be true to yourself.

my body clock is rather screwed up but it's all forgivable since it's holidays, heh no? i'm home past 3am every night or on ill-disciplined nights, i'm back at 5am, sleep when the sun rises and then my body refuses to function until 6pm. i'm almost functioning like a vampire(hehe twilight!). all these have to stop when school resumes on 05.01.09 but here, there's another occasion to celebrate or is there not? no new year resolutions because i was never disciplined enough to fulfill them anyway. all i hope is for the people i love to be happy and smiling ever sweetly to yours truly (:
and i need to clear my closet because clothes are strewn all over in my room and it's becoming more like a warehouse than a princess room and then my mom would go on a nagging spree about how i'm not behaving like a girl with such a messy room and complaining on how i'm going to be left on the shelf because no man would want a girl like that =.=" .
i realised i pampered myself a little way too much in 2008.
that atrociously rapid depleting of the bank digits.
i wonder how would 2009 be like?
elissa's birthday celebration.
she's a lil disappointed because of the amount of people who turned up.
cheered her up and told her: neh mind, we're all here okay ! :D -hugs-
and she smiled and said: " yah ! "
the cake was a disaster ! hahaha.
because it doesnt look like hellokitty at all =.=
prolly looking like a rabbit + a pig.
luckily my cake last year was a nice kitty. :D
but. we gave her a very cute hello kitty from build-a-bear too.
my meal for the whole day is a a slice of cake. lol.
she was forced to pick the candle out of the cake- i suggested ! :X
then they grabbed stanley up, me and some attacked him too !
later part of the session, another cheesecake + chipmunk(damn cute!).
it was a last minute buy, and our night shift people who were working also came in.
all of us switch off the lights as ade lured him to go smoking.
hahahahaha. so damn fun ! :D
sang birthday song and playing with cake !!
nearly kena me. heng i managed to run away.
sent elissa down and went up for a few rounds of pool,
before cabbing back with alan.
i wanna play mahjong.
but damn wilson is sleeping i guess.
happy birthday to elissa and stanley ! :D
it's been eons i went for shopping ):
mich had urgent matters on last minute.
do send regards to your grandma for me.
met des at noon after i met up with a buyer.
finally sold the instock dress away at a fast deal.

he gave me 2 kitty plushies for god-knows-what-reason.
i don't really like soft toys by the way.
haha. partly due to my skin allergy.
i like them to be fluffy, but that will accumulate dust.
secondly i had way too many in the past till..
they landed up in 1,2,3,4 and a half big green recycle bags in my storeroom.
not kidding. and i didn't buy em at all.
thirdly, i'm a bag of lazy bones,
i don't wash em whenever they got dirtied.
i don't even know how to wash -.-
lastly, it's a waste of money.
yes cute, but?
i rather receive something which i have a use for.
hur hur. (:
and then JPDELIS came to find me.
that's our initials.
all of us sat at the playground under my block.
it's so nice, been long way before the last we had hearts-to-hearts talk.
i do miss the times with you guys but due to time constraints. ):
laughing madly and crazily disturbing Sandy. hahaha.
didn't go for singing with romeo cos singing was done last night.
my voice is going hoarse already. another day perhaps?
i remembered that during countdown(xmas or new year), town was freaking crowded and almost everyone was armed with cans of spray foam. it wasn't near midnight but the foam war had already started. roads and streets along orchard road, from taka all the way to cine are filled with foam(i nearly fell down okay). and when the clock stroke twelve, the situation was out of control. once you're in the midst of the crowd, you can't get out and you just have to continue the game and spraying your friends, also strangers as well :D the parts of teenage years that you enjoyed and remembered.
luckily i had no attractive appeal to bangalas, or prolly because of our guy friends as our bodyguards. else i'll wack em upside down. LOLS. i've heard from friends or friends' friends about molesting during such occasions.
If the wind refuses to blow,
and you feel your troubles stay and never goes.
Let me be the one to lighten your burden.
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