously don't like that and when i show it out in my face to ask you to zip-up for talking about others , pls kindly do so .
well, i will be a BITCH if i have to.
so don't push your luck.
and say more than there's needed.
and when you say things that aint true and one finds out , you will be dead.
i don't want to spilled out what you've said so far, cos i don't want you to be in trouble .
for me, im just disappointed. Really i am.
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