i missed michelle chia's and shaun's wedding broadcast. have been seeing it in the papers how grand the dinner was. shaun is lucky to marry such a sexy wife, and she's lucky to find someone whom she can depend on for the rest of her life. isn't it great? that's what most of us wanted right? to find someone we love and live happily ever after. yada yada. only quite true to a certain extent under the pressure of money and career stuffs going on.
'I want to be a good wife, cook well and support my man to succeed in life.' Then she added: 'What's his will now be mine, but what's mine will remain mine,' getting laughter all round.
2 years ago, we were standing up and shouting at one another infront of the whole class during lessons due to trivial stuffs, remember? 2 years ago, we were still hanging out as classmates + good friends, remember? 2 years ago, the 4 of us stayed overnight for twice or thrice for fun/project, remember? never would i ever imagine that 2 years from then we will be together. haha. what an irony right? how fate goes round and round, in the end back to someone who was once right infront of you almost everyday.

i love the way you love smelling my hair, " wa. damn nice.. "
and you're behaving like some stalker or something,
keep looking at my photos from online albums etc. haha.
i love it when you visit your friends in "pet society" just to buy me those "mystery boxes",
when you don't even play this kind of game haha.
but your pet is so darn cute :D .
i love how you stare at me as if i am the most beautiful woman in the world~
but whenever i got shy and demanded you to stop looking,
you ask, " why? why i cannot look at my gf? "
i love it when you wanna divert all your attention on me.
hehe. eg stop your games etc. hahaha.
then when i wanna watch my 9pm show, you gladly wait for me.
during the commercial break i'll call you and when the show starts i'll say,
" okay the show starts already, byebye ! "
whenever i got DC-ED from msn and came back online,
you'll tell me how you miss me so much. haha silly boy.
it's not as though i'll go missing forever right?
you always have loads of good food with you,
purposely webcam to "haolian" your nice nice food.
yikes you idiot :D !
just now when your grandpa called you and asked wanna bring you what food anot.
you said you want " long rou.. " (english: dragon meat) =.=" . how on hell is he able to find dragon's meat for you? where got people talk to their grandpa like that? furthermore, your chinese isnt good and the way you pronounce it makes it way funnier. it was damn funny till i kept laughing can.
i love how we stayed up all night chatting and also talking about what we gonna do and where we gonna go. our preferences and hates. and whenever i doze off, you'll still hold on to the phone because you say you want to hear me sleep. haha. nonsense. and then i'll suddenly wake up and say, " hello? you there? i go sleep okay? " " okay baby. byebye. "
and, of course, i love your intelligence,
cos you were smart enough to fall in love with me.
hiakhiakhiak :P

" You give me reasons to wake up in the morning and smile. Just smile for no particular reason except the fact that you are here. As days go by I feel myself growing closer and closer and my heart is suddenly coming out of its shy spot and wanting to feel what it feels like to be loved again. I don't ever want to lose this feeling. I don't ever want to lose you. "
2 nights ago, we played the dare game in webcam. loser of scissors, paper, stone has to do what the winner says. and when i win, i asked him to do this(putting the hand crossover to his other cheek LOL):

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