the long coach ride from sch to RP got me thinking and i realised that i'm one very lucky lass. i might not be very rich and have the most awesome bag collections in the world, but i have a family whom i know truly loves me, even though i can be really spoilt(very) and wilful and stubborn and bratty and acting like a kid(sometimes). though like the usual traditional chinese families, we hardly express our love and care for each other(like saying ilu face-to-face and hugging/kissing goodnight), but i know they do, and will always do. and i'm fortunate because i have friends who are always there and love me for who i truly am.
i was max bored at home just now after returning from RP's open house our school organised, + today's sunlight was great in my bro's room, ZL for a count of 133 photos. lols.
and i zhing-ed my contact lense case as well while watching SCV.
pretty much love ♥♥ (:

this is the pretty vintage baby i've been talking about.
tell me it's CHIO pleaseeeee ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ !
a girl can never have enough bags, no?
PP's going very geeky now.
she kept reading books and more books.
mum's gonna flip later when she returns home from her shopping at m'sia.
i promised her to clear my wardrobe today ;
to dump away all my old clothes and hang up the new ones nicely.
lazy bug lazy bug !
still deciding whether should i head out for shopping + movie with my work friends tml,
cos i'm darn BROKE. spare me some $$$$$$$ please.
i have not collected my pay yet ):
happy big2zero JANICE! ♥ (:
dont you try to make me feel guilty,
because i failed to attend your birthday party okay.
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