just now, acc-ed evan to town to get her T70 sony digital cam.

CUTE!!? i don't know why, certain shots in my phone cam ,
it can turn out natually like this photo here(looks edited),
whereby i need not edit it or something ?

she says this is nice.
this time round it's not a drink, but a jap fast bento restaurant.
while waiting for ivy..

this is qiqi,
she's damn pretty and cute la :D

my beloved gf.
met qiqi and ivy at fareast ~ btw evan bought a super cute big coat/jacket hoodie from a guys store at 90bucks ! i was tempted ~ instead i kept psycho-ing her its nice and she should buy! maybe i'll get it soon cos no stock!
then after that headed to clementi to find adelyn.
sang till 11+ and home sweet home~

and ..
i almost forgot to blog about that day!
baby acc-ed me over to the ICA for collection of my new passport.
then. headed over to marina square. been ages the last i went there.
had brunch first cos i'm extremely hungry okay!
at Ministry Of Food(MOF) .
prices are quite steep, but they taste alright.
ramen as usual for me (: and also , my fav drink!

my new love : SOFT SHELL CRAB~

now. baby knows how to pose alr ! :X

shopped ard, saw a blinkblink* black with gold linings jacket from recoil and i told baby it'll look very nice on him ! :D so baby trusts my fashion sense and bought it ~

then, being a procrastinating queen who can't make up her mind,
i finally bought the MNG top i posted the previous post !

walked over to Suntec. Sex and the City Movie was great. Ohno !! It was FABULOUS !! fall in love with the 4 girls again and again. Their love, friendship was protrayed in a casual, humourous yet intriguing way.

and . Carrie(Jessica Parker) is HOT HOT HOT !!
so it makes me thinking, will i have great gfs still, when i'm alr 40-50 ?
i hope i do alright ! *winks
decided to take 700A home since it's nearer.
as a result of our laziness, we waited for more than half an hour for nth ! ):
700A on weekdays , 1st bus only come at 7.30pm !!

wa liao ! totally sian diao -.-"
so walked over to esplanade, then i craved for Carls JR.
had criscross fries and went back home.
then on thurs after school, went to clementi central to wait for baby.
while sitting, an old lady approached me for her tissue papers.
so i paid her 2bucks for 3packets.
kindness begets kindness (:
you'll understand what i mean ltr on.
so bought my fav snack and met up with evan .
realised i forgot to bring either my posb or ocbc card out.
damn pekcek la cos we need to change currency ma.
so reach there we collected our air tix alr, i look into my cosmetic box.
hahaha. how lucky am i ?
so i kept saying, hao ren you hao bao X100000000000 ~
lols !
i forgot what happen alr.
but whole day i was considered lucky enough.
further more, it's FRIDAY THE 13TH !!
changed $800SGD each into 17500TWD ~
bring a few hundreds of SGD over in case we had not enough.
headed home aftermath as i'm all worn out.
bw the tea does good effect on me !
1st tim i tried in the evening, i went to the loo during midnight.
2nd time at night , i go 15mins straight after i drank it !
1 day more !!
wish me bon voyage ya?
loads of halfway packing to be done !!!!!!!!!!!
pls do not be lazy in the number of tags
or i will delay in updating/posting my tw pics ~ :D
just now, acc-ed evan to town to get her T70 sony digital cam.

CUTE!!? i don't know why, certain shots in my phone cam ,
it can turn out natually like this photo here(looks edited),
whereby i need not edit it or something ?

she says this is nice.
this time round it's not a drink, but a jap fast bento restaurant.
while waiting for ivy..

this is qiqi,
she's damn pretty and cute la :D

my beloved gf.
met qiqi and ivy at fareast ~ btw evan bought a super cute big coat/jacket hoodie from a guys store at 90bucks ! i was tempted ~ instead i kept psycho-ing her its nice and she should buy! maybe i'll get it soon cos no stock!
then after that headed to clementi to find adelyn.
sang till 11+ and home sweet home~

and ..
i almost forgot to blog about that day!
baby acc-ed me over to the ICA for collection of my new passport.
then. headed over to marina square. been ages the last i went there.
had brunch first cos i'm extremely hungry okay!
at Ministry Of Food(MOF) .
prices are quite steep, but they taste alright.
ramen as usual for me (: and also , my fav drink!

my new love : SOFT SHELL CRAB~

now. baby knows how to pose alr ! :X

shopped ard, saw a blinkblink* black with gold linings jacket from recoil and i told baby it'll look very nice on him ! :D so baby trusts my fashion sense and bought it ~

then, being a procrastinating queen who can't make up her mind,
i finally bought the MNG top i posted the previous post !

walked over to Suntec. Sex and the City Movie was great. Ohno !! It was FABULOUS !! fall in love with the 4 girls again and again. Their love, friendship was protrayed in a casual, humourous yet intriguing way.

and . Carrie(Jessica Parker) is HOT HOT HOT !!
so it makes me thinking, will i have great gfs still, when i'm alr 40-50 ?
i hope i do alright ! *winks
decided to take 700A home since it's nearer.
as a result of our laziness, we waited for more than half an hour for nth ! ):
700A on weekdays , 1st bus only come at 7.30pm !!

wa liao ! totally sian diao -.-"
so walked over to esplanade, then i craved for Carls JR.
had criscross fries and went back home.
then on thurs after school, went to clementi central to wait for baby.
while sitting, an old lady approached me for her tissue papers.
so i paid her 2bucks for 3packets.
kindness begets kindness (:
you'll understand what i mean ltr on.
so bought my fav snack and met up with evan .
realised i forgot to bring either my posb or ocbc card out.
damn pekcek la cos we need to change currency ma.
so reach there we collected our air tix alr, i look into my cosmetic box.
hahaha. how lucky am i ?
so i kept saying, hao ren you hao bao X100000000000 ~
lols !
i forgot what happen alr.
but whole day i was considered lucky enough.
further more, it's FRIDAY THE 13TH !!
changed $800SGD each into 17500TWD ~
bring a few hundreds of SGD over in case we had not enough.
headed home aftermath as i'm all worn out.
bw the tea does good effect on me !
1st tim i tried in the evening, i went to the loo during midnight.
2nd time at night , i go 15mins straight after i drank it !
1 day more !!
wish me bon voyage ya?
loads of halfway packing to be done !!!!!!!!!!!
pls do not be lazy in the number of tags
or i will delay in updating/posting my tw pics ~ :D
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