26 APRIL 2008 .

( not in order. )
NRB - evan E1 , adel A1, sue-ee SE ; vic bro . manrong gf ; pingping darling . adeline . beechua . jasmine laopo . elissa . samantha baby . kenneith . yanhao sister . pauline . angie fishy . aiping darling . zhujing . sophia . genhao romeo . stanley . pauline wee . lifang . ivan ; jo baobao . vivien . tiffany laopo. huanyun . huiling . weishan . cheeyong . oliver . joy . gary . boonkiat . shaoteng and my other classmates ; bell bell . dewey . vincent . si mopeng . ahseng bro . eileen miao tiao . sam bro . jiayong 19yrs bf . william bro . xxshihui sis . enwei honey . jiayi qq , xiaobee . ruth . joanna sis . apple sis . shuzhen , jiemin , felicia , sebas lover . jessica sis . weijie . jiahui . vivian . jovin . mingzhi sis . kangjie . von gf . bernice gf . zhiwei . ahboy . min sis . ping sis . serene sis . jonathan sehseh . jon . lynn . jianhui laoba . yileen . jolin . siew eng . daocheng . heng . bryan son . sylvester . ridwan . jason MS . alvin . kai . salina . anthony . salina . stella . keith . adam . weihao . kailing . senrong . xiangjie . hongyin . chinwei . angeline . vincent zhuzhu . ronnie . kennethjc . weiting . joyce . jackson .
thanks for the birthday/advanced/belated wishes ;
whether is it thru hp/sms/phone call or friendster or face to face ~
many of my friends couldn't get thru me cos i didn't inform em of my new number .
i mean the number is alr like 4mths old le but i didn't really update my friends la .
those i forgot to mention names cos there're alot to remember,
very sorry but i do appreciate it k ? (:

a big THANK YOU ! :D

met up Evan early afternoon for Jolin's event .
she came to SG to promote abt tw as she's the tourism ambassador of tw
waited damn long for her la ! but it's all worth it !
supposedly starting at 2pm , we were late at 2.30 .
yet we waited till nearly 4pm ! ohmy .

how great is she? willing to acc me to wait for yiling !

tried their bubbletea samples , so much nicer than SG's .
and their muacheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! :D

the emcee kept talking and talking la.
then jolin finally came up stage and everyone screamed !
she wore a shimmery silverish gold dress !!
we were sweating damn badly !!

My 9years princess . love her since i wa pri 5 !

took lots of pics of her ,
but lazy to upload la :X

she came for like .. 1/2 - 3/4 hour only? and went off .
then everyone was like chasing her when she was guarded as she went off .
the emcees were talking and nobody stayed in the event ground . hahaha .

i gave chase too ! then she disappeared .
but she's real gorgeous la ~
saw her the 3rd/4th time in real alr .

grabbed some bites cos we were famished !

SHILIN . my tempura ~

Evan's pork floss crepe . nice (:
we bought a pair of slip-ins each from DMK .

tried on some lingerie .

headed over to town and wait for vic and manr .

they reached very late , cos of the damn traffic jam .
heard that a damn big big vehicle overturned on the road ,
causing the road to be blocked and major traffic jam for 2hrs !

i bet those on the cabs sure POK !! lol !
we at heeren sitting there waiting till rot alr .
then walked to taka for awhile .
brands sales !!
we saw a babypink GUESS luggage bag .
for $86 only !! and it's damn damn prettaye ok !!
but it's heavy la ~ so we didnt buy it .

it's actually very big in real .
then ran off to meet em .
super hungry ~ dined at suki sushi .

don't really like the ramen there ~
like totally tasteless .
i still love Ajisen ramen :D

some pics of food . some we ate before i could take :P

we suddenly ordered many sides !
haha . and we were damn full alr luh !

jas and me .

manr and me .
paid and cabbed over to JE .
bell . dewey . vincent . jas there alr (:
then we sang all that , suddenly i was singing JIA ZHUANG .
and manr pressed next song !
a surprised cake came in ~
thanks ah !

