not to love ya more than you love me.

tonight was spent crashing at ting's house.
i have not seen this eating machine for 6whole months.
the amount of food she gorges down is still just so..
other than getting hungry every 5 minutes,
the way she concentrates on her specimen of food,
is like..
no one can disturb her while she's eating,
she even has the thought that i want to steal her food =.="
pestered me to head down to town again, just to watch "BOLT" with her.
i wanted to watch TWILIGHT okay .
i don't really like cartoons by the way,
but imma good bff :D
it turned out pretty nice,
and i didnt sleep through out the movie.
Gloria Jeans.
i had french vanilla supreme whereas hers was some dark choc stuff.
cabbed back to her place aftermath (:
i need to log out soon because this lass wanna catch gossipgirl season 2.
she's driving me crazy with countless poking of my dead spots!
i shall stop her by threatening to throw her lappy down.
i slept at 6am last night after meeting WH at old place.
i guess he's still feeling so so not right now.
rarely have i seen guys losing their precious tears because of women.
my impression of that big, strong(both physically and mentally) guy, it's not easy.
well, if that is. he definitely hearts her so much.
anyway, cheerup bro ! (;
now AU to SG exchange rate is $1 = $1.
life will be wonderful if US to SG exchange rate is also the same.
Pillow fights !!!
i miss miss NRB ):
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