Wednesday, January 02, 2008


2oo7 really flew by at a very impossible fast speed i swear, its as thou I just entered ITE yesterday . I think I’ve just wasted another year of youth, and I’m starting to feel the stress the older-generation is getting. Somehow i feel awkward going to places like town and such, cos the people there are getting younger and younger. In other words, i, Purpur is getting older .

For the past "short" 2oo7 ,

grandma passed away just before cny . a big funeral was done for 7days . and NO CNY this yr . re-take maths and science os didnt do well that either . i went into clementi ite college in a -don't know what is going on/what should i do- mindset . met new friends/classmates/darlings . Ups and downs do happen , and let's just hope we'll still be the same in 2oo8 , or perhaps even more crazier !! :D friends i knew thru work are among my biggest loves !! my *flings* !! i can never love them more . ups and downs with bf , taiwan trip once promised by bf .. broke up with bf , back to single life.. a few times of "nearly attached" happenings ..

and my sec sch mates i'll never ever forget . and once in awhile drinking sessions with em till i'm dead drunk . eileen's bday , wendy's bday , vic's bday ! had real fun really . i can never been happier . and of cos my GIRLFRIENDS !! though the 4of us is like , separated far , don't meet up alr , except for manr and me still keeping in contact .. and i still miss you girls tons . i still remember our sec sch happiness !! laughters and cries !! Stella and shihui ! i'll just pray that we can really meet up SOON and chill together ! don't neglect your friends and keep acc-ing your BFS kay !!

Time is short and nvr enough, so plan your 2ooo8 carefully.

- slim down(words but no actions =.=)
- stop spending $ like flowing water .
- i need to start saving some $ in case of emergency .
- study hard , play hard . higher GPA !
- drink more water !
- better time management
- get at least 7-8 hours sleep per day!!!
- get married ( LOL i'm joking! )

and in a wink of time, I'm turning 19 and hitting the big 2 damn soon. will want a good and fun-loving 2oo8 bday celebration though .. past few years are quite .. eh .. boring !! ): i need something unique !! haas . and i want a BIG H.K CAKE !! mwahahahahas :D

people always states that a new year means a new start, but sometimes you cannot even feel that new start because it's just like living another day, don't you think so? Thinking what you have done on the first day of the new year, it's just the same old thing all year round. just move on smoothly with life and although there are oftenly ups and downs, i guess we will get it through, it's just the matter of time.

my youngest bro is entering his first day of sec sch in westspring today ! :D

lastly , i hope i can meet more and more nice ppl in 2oo8 ! (:
which indeed i have already met many ! in 2oo7 .


Alright . yesterday's new year work was alright . Not very busy though . then stuffs happened which i'm not gonna elaborate . well , i'm staying neutral . i've seen it with my own eyes that she did that in the room , but now she's alr ensured me that she'll change and let's just see how it is going ba for these few wks down the road kay ? give her a 2nd chance , everyone needs chances :) Talk it out peacefully and nicely kay ? colleagues ma .. must be happy .. and perhaps like what the conclusion was , somebody's supposedly trying to blow up a small lil matter by adding oil to the fire because ppl will divert the "flirting" topic to "her" and not "her" . don't let the "evil" ppl get what they want , 太便宜她了对吗 ?

aft work stayed back and sang . salmon and fries meal with hubby ade :D yumyum ! wuzun ! hahaha SHUAIGE ! then decided to stay back and sang till they finish work . ade and nelson went back home first due to work the next morning . so left me , jas and amos her bf. i keep disturbing amos that whenever jas went out of the room left 2 of us i will say .. hor hor .. 孤男寡女 ~ hahaha damn funny .

then each of them kept asking me acc them go smoke . so went up and down up and down outlet .. i'm the only one not smoking again ! LOLS . chit-chatted all that ~ each and everyone's probs all that .. now then i know i'm quite lucky alr . sigh did what i can to cheer them up (:

then went back outlet sang . i nearly dozed off . aft that mac breakfast the 3 of us + genhao and yanping . :) yumyum ! then my meal i change the drink to orange juice. so the drink was very small-sized like the happymeal type .. so they laughed at me say i eat happy meal and asked me where is the toy!! LOL !! bully ah . then , walked to 7-11 buy alcohol . went to a place sit down and drank and chit-chatted . we're crazy . kept laughing nonstop can . buay tahan . hahahas . my face quite red but i'm still sober la . then morning alr cabbed home with genhao cos 顺路 .. and we think that we should like that sit down talk and drink tgt .. cos its very nice (: the more ppl the merrier ! :D

haha ! mr ronald hao .

Hooch Currant .

Carlsberg .


not sure what i'm gonna do tml .. hols is ending ):


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