aye ! that lazy queen is here :)
we all sang happy bday during break in the afternoon (:
it was raining and raining non-stop the whole of today . when i alighted wanting to go home , i can't as the rain was too big . i decided to wait for it to stop . Nonetheless it didnt . So bobian , called mum down to fetch me . and .. SO ENVIOUS la !! haas . a guy holding a big umbrella , came and fetch his gf ~ aww . so sweet *
just reached home from ENCHANTED movie at JE . met up jiaming , wendy and vic at 7plus+ CHIONG ~ ran to Entertainment . malu can ! no image =.=" last min tickets and then popcorn + drink + cheezy hotdogs in. yummy ! ~ and the show is fantastic ! (:
i love the chipmunk inside the show la . SOO CUTE !!!!! ohmy .. its like his actions .. i can hear girls all over in the cinema .. squeal and " SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE !!!! " and speaking of chipmunk i can't wait to watch that CHIPMUNK movie ! i wanna ask my beloved classmates over can :D
btw mr malcolm talked to us aft sch abt our project , complimented that ours is a very good idea ~ while presenting in class just now i almost suffocated . so scaryy ~ =/ Restaurant Bus . and if we did the rest of the proposals nicely we can even hand it up to the tourism board ^^ ! wa then we were like saying , if so good then we no need get ite cert liao , malcolm says we can be boss liao .. haas .

back to just now , bbq-ed chicken wings and fries are *loves* chased after 176(running again! =.=) right across the street . damn no image. and mad laughing !! chit and chat . alighted and changed 171 home. wa kao suay . in the bus saw dao some guy friends .. pretended don't know them LOLS . i'm bad . faster alight and ran home !
i'm totally annoyed with some ppl down there , assumers . Take the LPK's scolding for example yesterday ~ those who are out of the picture , don't assume anything if ya am IGNORANT of it . + LPK gave us a scolding not just because of that complaint incident but its due to many stuffs in the past that our class did that she bear until cannot tahan liao then released all out at a go. bunch of morons who don't know anything to lame ard . -shakes head .
SO . i really loathe ppl who acts as if he knows everything and that he was kena scolded for nth ? oh PLEASE . we didn't even treat it as a scolding . LPK's just venting out her angers kept inside her for so long thats all . you yourself ain't anything better , need not ask and ask ard who is the one who told LPK that she is INCOMPETENT . it doesn't matter who said it cos the main point of LPK reprimanding the whole class ain't only because of the teeny word . did you yourself done something wrong to irritate LPK previously ? did you ? so stop pushing the blame ard . kettle calling the pot black . EWW .

will update my recent stuffs for the past wk tml kay ?
*smiles* night ! (:
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