it's conversations like these that make me smile. :)

gave school a miss today cos i've a major stomach upset.
so weak to even go out of my house even when i was alr preparing.
i think i ate the wrong stuff.
i guess i'll need to do the presentation alone tml alr ):
sucks sucks sucks cos i'll tremble !!
tell me it's going to be okay please.

this baby's so cute ~ :D
well for yesterday.
headed over to the new clementi central with the girls.
mos burgers.

cambodia briefing after that. then a draggy ice-breaking session.
introduction + remembering everyone's names + say our fav colour.
(i dont know what is that for?)
so i said " Hi blablablablablablabla
(all the names of the people we're supposed to say) ,
I'm Purpur, My fav colour is purple. "
then you know la, can imagine people so damn wow wow amazed by my name.
went over Alexandra Hospital after that.
was supposedly taking a bus but i alighted the next stop and cabbed instead.
the driver nearly turned into NUH =.=" like wth, is he deaf or something?

pizza hut delivery amounting 70+bucks of food for 4 people !
2 garlic bread, 1 stuffed crust pizza, 1 hawaiian pizza, 30pieces drumlets.
i WAS extremely bloated and i couldnt finish the drumlets at all
(as oli cant consume chicken, we had 10each okay!) even though they were my all time fav~

haha sexy like shy only.

he told me to take this.
stuffed till i could no longer take it man,
what a nightmare ! ):
grumbled of fats fats and more fats ~
while cheeyong went sleeping on the couch(after eating =.=) ,
3 of us talked for hours all the way, about loads of stuffs !
and we had so much in common to talk about ~ (:
e.g lenses, fashion and online and brands, models, blogs, people etc.

poor thing. needles poking ):

left at 9pm with his sis,
bused over to clementi and cabbed back from there.
reached home an hour + later due to traffic jam =.="
freaking tired man.
went for a bath and online-d till i dozed off right infront of my com.
woke up and continued doing the project stuffs,
hafta redownload the freaking powerpoint ~ ):
finished everything at 4am +
like shag only.
evan called me just now and we had a lil catching up.
shall meet em before the cambodia trip alright.
stuffs i bought from Victoria Secrets (:

i hate my nails now.
the colours are dropping and they're U.G.L.Y .
i'm talking to "" online now.
atiqah: i LOVE your phone too. LOVE ya also ! :D
eric: you huanlo! haha. go sister~
adelyn: ggg! *winks* ya MJ soon okay.
win all your money ! haha.
ila: linked maomao ~
sha: haha thanks. explore? o.O linked !
aloy: *smiles*
ting: thanks sampat!!
kerin: miss you too smuacks~
yun: hehe *blushes*.
seri: KANASAI :X need to wear!
cel: my kuku !
yvonne: thanks girl.
Min: yada yada. reply liao ~
yuenleng: yeah ! miss you la !
jon: oh. happy cny (:
vegant: hello haha. siao bo.
ping: me too 3 and 4 ~
reader: happy cny too.
ken: of course i will :D
alex: (:
Jer: hehehe what? KP ah. smack back.
tehteh: siaoeh !
sylvia: linked girl (:
huixian: linked girl (:
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