Should you find yourself the victim of other people's bitterness,
ignorance, smallness or insecurities; Remember, things could be worse.
You could be one of them~ (:
Life has been gradually going on a slower pace recently, I like it.
which also give me more time to rest and sort out my thoughts.
finalised the below everything :
男朋友甩掉~ 烦脑都忘掉!
世界上只有开心是最重要! :D
(from a song's lyrics)

Reasons of me feeling melancholic for 3days(and fullstop!) :
1) Definitely not for the breakup
(it's so worthless to me as i don't feel anything at all seriously).
2) Friendship which i always regarded the 1st priority, nearly got ruined by a nobody.
3) Fights like these are such a pain.
4) I felt numb about the evil sides of a human being.
5) I haven't go shopping(neither online too) for a long time !!
6) Day of the month contributed too.
I tend to eat so much when i had those!!
Had to work out a slimming plan soon ~
Anyway, i'm getting over it now ~
Just give me a pat on my shoulder and tell me :
"You're the best !"
Hey, when have you heard of miss purpur getting so upset over a guy huh?
-Totally impossible- spelt out perfectly ~ *smiles*
Okay tell me i'm heartless ! i'm just like that !
so friends, don't worry about me getting a heartbreak of something ~
right adel ? Heartless creature!! You know why ~ :X
and my friends are all fierce ka . lols.
they may just take a gun and put it to his head~
but really no need la, i believe in karma.
i printed screen MRS TAN'S face with a mask when she's webcaming with me.
i bet nobody is able to guess who is that, the face is way too funny !
a "handsome" face become RU HUA !! Bleah ~
i'm risking my life okay !
she gonna kill me ! X.X

click on it to enlarge.
and heng called me on sat evening and i as usual i told him that he's disturbing me and i'm very busy la another day i call you(jokingly) while laughing ~ hahas. i gonna meet em all up soon and get another rounding on DC's car + i say i'll introduce em pretty girls ! :X
anyway, school started today.
nth really special though but i felt quite relaxing.
ohya! pinkyling became = icecream today ~ BING QI LING !
really BTH that hk lecturer .. lols~
and thanks for vivi's concern too (;
successful in psycho-ing me to eat TRTCC ~ :P *fats*

sch tml followed by a celebration for nelson's bday. so sorry that i can't go out for shopping just now with adel as i'm damn damn tired(okay lazy i admit!) to go out straight after i reached home from school ): but she suddenly 3G called me with her phone and showed me a pink wallet to ask if i wanna buy anot. LOLS ~
XINHUI: yeap thanks. how's your school going along ?
C.KIAT : haha i was surprised you actually dropped me a msg. don't know who huh. last time everytime see me suan me say i zhong 4D cos i always look so hyper to you. Wa lao you good lo.. haha . Long time no see Bro ! :D
PING: haha of course i wouldn't let you have a chance to worry about me anymore ! you ah. my naughty dear and yet always my supportive pillar ! *loves*
ROMEO : romeo !! haha . sorry to neglect you so much ): Neijiu Neijiu ~ Yes what comes ard goes ard (: ~ Of course for sure ! And You too . *winks*
MIN : relax girl ~ chill down ! haha you seemed to be angrier than i was. *laughs no fret, karma karma. you ah don't do foolish stuffs you know, i'll be worried for you okay.
BLOG READER : thanks anyway for the tag (:
SISSY : sis take care too (:
SHUGAR : loveya too . thanks for your "preaching" that day ! :X
SOMEONE ONCE IN YOUR SHOES : haha i've already gotten over since that day ! yes and thank you for the thought of advising ~ Yes and move on ! (:
He’s like a teacher;
ask him a problem and all the possible solutions will come out on the board,
making me see things outside the box. ohmy! butterflies in the stomach~
ღ 命中注定........ 我爱你 !!
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