Saturday was love again :)
A day out shopping with Evan~
we were supposed to meet at 2 .
but both of us , as usual were late for 2hours+ !
in the end we met up only at 4+ !! :X

Mingyi tagged along too despite having wrk ltr on .
(Evan , he's so ti tie ~)she feels weird having bf beside when shopping .
i agreed with her too cos for me if i just started out with a guy ,
i would feel damn strange to shop too ~
i'm a
lightbulb btw ! :P
FEP for awhile and i can't wait to get my bag !
headed over to Taka , grabbed it and paid ! :D
200$bucks flew ~
darn happy !

love the interior ! damn soft ~ :D

Guess's dangling lock chain ~

then . i saw another guess bag , which is on
50% sale !
$119 ba and it's pink too . so damn pretty~
i had a sudden urge of buying too but luckily i was stopped .

Terri and salmon sets.
Yoshi for b-runch .
was a lil full , M.Y left for work .
aft he left , Evan bought so many things afterall !
hahaha :D

Taka's Watsons
so damn big ~aft its renovation .. and many consumers + promoters .
she bought a pair of falsies .
promoter told her it's $8.90, it turned out to be $10.90 i think .
a feeling of being cheated though it's not me purchasing ,
i wanted to just inform the promoter her mistake in case
other customers make a fuss abt it , who knows right ..
but she stopped me say nvm . hoho .
forget it (:i think i kena the influence of
Customer Rights . LOL

my eye :D

went back Fareast and she tried on
Zimple's dress .
we decided to get that blouse tgt when we go over to the Bugis branch .
another day perhaps (:
scanned ard .. saw sec sch friends ..
my pri sch friend Belinda too with her guy i think .
we still rmmbr each other cos we were like ..
EH ! hello!!! ^^ it's so nice :) ~

then she bought another grey top from
somesort of a top-shorts . the material is uber smooth ~
chio ~ and i watched her change in the changing room !
no la . i turned away . haha ..
went searching for
her Guess wallet at Paragon .
eye-d on a few designs , we were lucky !
cos she nearly bought that blue metallic piece
but we saw another wallet !
it's very pretty~
she loved it so much :D

paid and to
MUJI to buy those marshmallows.
saw ahboon working there . he seems so busy !

having no time to spare , brisk walk to Heerens .
Flesh-Imp . she got a tee for bf ~
and cos have to like get 2 at least ,
she got a black shorts which she was hunting for so long !
the guys working in F.I is cute :D
Puri-puri again (:
camwhored inside.

till it was like 10 alr , trained back to JE .
Mr Kelvin was very nice to
FOC us for singing .
it's a Saturday too , which was ard
$65+ for 2pax ~
and he gave us K7 which was a room , too
big for 2girls !
haha . K7 can at least contain 10-20 ppl can~
and it's damn
brrrrrrrr(cold) ~

she bugged me to cut her fringe for her ,
as i told her i trimmed my fringe myself ~
i gave her suggestions like changing her partings .
cos if like you remained having the same parting ,
you'll be bald at that area .

so girls , if you're used to having a parting ,
no worries . when you finish your bath ,
just comb your hair over to the opp parting .
in that case , less % of balding (:
i was damn afraid . so i told her not to cry if i cut it wrongly !
furthermore , the scissors were those normal plastic type and it's blant !!
it's soooo difficult to cut ..

so cut slant wawa hair for her .
despite it was my 1st time cutting someone's hair,
i think i did a
good job !! :X

any diff ?

act XiaoMeiMei~
basically we didnt really sing la ~
only a lil bit . and sang duet tgt ..
we kept camwhoring and went in and out of the room ..
accompanied L.G Ade
smoke break .
i didn't smoke of cos ~ :)
Mac for supper as we were famished !
and the icecream cone with toppings is yummy* ~
left at ard 2.30am as she sent me down for cab.
i totally love her as much as she does ! ^^
Ps : pics of the day - me myself and i : 215both of us : 81.
two zilians ! :D
it's Genhao's last day !
when i reached outlet , 1min more to late = $6 gone .
Lucky me . he thought that i not coming anymore ~ haha .
kept bullying Ivan !!!
it's so damn fun ! haha and when he don't rang me ,
genhao threatened to make his Bar look like Iraq kena bombed .
hohohoho ~ so funny sia .. i laugh till Peng ~
and cos of Ivan , the newcomer called me
ShiHui .
which is like ... so weird and i told her not to call me that :P
scolded and bullied Ivan aft that . LOL .
Me , Ade, Fang , Jas , Amos , Elissa , Ivan stayed back a lil while aft work .
we got our lil snacks and food up to outlet . sang and poker-ed .
i lost 3 bucks ! booo . but that was okay (:
last train home with
Amos and Genhao.
Amos sucha poor thing . living in EUNOS .
ohmyTIAN .Hao's a
very good buddy of mine ,
i will
miss him so so much ):
sigh * Projects projects.
might as well had it done it over with .
then it'll be over ! :D
was still thinking for the hols .
should i work morning or night ?
btw ~
the dangling puffy BALL of my hp came out !
i'm bloodey angry X.X !
it's just the 2nd day i bought it ~
neh mind . i should be contented !
it's just one small thing compared to other big stuffs (:
friday night was work (:
quite enjoyable la cos i was there disturbing everyone ! :P
aft work i was last in the transport .
the uncle need to go elsewhere to fetch other ppl and he's late ~
so he passed me a
10$note, i had to get down and hail a cab .
that was totally fustrating cos i'm alr soooo damn sleepy.
i might as well just cab home in the 1st place ! booo .
this was the 1st time .
luckily the cab i hailed was those v spacious van type .
it was a luxury having to sit in it ! hoho .
the seats are big and comfy but it's damn cold in there ~