sore throat and temperature feeling so hot last night. was on phone with bb till we both fell asleep. luckily for today my condition seems better. think my immune system is getting poorer, in the past i dont get sick easily heh, like the most once in a year? so hopefully for the rest of the months i dont get sick again.
anyway, i went for a 1-day-job at Raffles. it's supposedly a health screener job for the H1N1 flu; however since the alert level colour has changed to yellow, there is not a need for the job anymore thus im only covering for jess for 1 day. it's the SLACK-IEST JOB ever.
know why? when i reached there at 8am; me and another guy waited for the boss at the reception counter/security place below. till 9? yah and then we went up to the office. nothing for us to do also and slacking in the meeting room. do own stuffs; eg playing my ds and plain chatting till i got sian already. then went down to get MOS's terriyaki chic burger and clam chowder. really slack till i've got nothing to say, furthermore it's damn cold in there and i didnt even bring my shawl with me. damn it. went downstairs and chatted with bb. then went up again and dozed off. woke up and used his laptop for awhile, played my ds till 5 and waited for the boss to let us go.
now then i realise, it's better to do something rather than slack during work cos its really very very boring, though you get paid. haha.
wow. it's been only few hours i last logged checked my inbox and i have like 105mails? not junk mails. more than half of it comes from FB. had a "nice" time deleting man -.-
and heh. i have a face of "i-like-green-tea" isit? why do people think that i love greentea which is, i hate it so much kay!! LOLS. green tea sucks!! i hate the taste. eww. so why do people think that i like it? so strange. haha. i remember in my sec sch days every girlfriend of mine drinks pokka green tea from that drink stall except me. and in my quiz alot of people chose BLUR and NAIVE. LOLS. am i that blur? aye maybe a lil absentminded lah. =.=
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