a line drawn, so distinct.
i feel the pain.

yesterday after school, rushed back home to get prepared.
headed down town to meet adel and gary up.
felt so comfortable in wisma that i can even go to the ladies on my own.
which is, so unlike miss pp okay!
and when i came out of the cubicle, i saw someone looking into the full-length mirror. initially i thought it was someone else and so i continue washing my hands and some pics. and then that someone walked over and say,
" zilian again ah ! "
i jumped !

camwhored a while before i dragged her into Bebe. gary went ahead to starbucks for a drink and i made her go with me to boutiques ! :X soon after, evan reached taka by her dad's car and walked over to find us. we went back the same places again cos evan wanna walk through !
adel was thinking: " aye these brands, waste money ! "
evan went to get her pair of Levis at taka,
3 of us went to try on some new stocks that arrived on that day.
it's been a really long while i last wore jeans (except for work).

i wanna go for more shopping but there's no time! ):
over to bugis into the streets behind parco,
looking for steamboat places to dine in.
settled down in TIAN TIAN, but well i regretted!
should have walked over to the opposite street man.

TT has the least varieties of food i've ever had for steamboat,
not gonna go there anymore.

the whole night, my food was mainly the golden mushroom !
loads and loads of em ! in piles and stacks ! :D ♥♥

anyway enjoyed ourselves though.
not for the food as i've mentioned;
but it's the people you eat with (:

future potential mum in action.
right hand side is a future potential gambler :X

loads and loads of mushroom!!
walked around and shops were closing ):
headed down to suntec to find BEECHUA :D
acc em to finish their smoke and crapped again!
beechua asked me and evan go find a toilet to sing !
kns ! we kept disturbing him.

hold a room for us to sing.
got us drinks ~ honey lemon and shirley temple. (:
the bar gave gary 1 jug of shirley temple =.=
evan felt she was hungry and beechua asked the bar to fry some food ~
♥♥ beechua ! :D

kbox spaghetti. - we don't like ):

but i was damn full from the dinner previously.
craved for ice-cream but there's not even a 7-11 nearby!
lousy! boo.
anyway their ladies is so spacious !
i lioke ! :D ♥

dou ji yan !

sang till we wanna find something to do.
no poker cards found =.=" ~ then!
actually we saw that in the store place when we acc em for smoking.
never thought we'll have a use later on ! lols.
the suntec guy, which gary knew,
brought the big cardboard in to put on top of the table.
me, the guy, gary and evan.
evan wanna learn so she joined in.
started mahjong-ing !! :D

her eyes damn big!! i like.
my 1st time mahjong with music to listen to, in kbox !
they said that only their outlet have this privilege.
shiok-ness i'd say.

1st try. wrong wrong !
your mouth's too high! kiss my nose for what !

2nd. your mouth too outside alr la !!

finally !
haha. we didn't actually kiss okay !
it's angle positioning ! i'm straight straight ! :D

bought this pair of gladiators several months ago and this is the 1st time i wore it =.=
that's why i say, no more impulsive buys now!!
and adel wore the gladiators which we bought at different places and
we didn't agree on to wear together in the first place ! telepathy!!
mind that plaster down there cos i've a knock on my toe and it's not yet recovered ):
i hope our NRB can meetup as a whole again! ♥♥♥

it's always 3,
as everytime sue-ee and adel's offday timeslots clashed!
supposed to go town again with adel to get the jeans,
and we overslept.
evan send me pics okay!! ♥♥
CA AOFA exam tomorrow !
i hope i can get those format right (:
♥ Good night & sweetest dreams to all.
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