Eunice : MY dear ! yea lor tat celestechen quite slutty haas. never MIA lars ..
no time blog haas .
passer[1] : mind puttin down ur name ? :) its better mahs .
haas aniway thanks *smiles* !!
Souyan : meimei ! i dun mind ^^ ~
lynn : hi lyn ! haas yea saw ya tat day . still as chio lar eu ~
managed to catch up abit with eu onli ~ nvm next time will haf plenty of chances :)
kaw : wei the name eu put so weird lar wad kaw haas . i'm fine , eu tc .
cheeyong : lol , yea we say we wanna go kbox de right ?
taizi : TAIZI GE GE !! i miss euu ~ call me when eu free ba :D
Jacinta : o.O hello .. haas .
Mei : hee . alright .
ZHUZHU : zhuuuuuuuuuuuuu . haas . i sweet mehs ? LOL .
ur son : eu cutie pie too [:
Eileen : yea fun of cos . go out with my sister leh not fun cai guai . SMUACKS!
cindy : hi sis , sure updated * (=
yanping : tc too * (= dunno who is tat leh fake ur name .. LOL funny . haas . ya kpo . lol
2nd ping : which ping are eu ? oh i like takin pics like dhat ma .
not nice meh ? den euu take pic of urself let me see nice anot k ? haha .
eu noe eu're sry for the comment so y tag in the first place ? so strange uh .
tag liao den say sry . contradicting .. and who are ur actual identity sia ,
wad me and andy . who are eu den ? [:
yulanda : hello !! haas. thanks woh . tc too ! hope to c ya again :) *loves
singsangsung : wa piang .. idiot leh euu .. eu diam lar . haas . X=
Sunday , 10 Jun 07

wanted to go bukitbatok get my psp back but in the end i prepared till very slow thus lazy to go over already . so my miaotiao came panjang and i met her up to go town . shopped shopped .. my pumps heels are hurting me , nevetheless i still lovee it lars . Its Hotpink and while shopping got ppl complimented that they're very prettaye ! :D haas . we walked fareast for quite sum time .. actually is quite long cos we kept going to and fro , keep going back to the shop we pondering whether to buy the stuffs one anot . haas . female beings are like dhat :P .

Aniway , i kena psycho-ed by eileen to ACCOMPANY her to get the big shoulder bag :) Honestly speaking its very prettaye lars but i got better lobang ordering from overseas marhs , cos the price not worth and its like twice the imports .. Haiya so nvm lars acc her lo hee . I easily kena psycho-ed by friends one leh .. so she got a brown one whereas i bought an unique colour which is the RED one [: . Okay i'm starting to lovee it more lars :D ~ So i bought 3 waist belts , black red white cos to match my other tops .. cos my belts went MISSING and i can't wear those tops without the belt to enhance ! i just don't know why ..

So i was VERY tired due to my aching feet , acc her go get her sch pumps she's darn happy lars . haas . So we went to GAP and see if the shuaige there anot ! LOL but he's not wrking tat day sia .. but he's realli v shuai lar .. so walked Wisma awhile and camwhored abit at the ladies there cos i just lovee the lighting there . hee . heeren was the same old stuffs and nth caught our eyes though , i wanted to get sum accessories down there but but .. alot of ppl in the shop cramping the whole shop and i don't like lars so forget it ! :) i wanted we both to get lingerie together ! haas . But hors she say v paiseh one . LOL where will paiseh sia i like the feeling buying with sistas :D hee .