my 3rd cake ! :D
wished and cut cake .
pictures ~

wonder who took those blurry pics !
esp it's almost all with grp pics there are blurry ~
aww =/ wasted !
more pics in bell's cam ! :)

presents from bell and dewey ! :)
and it's so damn chio and sweet(pink) la !! :D

she's a beauty ! :D
then 2 spoilers came , bringing a bunch of act-beng monkeys .
their jokes are so lame can . not funny at all~
we were damn fedup . but it's okay i tolerate .
then we moved to k1 .
but treating the place as their own territories .
not even a single bday wish was said .
and sat as if it's another grp away from us .
doing own stuff ~ holding onto the mikes . pool .
what the hell .
i almost flared up and shouted .
they asked me to hack care, luckily i simmer down .
else i sure ask em to get right out of my sight !
then when leaving just went away like that .
i tak bo leh tahan alr ~
i just went up and say :
" eh you buay paiseh(in chinese) one ah ? "
and walked off back to the room .
i shouldn't have agreed to let you all come .
though before that there were disagreements alr .
i don't care if you did read my blog .
you don't even have any sense of guiltyness whatsoever ~
if you think that i'm wrong , CONFRONT me then .
but i guess you don't even dare to , cos you yourself know .
that's the way i am , don't cross over my limits .
so we know that people do change drastically .
those sorta people are those we should lose contact with ~
and treat em as strangers even if we saw em in the future .
anyw , let's just forget about useless people who only know how to smoke(think that this is cool) and merry and buay paiseh ask for discounts and say no money . wa lao . still got face say can pay $10 nia . LOLS . xiao si ren la . pls lor . if not for us they can step into the room meh ?
then my anger's still not yet released .
and i msged him some stuffs saying abt em .
he don't even dare to reply . laughs*

anyway , we had our own fun and major craziness la ~
hahaha love em so much ! we played games and sang .
then the King Game . i'm so lucky i always tio KING !!
King can say like number 2 and 3 kiss and they must kiss ~

one of my punishments for em is to smell the feet of another person !
i think i'm so gross to think of such punishment la ! :X

pool-ed all that .pingping came ! *hugs ~
then they went home at 4am+ .
we stayed back and waited for NRB they all finish work .
sang , pooled again ~ lols .

cabbed over to dewey's aunt bungalow at timah with evan and jas. wanted to get money from my wallet , realised my money's gone ! all gone okay ! $70+ bucks okay ! dammit . i don't know who stole em la . must be some f***ing idiots ~
i seriously hope their mouths rot and faces burn,
they puke whatever they eat,
they choke on whatever they drink
and even die while breathing in oxygen ~
my carelessness !
should not have leave my belongings ard~
giving THIEVES a chance to steal !!
many people alr guess dao is who liao la .
but ask em , sure deny what . never mind .
really can't believe people can change so much in a short time .
then they're right , have to open our eyes big next time !
abit heart pain la cos i can buy stuffs with that money .
but also a lesson of people's true colours . well well .
i know my loved ones will keep cursing em right into their heart !
anyway kenneth came too .
been such a long time i last seen him la since sec sch .
hahaha . getting darker ~

the house like animal farm sia ~ hahaha .
5/6 dogs , BIG DOGS okay !! nearly to our height !!
we were damn afraid to go in la , but evan like nth happen -.-
then dewey went in first to control em cos they kept barking .
in the end 1 force open the gate and ran out , following by 3 more !
and he gave chase !! LOL ! managed to chain 1 back !
then his maid help him . hahahha . finally dare to go inside the house .
wa lao first time so close to BIG DOGS !!
then heard the sound of a goose ! quack quack*
really got goose sia ! so cute !
up to his house . mahjong-ed .
went home during noon time .
bathed and slept till evening !
damn shiok :D


( not in order. )
NRB - evan E1 , adel A1, sue-ee SE ; vic bro . manrong gf ; pingping darling . adeline . beechua . jasmine laopo . elissa . samantha baby . kenneith . yanhao sister . pauline . angie fishy . aiping darling . zhujing . sophia . genhao romeo . stanley . pauline wee . lifang . ivan ; jo baobao . vivien . tiffany laopo. huanyun . huiling . weishan . cheeyong . oliver . joy . gary . boonkiat . shaoteng and my other classmates ; bell bell . dewey . vincent . si mopeng . ahseng bro . eileen miao tiao . sam bro . jiayong 19yrs bf . william bro . xxshihui sis . enwei honey . jiayi qq , xiaobee . ruth . joanna sis . apple sis . shuzhen , jiemin , felicia , sebas lover . jessica sis . weijie . jiahui . vivian . jovin . mingzhi sis . kangjie . von gf . bernice gf . zhiwei . ahboy . min sis . ping sis . serene sis . jonathan sehseh . jon . lynn . jianhui laoba . yileen . jolin . siew eng . daocheng . heng . bryan son . sylvester . ridwan . jason MS . alvin . kai . salina . anthony . salina . stella . keith . adam . weihao . kailing . senrong . xiangjie . hongyin . chinwei . angeline . vincent zhuzhu . ronnie . kennethjc . weiting . joyce . jackson .
thanks for the birthday/advanced/belated wishes ;
whether is it thru hp/sms/phone call or friendster or face to face ~
many of my friends couldn't get thru me cos i didn't inform em of my new number .
i mean the number is alr like 4mths old le but i didn't really update my friends la .
those i forgot to mention names cos there're alot to remember,
very sorry but i do appreciate it k ? (:

a big THANK YOU ! :D

met up Evan early afternoon for Jolin's event .
she came to SG to promote abt tw as she's the tourism ambassador of tw
waited damn long for her la ! but it's all worth it !
supposedly starting at 2pm , we were late at 2.30 .
yet we waited till nearly 4pm ! ohmy .

