being with you makes me happy.

i hate the weather. it doesn't allow me to get anything productive done(like jogging/going out for some shopping but im broke alr so forget it) when all i want to do is just snuggle up in bed. however, its good to spend time at home curled up in my blanket, or with people i like and ooo, laughing 24/7 at nonsense is the best happy pill so far, right love ♥ ? *baby winks at me* ;)

missy moi wants to be happy all day, all night, all week, all month, all year ^^ ♥♥
i haven't done up my bday's preparation yet. i know there're still 21 days away but you know, i'm the procrastinating queen. planning an event is so so troublesome. argh. and the worst thing is, bf wouldnt be there due to his leg. aye it's okay. i wouldnt allow him to go over too even if he wants to, i'd rather he recover first and we'll fulfill our plans. (we did more planning last night! bintan, cruise's star-gazing, etc etc :D)
am just back from my uncle's bungalow a moment ago.
missed my younger days when i had stayovers there.
me and my lil bro would run up and down the stairs playing etc.
and you know what?
my auntie is promising something real good for my 20th birthday.
hiakhiakhiak. ♥♥♥ :D
pics from the shopping trip.

yummilicious ice-cream waffles.

All the best for your FYP! ♥
lately ive been thinking, what all life is about is making money, and its a horrible thought. i suddenly got into this mindset. i know the truth: money is of the devil, and at the end of it, the gods up there will laugh at all of us and our pathetic attempts at our apparent survival.
its not just money you see. it's the roof over your heads, its your lunch, its your fav book, its you getting from point A to Z, its your bed, your dinner, your phone, your lappy, your teevee, your favorite cup of tea & cake, you last starbucks drink, your movie, your shopping, your music, your whole life. it is so hard not to be obsessed about something that gets you everything.
sometimes i think its incredibly funny, that we're still dumped here in this slump of nothingness and running about being obsessed and worried about paper money and paper degrees.
i'm so muddle-headed, kept leaving things around in every corner of my pathetically small lil room and searching for them frantically when i need em, ransacking every single area till the room looks as though it's like a rubbish dump :X
going on a trip to New York and Paris ♥ has always been my dream.
i hope i can fulfill that real soon (:
♥ dearest bf's having an operation again tml again~
my poor boy :(
Zac Efron is so damn hot. - movie 17 again.
but my baby is hotter :D
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