Wednesday, February 20, 2008

we were supposed to meet up at 5pm .
HOHO and then LATE-QUEEN struck me us ~
eventually i was still the earliest though i reached at 5.40pm !
and waited for my EVAN for 15mins at the mrt station !
i've better patience alr haha~

wanted to wear a red dress with leggings.
but last minute i decided to change to long sleeve black top and shorts with heels .

and my ade overslept !
and will be joining us ltr ~

walked over to FEP then our normal gossips .
at ZIMPLE , she fell in with 1 sweet pink dress .
and if we buy 2 items , we'll have the member card .
But .. the silky blue blouse i wanted only has XS and no S !!
ohmy . really need to slim down ):


so she bought it . and the paperbag is SOOO FREAKING gorgeous !
it's bright pink with a plain ZIMPLE on it .
i think it's the prettiest paperbag from those boutique shops like theirs.
and she was telling em , the name makes her think of PIMPLE !
LOL !! i told her i think so too when i first saw it !!

so i start calling her PIMPLE !! :D

walked ard .. looking for damages to my pocket ..
wanted to get that pink Giovanna shoes for sch ,
but i just don't like the paperbag they give ~
the paperbag is not from Giovanna. it's yellow and ugly~
so i second the thought .

i was ranting to her that i'm fat .
and this silly girl . told me i'm not and she IS .
i say she's ahsiao ~ so skinny say she's fat.


then ade called me to say that she's at JE having dinner ~
so we went to grab a bite somewhere .
i was damn famished and sat down at Gelare for waffles :D


it's Tues and it's halfprice !! hoho~ lucky us ~
shared a large one with strawberry cheesecake toppings
and choco sauce with cream . Yummy yummy *


i was damn full alr ! despite having this as my meal for the whole day !
so we contd our hunts cos it's getting late .

we both bought a tee each .
her's a pretty blue logo tee .
mine's a brown I LOVE BF tee :)


and many shops of FEP is closing alr .
decided to go over TAKA .

she was hooking my arms all that and telling me stuffs.
sooo sweet ~ haha . and many stuffs we think alike !
and it's many many . no wonder we can click so well ~

and i saw Seri my classmate again .
she waved at me and smile ~ haha .
went in Paragon and into Guess .
not much designs at paragon anyw.

walked over to Taka and Guess again .
she was thinking whether to buy that wallet .

finally ade is here ! super late late queen HOHO ~ (;
then we went in the departmental store .
i saw a hp wrapping service ; both front and back .
38 bucks nia !! and there're diamante designs too !
but for the blinkblink designs hafta leave there for 1day .

was looking at the displays and exclaiming : PRETTY LEH~!
so i was thinking perhaps another day i'll come and wrap my hp!

went up . and .. was looking at the bags ..
saw a pink monogram . was quite presentable .

then ..


i swear it's damn damn damn damn chio !
200 Bucks .

i was holding it and asking em which one is nicer.
they both agreed that the HOTPINK one is very pretty !

i was sooo love with it that i wanted to impulsively get it right on the spot .
and ade managed to stop me ! hahaha . but i think over alr ..
i gonna get it on sat ~ i think .

again cos it's damn gorgeous la ~ totally irresistable !

went up to the hellokitty store . the stuffs are so damn ex .
then ade was looking at the infants' clothes all that .
we both ganged up lied to evan that ade got child alr ..
haha .. she don't believe cos she say ade don't look like got give birth before .
i say so her definition of giving birth is = must be fat . HOHO
in the end we told her the truth . haha ~

then i thought of DAFFY .
i guess if it was her . she'll definitely believe .
cos she's sooooooooooo naive !! HAHA :X

headed over Heerens and many shops were closed !
then saw necklaces and asked for the prices .
and i was thinking of something ..

then ade was telling me .
" i know what you're thinking .. haha~ "

Yes . the necklaces don't worth what it is sold .
she totally understands my thoughts !

77th street and ade was eyeing on a vest-shirt .
must resist cos nelson told her don't splurge haha .

went to take PURI PURI ~
soooooo many yrs i think . the last i had those .
decorated em with loads of BLINKBLINKS ! :D
so satisfied with the pics ! i wanna scan em !!

then it's 10plus alr . Cine-d .
ade felt so weird not to get anything .
she got a rant tee , and a pair of couple tees

the salesgirl look so unwilling to serve ppl .

and i promised to help evan get her Majolica Majorca :D
it's soooo ex in sg lor . $39.90 - $49.90 .
cos it's not officially sold in SG , thus 1-2 shops sell so expensively .
i can just buy them at halfprice online overseas~ =.=

total damage for the day : 1tee -.-

but it's alright . cos there're not enough time for us to shop .
so basically i was eyeing on many items alr and will be gg back on sat!
with evan to shop till we drop(the same old verse) HOHO~
i think my pocket will burn a big hole then !

and cine is closing too .. ):
walked over to orchard mrt station and my legs are killing me !
finally found her DBS atm machine . they trained back whereas i went up for 190.
190 is so fast ~ haha .

apparently , my heart is so connected with these two lovelies of mine !
love shopping with em though it's only a couple of hrs ~


i forgot to picture with ade ! ~

then home sweet home .
remove makeup , had a nice bath and had a small snack .
watched an hr of teevee and Zzz ~

wasn't feeling that well this morning cos of bigauntie .
thus . skipped sch again ~
then ppl telling me what happened ..

what a joke .



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