Ahead to Marina Square , we camwhored wildly ! hahahas ! my camwhore partner mann . cos she's totally as zilian as MEEE X= . yea tats a good thing thou . And MS is my previous work place so i'm v familiar with the area there lars .. Both of us purchases a pair of shades each , she got a brown one whereas i got purple ! haas . she ah choose and choose den i finally decided on which to buy .. then the person very patient sia . POWER . if me i sure v lazy to serve her :PP bleah .

and I saw a diamante BEBE yellow tank top , oh my . its gorgeous ~ was findin accessory to match the bag we just bought but the design we found isnt really desired for me . nvm we will get those sum other day ^^ ~ And .. I might be getting the paris hilton perfume , its scent is sooooo sweet lars . *melts* better get before 1stJULY , GST rises . Its like i kept hearing ppl tellin me , better buy this and that before 1stJULY . LOL ~ now till 1st of JULY sure sales rise like what right ..

dinner was SUPERBLY delicious . i've been craving for it for v long already and its been long since the last i've had that . slurps * miss my wrking days there :) . and we sat outside there and the view is beautiful :) Aft tat we walked abit more , went over to the Oriental Hotel's Ladies . haas i lovee hotel washrooms . so prettaye :) . camwhored . and walked ard in the hotel there. took pic . haas . we told each other we'll have hi-tea in the future there :D .

nightfalls and we walked over to esplanade seaside there .. yea i lovee the place as usual . so prettaye and romantic . haas . we both romantic romantic lurhs X= . camwhored !! :) yea and i lovee her digi cam , hmm perhaps i'll be getting a new one for myself ba ..

so we slacked . ard roughly 200pics for the whole day ! I LOVEE MY MIAOTIAO SISTA ~ EILEEN :DD . HEE . PHEW . haas . think tats for for tat day ba , cos i'm rewinding my memories now[i'm v absentminded and forgetful , even if its a few days ago] ~

MONDAY , 11 JUN 07

Sch was alright , but i was late cos i miss my bus and why i miss my bus is cos i woke up late and why i woke up late is cos i sleep late . OKAY enuff . LOL . i think i've short-termed memory lars .. i forgot what we did ytd in sch alrdy .. oh i only remember my 宝宝 JO never cum sch today cos she sprained her leg . ohmy , my 宝宝 ah always kena this kind of thing ! hahas . and i miss her lor . haa 宝宝 see i so good right , everybody i wun miss only miss euu leh X= . anyway i only rmmbr we go BFD lars so the test i just crapped ard lors . this is called BOBIAN . haa den we all whisper here and there .. but oso no use LOL .

ME and my 宝宝 at SPH :)
aft sch suddenly we decided to go BPP cos we wanna print our fotos oso .. so i changed venue with my buyers and luckily they're so kind enuff to agree and one of them actually came over all the way from TAMPINES cann ! ohmy . seriously speaking if its me i wouldnt go to the east just to meet a seller for a top . haas. But she's damn niceyy lars :) so on the spot i gave her a lil discount though . hees . cos my mood good what . haha .

lunched at LJS and aft tat me and wendy were developing the pics all tat , designin and den must redo cos did wrong steps . diaoo . got 3machines ma we both used 2 , left 1 and i just dunno why a grp of girls wanna use ours like what the .. okay so they kept looking at us like what their machine we intrude like dhat ah . lol then kept asking are we finished , they cannot go walkwalk cum back lol . strange ppl . republic poly only wan haolian wad haas ~ okay lars i was v satisfied with out fotos so my mood not really bad lars. is damn satisfied ~ Yes . and we met dao Jonathan , not wsss one is clementi one .. den wendy kept dun wan let him go haas .

slacked outside mac tok tok den last min they say wanna ton tonight . haas . so anything lars .. slacked till evening like dhat went back home and bathed slacked at home teevee-ed and online-ed till 10pm go bathe again haas. den brought everything le went cck mit wendy , paiseh she waited for me quite a while haas . den so qiao met dao jonathan again . LOL . O.O shocked so qiao lars ..

so on the bus over cos we dunno which stop to alight , den frm cck to sch there is 45min for afternoon larhs .. so wendy called cheeyong and told him we just past sch reachin in 20min , cos sch to OLI's hse is 20min for normal sch days lars .. but i was thinkin , onli 15min onli how cum so fast? haas and i nv saw sch at all .. den i nv think much .. den cheeyong SUDDENLY so nice ask us wan him buy titbits anot he at 7-11 . lol den we wan LAYS . haas .

