in a wink of an eye, its february now (:
The Snake
Intelligent and highly intuitive are two of the Snake's many fine qualities.
He makes an amusing and romantic friend with a definite flirtatious streak.
When challenged or criticized he can be a sore loser. The Snake is very lucky with money
and is fond of the odd bet or two. He is quick-witted and enjoys reading, music
and occasionally the paranormal side of life.
Forecast for 2009 - For the Snake, 2009 will be quite fast-paced
and demanding and they will need to remain flexible and positive to enjoy it.
Romance features strongly and for the single Snake, this could be the year to start a serious r/s.
Financially, impulse buys should be kept under control and risks should be minimized.
2009 will be an excellent year for self-discovery and reviewing recreational interests and hobbies.
April to June will present great social opportunities and new friendships.
October and November will shine on the work front.
dad is on the rounds of viewing showrooms recently. he says we may be moving house after my graduation. i heard it's somewhere near pasir ris or something because his company is situated in the east. to add on, my younger bro's in simei ite now thus it'll be more convenient. we should have moved long ago, but because they paid a fengshui master to study the house etc and my parents said dad's business prosper ever since they moved into this house which we're living in right now so due to superstition beliefs they're afraid that the luck will change. lol i dont believe in that.
though i wanted a bigger room for myself(you know with those basic princess necessities) but moving from west to east doesnt sound a good thing at all. you'll soon be drifted away from your friends though people normally said we can still meet up etc, but from twice a week = once a week = once a month = once every fornight = once a year = losing contacts !! that sounds too scary to me !! ):
i really love my "kampung" bukitpanjang la !! too used to the environment alr. it's like, maybe up to half or more than that of the teens you will actually know each other, or somehow or in anyway related like say, friend's friend. familiar faces all around. so. i dont wish to move anytime now. sucks totally.

thurs will be the steamboat with the girls, vivie faster recover your voice soon. haha. HIGH PITCH. and today while we were at the ladies in school, tiffy, yun and me we went laughing madly, and i almost roll onto the floor i swear ! super hilarious ! an inside joke ! ahh. V your image gone liao la :D
you know, mrs dorothy's so cute today. was supposed to check on our proj's status while we were looking at Coach's website, and she became excited and wanted to see the wallets etc. hahaha.
i need some really good determination to cut away my fats. it's really tough. no? to conquer the overwhelming of temptations isnt chicken-feet okay because they're all around me, especially when your mum's a really good cook. just like today, she asked, " do you want me to deepfry the chicken wings or make roasted honey wings? " i chose honey roasted though deepfried are nicer. hahaha. apparently i cant do it but i just want to lose the fats! can someone teach me how to lose away the fats in a month? (:
stop whinning PP!
ya. went jogging today again till it looked as if it was going to rain and i hurried home. bathed and went onto the massaging chair, dozed off from there till just now. like shag only.
prolly going to visit Oli at the hospital tml or any day this week. wonder how is he alr. his voice sounded okay today, he's still able to remind me of the kinder bueno(s) cheeyong owed me since last year, which i've alr like forgotten it so long ago ! hahaha. but nehmind. i dont want alr, cos it's fattening ! (:
it's kind of annoying when some buyers confirmed their items,
and either went MIA or delayed meetups for so long ! @.@
i think i shall enforce a "first pay later collect" basis alr ~
shall figure out the MACRO FUNCTION in my camera.
tell ya so many times i'm sucha country bumpkin.
i didnt know about that function until they told me -.-
i heard that last day of school will be on March,
which is a month later ! so fast !
okay, i linked/relinked everyone alr.
anyone whom i've left out, kinda tag me alright(:
inactive links removed.
got to rush off for projects now~
*scratch scratch*
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