Monday, February 11, 2008

Okay time to update.


the usual Monday Blues.
school as usual and i'm early , i mean i reach on time !
-proud of myself sia-

usual slacking during BCM . the girls are doing banner for the debate .
then i was too hungry thus Oli and CY acc me over to the canteen .
and we wanted to discuss abt POM project . sigh ~
still don't know what to do yet. i hate projects can !

so stressing . in the end we fell asleep in the classroom -.- still not done YET . and POM i was hoping for time to fly . aft sch headed home straight . sucha boring day ~ and immediately fell asleep once i stepped into home sweet home .


On chu2 , my mum's side came over to my place and mum cooked many many sumptuous dishes as usual ~ and we LAO YU SHENG too ~ so fun having to lao with relatives , besides its the closer side . (: and chu9 we'll be going over to my ah yi place at yew tee ~ ^^v then relatives slack and catch-up with each other ~ my uncle's soooooo good la .. found alot of hps in his bus , lucky him ~ LOL . so ppl , don't lose your hps in the buses, if not you'll have a high possibility not to get it back ever again :X

then MUM played poker(21dian) with .. *counting* with 6kids including my 2bro(s) . and she is the banker . hahahaha . all of them noe how to play sia ~ soooo noisy sia they all ~ then she's damn lucky many times BAN LUCK . then the kids played till damn happy like that .. i didn't join in cos i was busy online-ing and watching teevee ~ haas .

overall for cny i had 2 steamboats , bloated but luckily i did not eat any rice cos i know i'll be damn full ~ this yr's angbao is so much lesser i wonder why ? chu2 and chu3 night went to work PT at kbox again cos of the enticing DOUBLE PAY (: ~ and i'll have total of $144 additional to splurge :X bet my coming mth pay will be good ~ but NIGHT SHIFT absolutely tiring , perhaps i haven't done night for quite a period of time alr ..


new yr period , so lil staff ! ohmytian~ i wanna faint from exhaustion . everything must do myself , tell ppl politely to help me do this or that but she pretended to be deaf . X.X always slack and got room to cut pretend nv see .. 1st night non-stop clearing of rooms till i accidentally hurt my 2fingers till swollen out of nowhere . K9 i clear myself sooooo messy!! left K1 nia messier too !! nobody cut, 1 pretend nv see .. i was cutting the small room then i ask K1 left liao isit , then act blur say " huh .. isit .. don't know leh .. " then contd do those not important stuff like putting titbits bowl nicely . WTH !

so i say do more impt things first but pretended deaf again.
i nearly wanna volcano erupt liao ~
in the end i clear myself again !! i hate clearing big rooms lah~
i rather clear 10small rooms rather than clear 1big room .

after work Daffy persuaded me to go eat ~ hahaha .
so she came over to 257 my hse there for breakfast :D
on the way over i was sooo dead till alr reaching
and she say since i'm v tired we dont eat le ..

haiyo then i say nvm la alr come all the way liao ~ haha
bitch-ed and talked to her abt alot of stuffs ..
basically cos she ask me abt an irritating guy who disgusted me .
then i told her what happened between us .

she was surprised and amazed by his acts too !! ^^
then acc-ed me walk back home while she cabbed home ~
while walking met dao yong sia ~ he just finished his mahjong games -.-

then i disturbed him and ask .


HOHOHO . and he entertained me say YES .
hahahaha .

2nd night also left K1 so damn luan !! and nobody cut at all then i've to like 3 qing 4 qing then i myself ownself pull ferrari go in .. i purposely take my own sweet time lo .. LOLS . then ppl slowly come help me cut abit. su-ee so kelian need to be bar for chu3 and she keep complaining hahahaha ~ and both days even if i so tired alr i still go help out bar put the glasses all that till i wanna slp .. then nobody else come in help .. can still light cigg and smoke first . see liao oso dula* . wa rao . i part-timer only machiam maid like that .

what is this ! so pekcek . but nvm its over ~
i was so tired till i didnt bathe and changed
and fell onto my bed and SLEPT till evening !!

sunday was whole night slacking + watching teevee .
i loveee nua-ing at home X: hiakhiak~

going town tml aft sch !! (: SHOPPING too ~
my hp need servicing for the msg !!


stupid phone . i gonna have you sold !!

i was busy ytd uploading and designing simple wrds on my pics !!
and i found 104more pics in my n70 for cny cos i forgot i brought 2phones along !
1 more major finding , i played ard with photoshop and i found 1 effect which is like ..
DARN PRETTAYE !!! and it's not obvious where it is , have to search deep inside .


something is v wrong with my internet connection today ..

online shopping has got me madly addicted(like always) and now my pocket's burnt! haha, just joshing. ordered a chunk of items on the www and i shall be getting them delivered soon. i can't help falling in love with the things i see, my fingers will start itching to click, buy! :D

pictures as i promised few wks back !


white knitted turtleneck .

White BF top ~

step-on leggings .

Pink Cardi



Pink Winter Wear(future purpose :X)

Pink buckle bag(Arrived!)

Bear naval-alike earring(arrived!)

Whistle-alike necklace(arrived!)

Unique 2way necklace(arrived!)

update more when i'm free !
NV REN WO ZUI DA's recommended items :D

ohya ! Val's day is coming ! ohmyTIAN .
i totally don't like this day . cos i've nv celebrated Val before with love .
it's always soooo coincidental that whenever it's FEB14 , i'll sure be single .
other than last year , but still last year we didn't celebrated at all due to my ex's work .

so , it totally meant nth to me ):
but anyway , yong ask me out on this day . haha .

was still thinking perhaps i'll just rot at home
and stop thinking too much on this day .

LOLS . i always say .. single is still the best ~
oh purpur ~ don't lie through your teeth !
hiakhiak ~ someone to dote on you might be better ? :X

i'm tired ! i still need to rush on POM's project !



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