a random post.
It took me one week to finally decide and gather the courage to do so.
and when i did, i sat there - with my heart beat racing -
a mixture of happiness & sadness all at the same time.
i cried and i smiled. how silly.
guilt trip.
the things you said.
i had a guilt trip.
i think im so selfish.
i only thought of myself.
at least i received explanations to clear the question marks in my head.
thats what i wanted. those were the best consolations ever.
anyway. i'm really fine now! (:
gonna smile because i deserve to.
today, me. vivie. tiffy. yun. shan and ling went for a film shoot after school.
ahboon and jeremy backed out last minute and so we had to perform two scripts for each pair of us as we were supposed to only have 1 each. luckily vivie lent me her top and yun's cardi (:

shan and vivi.
well, initially i was so frightened ! virgin experience on that okay. ling too. so i calmed myself down and even calming her down, whereas inside me im so boiling nervous alr ! lols ! furthermore, after me and her finished our part and mr aaron told us that the bluetooth mike wasnt on and so we had to re-do it again. =.="
finally it was over in a few hours ! well done for all of ya ! :)
but the point was, my face was damn ugly w/o makeups on because i wasn't prepared.
what a new and thrilling experience man.

okay. this is my ugly plain face.
press the X at the top right hand corner if this irks you.
yesterday, des came all the way over to send me home.
i told him not to but he insisted =.="
anyway, acc-ed him for dinner and he's a super funny joker !!!
it's so embarrassing okay ~
been on low appetite lately, which is a good sign ! :D
it's either i eat a small portion of a meal for the whole day,
or i eat a meal and immediately heading to the toilet !
hiakhiakhiak. checked. weight is decreasing (:
eric sis kept reminding me of our TCC cos he still owes me a treat over there !
hahaha. my stupid sis. owes me still remind me eh? o.O
i bought loads of stuffs last week on fri.
♥ LEGERE BB cream :D ! Heart on Swarovski Earpiece.
4 hoodies :) . 2 pairs of heels. a quilted black classy bag.
3 Gel eyeliners in a package. Black tube dress. New York offshoulders.
Forever 21's Cuffed Pinstripe Shorts; Watch and Black Satin shorts.
JoJo Brush Makeup Set. Shimmering Diamond Eye pencil. Eyelid patch mask.
Geo Cosmetic Contact lenses (: ♥
please arrive asap , pretty please?
ohya ! that day evan wanna get a tank top from BEBE and the OMG LOL and WOW tees are here. i looked at the prices and was grinning away because they cost more than what i bought from USA main bebe web.
laughs :D

i love love this gold necklace watch !! ♥♥♥

kinda fascinated by the new BB's(Bebe) BB(Blingbling) watches :D
the stores imported em over to the boutiques here alr.
so bling-kish okay !! and its a few hundred bucks ):
the heart necklace watch and the wallet !
it's 99$ but it's kinda small ):
rebonding + hair treatment on thurs.
i can't wait ! and. what's the more?
♥♥ GUCCI IS ON SALE NOW(since yesterday) ! ♥♥
my friend told me they're mostly Fall Winter 08 series.
a nice flap french wallet is all i need.
Isetan having sales on 26th dec.
MNG on 12th dec too.
interview tml.
i hope i can do well for it.
what dress should i wear tml then?

wanna ZING my ds when im free ! ♥
debit card statement is coming on its way into my mailbox i guess.
ohya ! before i forget. there's a new nuffnang advertisement just right below every blog entry in my blog. help me press em whenever you people come along alright?
i wanna earn more $.
thank you (:
i'm dead beat.
gonna hit the sack early today.
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