Tuesday, May 06, 2008


已经两年多 .

像开始时那样 握着手就算天快亮

是我自私, 是我的错.

把爱让给 ....... 以为你们就会幸福 .

Many words are often left unsaid~

你最近还好吗 ? 忙碌吗? 心还会痛吗 ?

现在 我们是好朋友,只是好朋友

而我 .. 已经放下了.
你也是! 别再回头找我了!

你是好人 一定会找到好女孩.

真的很想你幸褔 *
真的真的真的 ..

you pampered me so much in the past.
treated me like a lil princess , a precious gem .

you gave me surprise gifts .
my fav bears(when i was young) and my fav stuffs etc .
got me loads of lovely and prettaye items .

i did not even tell you what i want or what i love , yet you knew .
till now i still do not get it how you manage to know ?
though i loved the stuffs but i'll still scold you of wasting $ .

of cos deep down i'm happy la :D
you're such a sweet .

in the middle of the night ,
i merely said that i feel a lil hungry .
then you cabbed all the way over to buy yummy food ,
and surprised me downstairs .

i was sick and refused to see the doc .
immediately you rushed over and forced me to go.
not angry , but a damn worried face .

then you refused to let me pay for my doc fees .

when you knew i had an allergy towards some stuffs ,
you immediately threw em all away and refrained me from seafood .
then you took great care of me like i'm a serious patient .

when i'm on a diet when we're out ,
you acc-ed me not to eat -.-"
then i had to pretend to be angry to make you eat .
and you'll forcibly stuff food inside my mouth .

you said you don't want me to be slim ,
you love me for what i am .

you fetched me all the way over just for the sunrise i longed to see ,
though i can see that you're tired and worn out alr .
sometimes , you missed me so much that you refused to go out with your friends .
then when i'm free , you sacrificed your time with em for me .

after watching that horror movie and i had insomnia for 2nights ,
you blamed yourself for asking me to watch with you
and then banned me from movies of those kind again ~

when we had a quarrel(actually it's me childishly throwing a tantrum) ,
you did not abandon me and instead chased up to me when i'm storming off .
and hugged me so tightly as though i gonna leave ya , till i could hardly breathe .

i made a big fuss and cried and you gently wiped my tears away
and told me not to cos your heart's bleeding when i cry .
i felt so guilty .

you promised me that you wouldn't make me tear for you again .
you're a Mr Nice , i know girls longed to be with you .

you doted on me so much that i could hardly be angry on anything .
something that's not perfect might just be the obsessive from you .
or maybe that's protective .

you get super tensed up/upset/worried when guys
(though some are really very good pals) smsed me .
i don't really like it but i know you cared .

the way you react , your actions are cute la .
you always went all out just to make me smile .

you told me that on our 4th year(when i'm 21)
when we still belonged to each other,
you'll proposed to me and gave me a romantic wedding .

you'll bring me to where ever i wanna go ,
and take care of me for life .
but if anything happens , as long as i'm happy .
you will still respect my decision .

Sorry for 我的大小姐脾气 .

perhaps .
i really can't find another who loves me as much as you do .

all's in the past , let's move on .
but memories will be unforgettable (:


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