Saturday, April 19, 2008

first of all !
would like to thank my JE darlings ~ ..

my NU REN BANG : Adelyn , Evan , Sue-Ee
Sophia , Samantha , Nelson , Wugui CongMing , Stanley , Yanhao , Pauline .
Li Fang , Kenneth , Ivan .

tadaaaa !
a damn GORGEOUS T2 HOTPINK DIGITAL CAM for my bday !
and they celebated in advance for me jus now !

aww aww i'm so touched can !
and guess what ? the cake's HELLOKITTY faced !
and it's very YUMMY okay ! :D

heard they spent a hard time thinking about my prezzie ~
esp my A1 Laogong !! LOVE YOU SO MUCH LA !!
and not forgetting my E1 and Sue-Ee !!
skipped sch cos of me and spent her $ on the camera ~
then she became so "poor" now ..
lol ~ nvm i'll buy food for you all de ok ? :D

NRB !! :D

and AIPING got me a PERFUME !! :D

was abt the leave aft briefing ,
suddenly Pauline and Yanhao got the cake out .

now i know why they kept saying abt HelloPanda .
cos . they bought a large box of HelloPanda Meiji ,
then as usual the packets of biscuits inside + my bday prezzie !!
was feeling so strange cos they wanted me to give out the biscuits myself .
and it was like quite heavy , then i dig in ..

i'm so elated la !! :D


wish . cut cake . served them cake ..
mine was the piece with the kitty face ~
haha . suddenly sneak attack on me !
NRB acc me to the ladies and congming sneak attack again !
of cos it's too late alr and the toilet only have us la ~

my face .. ~ washed ..
and we took pics !! NRB , and girlies .. and guys ~
transport over to clementi ,


imagine steamboat in kbox outlet inside the room ?
i haven't had before !! hahahaa ~
felt sooooooo family ~ and many ppl !!
clementi staff and ex-staff and JE staff ~
but the whole room was so chocking la !!

ate a lil , sang with my NRB ..
ran in and out of the room . strolling ard the outlet .
scared the wit out of us , but is we think too much ~

haha . then adel ,congming , sue-ee , stanley , evan , me , paul , nelson , manr , eason inside K32 , they down there saying abt the ghost stories of diff outlets .. some are rumours said by other ppl passed down , some is what they experienced themselves cos they're captains and supervisors. they have to be the one who opened the outlet 1st in the morning , close the outlet after finishing and tend to see "them" more ~

ohmy ~ damn scary !!
paul and eason kept scaring us ~ =.="

the rest eating steamboat in the room went off le ~ left us .
all the way talking abt these stuffs till 7+ in the morning !
cabbed home tgt with B.CHUA .


though my mood was quite spoilt cos of my lost NIKE shoes ): which i bought for like $200+ limited edition(hotpink somemore !) ~ and i've alr have feelings with it .. i shouldn't have left it in the staff room , but who ah ? so zek ark go steal sia !!! and the whole of ytd i was damn damn SUAY ! then NRB was like telling me i wouldn't be suay alr ~ lols .

morning : school .
just reached the bus stop and the bus left .
waited for 25-30mins(i don't know why ???)

IMM for brunch with girlies.
SUBWAY for the 2nd time this wk !
tried the Subway Melt , damn ..
it's very YUMMY !!! :D

with 2Choc Chip cookie and ILT ~

slacked awhile , reminscing abt our sec sch days ..
then walked ard and they headed home while i waited for ping to come .
acc her for her brunch , and then went up to get nailart stuffs .

spent a total of $48 ~ !!

falsies . nail blink blink . hellokitty stuffs .
hp decoratives and etc ~


she , as usual . don't like taking pics .
so .. too bad , can't let ya all see her pretty face !
hoho ~

went back home on my own , then in that bus 105 to clementi station ,
i was placing my stuffs on the seat next to me while i'm sitting .
there's 1 rude guy which boarded at the next stop ,
didn't even ask for " Excuse Me " or whatever , sit down just like that !!!
so babarically CRUDE !!

i took my stuffs and put on my lap .
the guy RUDELY turned to me and ...

" clementi station 2 stops ?? 2 stops ??? "

i don't even know what he's talking abt . and he STINKS ~ really .
i think he's somesort of a cheena guy , from his accent .
i couldnt figure out what he's trying to say , i just nodded .
then he kept sitting closer , which is you'll feel a sense of NO SECURITY .
i started think of lots of stuffs, and the aftermath if he did anything .

Luckily he didn't , or i'll kick his balls upside down !

i was wishing for the bus to reach clementi fast !
just reaching the stop before clementi(which is you're able to see the station alr)
he asked me ." here? dao liao ? JING WEN TAI ? "
i ignored him and rolled my eyes up(can imagine right?)
he kept asking , and i lied to him and say YA .

he alighted STUPIDLY and walked all the way to the station .
Serves him right .

and ytd during work there's 1 cheena guy who just drank going to the cashier to pay for his room . and he's like talking to me asking me abt why is it $30+ for 1 person and not $25 .


why is it that mostly all the cheena guys whom i met ,
mouth confirm guarantee + chop STINKS ?
cheena girls like isit ? lols .

then i told him why , then he asked some stuffs which i don't understand his language .
rolled my eyes infront of him and walked away . hoho !! so ZhuJing help me with him .

then there's a room who opened liquor , i passed the custody card back to em .
1 of em asked .. " pretty girl , what time you finish work ? "

was damn SCARED can cos the pathway was like at the most far end .
turned and walk away hastily . saw evan ~ told her what happened . Eek ~
another room , siao ! the guy waved at me when i went in to ask for drinks .

lols . but it's very fun working cos our NRB girls gather again !!
B CHUA was so cruel to separate A1 with us by asking her to go to BlueZone.
Purposely !! haha . but i still went to Blue and kena caught by him -.-"

Angel . please take care of people I love,
and make them happy everyday.

- upload the pics in my camera soon ! :D


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