well ..
i had a super sweet day with my BAOBAO jo ! :D
after getting my typhoid thingy at westmall's clinic , waited for BB to reach and then ahead city plaza . went to this ulu plaza and asked ard realising it isn't city plaza and asked for directions . we had a "good" time finding the shop ! finally we found it ! *phew . it was soooo tiring can ~

went into ANGEL and did our hair extensions . cos my hair were thick type , i did the 1strand 2bucks extension . the young girl who did for me very cute + friendly la , initially i thought she's OLI's sister , cos his sis wrks there but she isnt la but look damn alike !! hahas . she told me actually my hair quite long luh but then i said because one'll never be contented ! bleahh X= the ladyboss is a nice person too and there're eyelash extensions service also ! (:
then ..

alot of customers alr !! it's like non stop sales la ~ then me and baobao were down there saying wa .. really earn alot lo .. some more saw the china ladyboss take out $50 $50 notes alot de lo ~ haas . i was thinking .. wa if i open this kind of shop and know the skills i can earn big bucks sia !!
waited for BB to finish her whole hair while i played her ds ~ was quite long huh cos the shop's packed with vain girlies !!! X:

- hiakhiak can see my lashes ? :PP
GOD pls spare me some long curly lashes !!
then PAUL called me asking me if i can work .. hmm thought for awhile and i agreed . luckily i finished mine awaiting for BB's or else more and more ppl coming in.. alot of xiaolians sia ~ ohmyTIAN BB hair's damn PIAO LIANG kay ! like a drastic change between - short hair = long hair .. hahahas . i wanna do perm the next time round ! *addicted* and there's a H.K store , we browsed browsed .. got myself one super cute H.K umbrella sia cos i always don't bring umbrella in rainy days :P

and KFC-ed . super famished as i didn't eat anything the whole day ! Cheezymeltz ~ then camwhored :D remember ah ! next wk out again !! :D

went separate ways cos i decided to bus home .
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . hahas . it took me 1hr45mins to reach home ! ^*%$#@!!@^$"^*%$#@!!@^$ and i rushed home to change and rush for work . HENGHENG 3mins more then i was late :X ~ haha they keep playing with my hair .. ade laogong ~ go extend extend !! ;)

we were supposed to wear the x'mas hat during work .. and we CAMWHORED :D then i in the BAR keep bickering with Benjamin mwahahaha . he damn crappy la then i crap back hahahahas . eat 1cherry must pay $50 ! LOLS . help me wash 1rug must pay $50 ! LOLS . sha ren fang huo ~ hahahas . crap crap crap guy !!!
Public hol eve night today ! which means 9$ / HOUR !! :D weeeeeeeeeeee ~
i need to prepare alr ~
early in the morning my mum is down there nagging and nagging ! i hate it when ppl disturbed me when i'm sleeping !!!!!!! argh ~ so i shouted at her ..
but after awhile i regretted shouting .

to "YOU" ! : stop bugging me can ? i know you're reading this , i try putting here to let you see in case i flared up and just shoot you right into your face ! How many times need i tell you over and over again ? The line was made VERY clear that we are impossible!!! so STOP HAUNTING me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i've enough of your friends telling me your good points how you're etc etc but i don't THINK so ? Oh please i'm not like some 15-16 XMM who'll be fooled by your good looks and sweet-talks . NAH i'll not be your prey ! and Stop being so irritating can ? FREAK!!!!!!!!
don't judge me like i'm being mean or whatever~
if you ppl don't know what's going on .
there's a pest flying around me .. weng weng weng ~
i'm craving for movie ..
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