i realised i'm so clever ! HOHOHO ~
did you people see a cute icon beside my blog url ?
it's created by me myself and i :D
so no ripping by viewing my codes and copy + paste~
cos i'll definitely be able to check it out as i host it under my own host ..
it's a secret and effort.
had a hard time re-trying kay .
Try figure it out by searching online ..
Favicon .
wahahahaha .
so proud of myself :X
stuffs bought last 2wks which i was lazy to post up :

Brown ribbon top-dress ~

Pink Babydoll

Blue heels

Purple rounded shades

Transparent frame shades

White Jacket

Pink Love top

Shimmery leggings

Pink Tee

Rainbow halter

Shimmery jacket

2Piece Pink top

Checks bag.

ball curler ..

epi-stick for removing facial hair .

Authentic JOJO's makeup kit

Magnetic ring for slimming

MarieFrance slimming wrap .
and two more slimming wraps ~

Eyelash tonic for improving eyelashes ~
gonna die from rotting
having nth to do can make someone go berserk~
i'm missing so many ppl ..
how i wish i can see all of em now
and i'll just scream out all my fustrations.
cos i know they will listen and care ~
so much deep from their hearts .. (:
and they'll make me laugh like there's no tml ~
aww .
anyw last night was conference with TAT and SI MOPENG .
till 4am . hohoho . we had such a funny time disturbing TAT.
been so long i last phone-d with both of em tgt ~
eye getting a lil better ~
thanks people (:
damn bloated now .
mum's delicious cooking .
wow .
i realise my wishlist goes on and on ..
how i wish i could fulfill all of em ?
i realised i'm so clever ! HOHOHO ~
did you people see a cute icon beside my blog url ?
it's created by me myself and i :D
so no ripping by viewing my codes and copy + paste~
cos i'll definitely be able to check it out as i host it under my own host ..
it's a secret and effort.
had a hard time re-trying kay .
Try figure it out by searching online ..
Favicon .
wahahahaha .
so proud of myself :X
stuffs bought last 2wks which i was lazy to post up :

Brown ribbon top-dress ~

Pink Babydoll

Blue heels

Purple rounded shades

Transparent frame shades

White Jacket

Pink Love top

Shimmery leggings

Pink Tee

Rainbow halter

Shimmery jacket

2Piece Pink top

Checks bag.

ball curler ..

epi-stick for removing facial hair .

Authentic JOJO's makeup kit

Magnetic ring for slimming

MarieFrance slimming wrap .
and two more slimming wraps ~

Eyelash tonic for improving eyelashes ~
gonna die from rotting

having nth to do can make someone go berserk~
i'm missing so many ppl ..
how i wish i can see all of em now
and i'll just scream out all my fustrations.
cos i know they will listen and care ~
so much deep from their hearts .. (:
and they'll make me laugh like there's no tml ~
aww .
anyw last night was conference with TAT and SI MOPENG .
till 4am . hohoho . we had such a funny time disturbing TAT.
been so long i last phone-d with both of em tgt ~

thanks people (:
damn bloated now .
mum's delicious cooking .
wow .
i realise my wishlist goes on and on ..
how i wish i could fulfill all of em ?
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