sorry . was busy on weekends thus i don't have the time to blog. On sat i waited for wendy to finish wrk and den both of us went to bedok station meet shuzhen . cam-whored ALOT when waitin for her at hme ..

wa piang on the train sumone just dashed out and knocked into me so hard , den suddenly a grp of guys ask
" y he knock u ? y he knock u ? " like i duno em one .. den one of em so qiao is wendy's friend lars . so suay always hurt in mrt trains .
shucks *
we went to find the chalet and was perspiring lar cos we cant find the place . aniway we finally found and alot of ppl there alrdy ~ finally met my son peiwei lars .. cos we kept sayin gt time cum out mit but no time . LOLS but he still like as shy like last time so "dao" hahahahas . den i disturb me kip lookin at him hehes . say wan take alot of pics with me in the end never lors! still blame me kip playin .. lol .

aft tat vic joyce came oso le .. gt alot of ppl like weihow , rongqing , vincent , raymond , wendy , shuzhen , sam , dewey , daniel , yewperng , clariss , don and gf , peiwei , yileen , weijie , eileen's family , and also gt wsss other classes de ppl like pohlee they all .. lazy name everyone hahas .

went upstairs to 2nd floor den we down there chatchat with vincent raymond sam they all .. raymond de face damn look like girl sia .. like blushing like dhat ! shhhs . haas . chatchat liao we went downstairs watch em mahjong . aft tat i mahjong-ed . well i lost 30buckaroos . ohmytian nowadays cant play v suay . hahas . but nvm lars cos behind we play real big lars 35 tai 35 tai .. ~ den the rest upstairs playin cards and drinkin . aft mahjong yileen and weijie went hme liao .

me and clariss :)
we all play and loser drink . LOL i was drunk kays . first time in life i drink so much and got drunk . hahas . wasnt very gud feeling at all i kept vomittin cos i nv eat anitink since mornin . power right i was damn hungry . i know i kept luffin onli and did alot of funny stunts lars but i just cant control .

so the next mornin woke up was VERY GIDDY . VERY . den they all told me what i did last night .
i was very crazy and kept shouting . den wendy wan ask me go up rest den i sit there blankly .. they all cunning lar still change cards sum more ! i duno they change sia ~ =.= and i kept beating and pinching sam , vincent , yewperng . i duno sia . funny part is , i nv hit dao wendy though she closest beside me .. LOL den wendy say they ask y i nv hit her
den she say
" cos we sistas ma .. "i still can reply when i was drunk :
" Ya lor we sistas ma ! "damn funny sia~ wendy ask me if i was hungry ,
me shouted :
" YA! I VERY HUNGRY! "wendy : den i go mac buy food for u kay ?
me :
" NO I CHI BU XIA. "den i kept saying abt MAHJONG TILES u noe ? haha! vincent still disiao me ,
vincent :
" PONG ! "me :
" WHAT PONG ! EU CANNOT PONG ! Y EU PONG ?"" BAI BAN ! 5SUO ! "den they say i was lyin on bed ,
me :
" get towel for her "towel comes* wendy helped me massage my head .
me :
" STILL HEN TONG !! "den towel put on my forehead . i go do stunt i put the towel on my lips .
and i sit up and my finger pointing to my mouth .. i nv say anitink ..
den they ask
" huh ? what is that ?*shook my head*" euu wan to eat ? "*shook my head , kept pointin to my mouth*wendy :
then they cant find plastic bag out of a sudden den take the garbbage bag sia! wa piang . den finally ltr on i'm v quiet and i slept alrdy .. =.=" i realli duno what am i talkin sia . i felt like an idiot .
alot more stunts i forgot what they say liao .. only know sam v kelian cos his stomach kept slapped by my hand . and they actually alrdy slpin one kena waken up by me . hais mafan they all ler thanks wohs . esp wendy she realli took care of me . haas . whatever it is , i know , i now no image liao . so now on msn sam and yewperng disturbed me say how's the feeling of gettin drunk . sian diao .

i ask him SMILE . he luff =.=

k serious . x=
so mornin packed our stuffs and finished up the haagen daaz cake[so exp lar! $150++ i heard] and cabbed hme and on the trip hme they told me what i did . i was very ashamed and embarrased . LOL . was very giddy and when i reached hme at 12+ and bathed i cant stand properly . luckily mum nv notice anitink . and i slept till late afternoon den woke up ..
i enjoyed in the chalet , but sad thing is . i forgot take pics with them ! onli managed to pic with clariss , sz , wendy and raymond ! shiat * hope eileen enjoyed her bday :D and the dress we bought !
ohya ! yun and jo didnt attend sch today !
sick ah ? tc eh . miss em so much !
today's sch was v short cos aft accounts at 11am-2pm , MALCOLM nv attend lesson . LOL so wendy + me and cheeyong + oliver went out to walk and saw JOY! eventually we walkwalk tgt and talked lars and slacked in the canteen and she gtg le ! i miss her mann how i wish she's in the same class as us !!