so aft 15min , when the bus actually drove thru a place and suddenly i found it v familiar ! is our sch there lars .. which means cheeyong has to wait for 20min again aft so long , den i exclaimed : " WENDY ! HERE DEN IS OUR SCH LAR ! JUS NOW WHRE GOT OUR SCH ? " den she kept denying so funny sia her face ! ohmy .. den i tried so hard persuading her[really v hard] and once we past the fire station den she was convinced ~ =.= . den we both LAUGHED LOUD till like what sia in the bus , somemore only got us and an indian couple .

she ah , cute sia . LOL . so over to pasir panjang like v dark sia , scaryy ~ and dunno which stop to alight .. so cheeyong guided us lars .. den i think he waited damn long le lahs . haas . finally reached at midnight like dhat . phew . they had their supper . looks nice though , me and wendy ordered a plate to share cos not v hungry lars den the person i think forgot our order ! so nvm lars we never re-ordered again ..

went up oli's condo , his hse got a special feeling .. like got an asian theme . oli kept wearing the stupid green mac shrek thingy , so i decided to take a pic of it . cute right :P . ok stop it .

den mid of night we watched SAW3 =.= siao one i oso dunno why i will agree to watch cos i'm darn scaredy one lars .. so i kept covering haas . but watched infront abit only .. wendy fell asleep though .. den toktoktok .. she wokeup , we went downstairs see got anything to buy anot .. slack slack .. so cooling lars in the night . haas . lovee it . so we slept awhile , me and wendy shared the bed .. so cosy and nice .. and damn cold lars ..

an hour or less , woke up RELUCTANTLY . i only noe tat idiot cheeyong kept beating my leg ask me wake up .. v pain lars ! den he say i ask him to go hme lar. LOL . dragged myself up and bathed following by wendy .. okay alrdy cabbed to sch cos we're alrdy late lars! we need to reach sch to go SPH at 8 . but his hse quite near sch sia so good lor ..

and today we went to SPH , Singapore Press Holdings at Jurong today . toured around .. Actually i went to the ToaPayoh one before , cos last time i rmmbr me and wanching took part in the newsletter competition against schools held there..

den we were showed ard and told in details and watched how the reporters did their news reports all tat. very cool . memorable sia~ so today we were showed ard on how the papers are manufactured all tat .. Now den i know they earn money not by the newspapers but by the advertisments lars .. and the machines damn ex . LOL .

cos there's a place v noise polluted one , so we need to wear the ear device thing .. i figured out damn long , they all know how to put sia but i still dunno . haas . need them help me . sian diao .. so 11am+ we reached sch . and had break till 1pm . ohmy . and aft our lunch we went to a classroom .. they damn tired so they slept . left me i nth to do . so bo bian i see ppl slp i oso feel like slpin alrdy .

Zz LOL . so i slept oso . haas . den 1pm alrdy i woke em up .. so went to OFA class mdm seet late , so they just go find a classroom near the OFA room den SLEEP AGAIN ! power sia . den i camwhore lar . LOL nth to do ma they ah like pigs like dhat hee . my lover kept cumin in disiao scare cheeyong haas .

So had OFA lessons and dunno y no BFD sia shiok . so i finished my assignments alrdy ! printed my powerpoint slides . hope i can get GOOD marks eh :) den at bus stop wendy so good lar she say if my 963 came later den her 188 she acc me wait . wahh hahahas . den we kept laming down there.. my bus came alrdy i disturbed her sia i gave her flying kiss hahahahas ! den i say " YOU NV GIVE BACK ! " den she gave back .. den i disturbed her say . " TAOYAN bu yao zhe yang .. *shyshy . " den she wanna wack me say i v qianbian LOL haha i quickly hop on to the bus ! headed HOME straight eu know why . bathed and sleep lars . now i so energetic kays . hee .

Just finished uploading everything ! Phew ~ finally finished blogging . wow this post is LONG . haas. i spent 4hours ! LOL . now 3.20am . how cum . haas. kept pausing and do other stuffs. LOL . PPL PLEASE TAG AH . my effort in blogging . appreciated :)
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