heh heh . throughout this whole entire year , i haven't been that sick as to see a doc till x'mas eve . ohmy~ i thought that i'll be so healthy for 2oo7 ! haas . in the end coughs and hachooos came .
X'MAS just ended ! :)

before work went to the doc , then JE dinner with darlings DAFFY and XIUHUI . ohmy , they bought soft toys for x'mas ! hahas . then Daffy say she owe me one X= lol next time i better bring her to H.K store .. but i prefer $$$ realistic you know you know . mwahahahaha .
Xiuhui went to diao the Stich . then 2nd time she diao dao liao -.- wa liao !! like damn easy sia ~ the thing standing ba just push it down to the hole can liao .. then she wanna diao again so she asked the girl there put the toy up again .. then IDIOT sia the girl damn attitude la . she put the Stich facing down , which means harder to catch . arghh~
alright . X'MAS this year was WORK ! but work was quite enjoyable eh ! :) we stood-by for 12am alr ~ then so coincidentally i was bringing a grp of customers to check-in , so when i came out everyone came spraying all over liao ! haha ! then i rushed to take my hidden sprays i kept half an hour ago and SPRAY-EDDDDDDD including the customers cos they sprayed at me first !!! went infront and sprayed at everyone of em too ! wahahaha. then whole place was chaotic mann ~ we had hell lots of fun shouting and laughing . mr billy came too and he came and shook our hands merry x'mas, he still recognised me and asked how come i came to JE .. LOLS .
peace liao we went back our RED zone .. then Pingping was so nice to buy a x'mas log cake and cut for all of us ~ yummy :D . continued our work all that , endless work can ? even when our outlet closes at 4am , there're still alot of customers left .. busy cut-ing rooms all that ~ a customer gave me 10bucks tips and i put it into the tips box . heh heh good eh :P then endless stuffs to clear sia , those spray ribbons etc goodie stuffs . DAMN TIRING CAN ! eventually we have so many staffs and even clementi staff came over and helped us finish till 7.30 ~! ohmy . i was drained , guess that was the price of a moment of happiness .
then while i was putting the mugs back to service counter , mr kelvin came and asked where is JiaJia . i looked up and he spray-ed my EYES ! i scream-ed ! then he act la say okay anot ? then i look up he spray-ed my MOUTH !!! eyerrr !! so bitter can !! i revenged and ran to hide!! finally i concede defeat cos i was stuck in the Bar .. LOLS . cleaning the whole place , damn funny la me , evan and daffy .. hooked arms go ard and ard check the rooms . hahaha .. scare em ~
briefing . aft that we stayed back for short party . sang , pool-ed all that .. i peeked at Daffy's hp and ran all the way cos she's chasing me for her hp :PP ! hahaha we passed each other all that then i read and read and then i ran whole outlet from green to orange to blue again and again till she gave up and say " Purpur , don't run liao i give up .. " hahahahaha .
poor hubby ade and nelson need to start work(they were sooo nice to work FOC with us on xm'as night !! GAN DONGG !!! :D) in the morning . then EVAN , DAFFY , XIUHUI , GENHAO , KENNETH , BEN breakfast-ed tgt till 11 ba and headed home . Luckily ben taking same bus as me hiakhiak if not i cfm cab home liao lor . cos i'm way too tired ~
Sorry lack of pics . too busy to have any pics taken ! and sorry to you friends whom i can't take a day off for xm'as celebration ~ lots of apologies !! ):
so many stuffs . i want to RANT OUT !!
不是我想要的 ~ 我好烦 .. haiyo .每次都是这样 .
要麻, 就不来 . 不要麻 , 就偏偏全部一起来 . 哎呀 .
爱情这游戏我玩不起 ~
还是不要想这么多 .
哎呀 , 不要逼我 ! 顺其自然吧~
孤單不一定不快樂 得到不一定能長久
i'm very contented with my everything for the time being .
i don't wish to have any major changes for the moment ..
haiya ! schedule for this wk changed ! i only work sunday ! initially i was very angry cos it was a last min change ~ but aft that i rmmbr that on sat i've got something on ! which is xiaoming's bday ! and i gonna meet Adeline aft she finish her work at kbox , Ahseng and Manr gf over tgt !! opps X= and i still have not buy the prezzie yet !
i gonna have it done again ~ maybe tml ?
tml i'm meeting my 38 ~ haas . before that will be bugis first .
for my steambath session and slimwrap at London.
it's been way too long i last went there ..
i'm still left with 5sessions can ! i don't wanna waste my $ !
you guys have enjoyed x'mas ba ? :)

i received few lil x'mas gifts .
which i'm going to keep as a secret instead of exposing kay ?
its the thoughts that count ! :D
tata !
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