how great is she? willing to acc me to wait for yiling !

tried their bubbletea samples , so much nicer than SG's .
and their muacheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! :D

the emcee kept talking and talking la.
then jolin finally came up stage and everyone screamed !
she wore a shimmery silverish gold dress !!
we were sweating damn badly !!

My 9years princess . love her since i wa pri 5 !

took lots of pics of her ,
but lazy to upload la :X

she came for like .. 1/2 - 3/4 hour only? and went off .
then everyone was like chasing her when she was guarded as she went off .
the emcees were talking and nobody stayed in the event ground . hahaha .

i gave chase too ! then she disappeared .
but she's real gorgeous la ~
saw her the 3rd/4th time in real alr .

grabbed some bites cos we were famished !

SHILIN . my tempura ~

Evan's pork floss crepe . nice (:
we bought a pair of slip-ins each from DMK .

tried on some lingerie .

headed over to town and wait for vic and manr .

they reached very late , cos of the damn traffic jam .
heard that a damn big big vehicle overturned on the road ,
causing the road to be blocked and major traffic jam for 2hrs !

i bet those on the cabs sure POK !! lol !
we at heeren sitting there waiting till rot alr .
then walked to taka for awhile .
brands sales !!
we saw a babypink GUESS luggage bag .
for $86 only !! and it's damn damn prettaye ok !!
but it's heavy la ~ so we didnt buy it .

it's actually very big in real .
then ran off to meet em .
super hungry ~ dined at suki sushi .

don't really like the ramen there ~
like totally tasteless .
i still love Ajisen ramen :D

some pics of food . some we ate before i could take :P

we suddenly ordered many sides !
haha . and we were damn full alr luh !

jas and me .

manr and me .
paid and cabbed over to JE .
bell . dewey . vincent . jas there alr (:
then we sang all that , suddenly i was singing JIA ZHUANG .
and manr pressed next song !
a surprised cake came in ~
thanks ah !

my 3rd cake ! :D
wished and cut cake .
pictures ~

wonder who took those blurry pics !
esp it's almost all with grp pics there are blurry ~
aww =/ wasted !
more pics in bell's cam ! :)

presents from bell and dewey ! :)
and it's so damn chio and sweet(pink) la !! :D

she's a beauty ! :D
then 2 spoilers came , bringing a bunch of act-beng monkeys .
their jokes are so lame can . not funny at all~
we were damn fedup . but it's okay i tolerate .
then we moved to k1 .
but treating the place as their own territories .
not even a single bday wish was said .
and sat as if it's another grp away from us .
doing own stuff ~ holding onto the mikes . pool .
what the hell .
i almost flared up and shouted .
they asked me to hack care, luckily i simmer down .
else i sure ask em to get right out of my sight !
then when leaving just went away like that .
i tak bo leh tahan alr ~
i just went up and say :
" eh you buay paiseh(in chinese) one ah ? "
and walked off back to the room .
i shouldn't have agreed to let you all come .
though before that there were disagreements alr .
i don't care if you did read my blog .
you don't even have any sense of guiltyness whatsoever ~
if you think that i'm wrong , CONFRONT me then .
but i guess you don't even dare to , cos you yourself know .
that's the way i am , don't cross over my limits .
so we know that people do change drastically .
those sorta people are those we should lose contact with ~
and treat em as strangers even if we saw em in the future .
anyw , let's just forget about useless people who only know how to smoke(think that this is cool) and merry and buay paiseh ask for discounts and say no money . wa lao . still got face say can pay $10 nia . LOLS . xiao si ren la . pls lor . if not for us they can step into the room meh ?
then my anger's still not yet released .
and i msged him some stuffs saying abt em .
he don't even dare to reply . laughs*

anyway , we had our own fun and major craziness la ~
hahaha love em so much ! we played games and sang .
then the King Game . i'm so lucky i always tio KING !!
King can say like number 2 and 3 kiss and they must kiss ~

one of my punishments for em is to smell the feet of another person !
i think i'm so gross to think of such punishment la ! :X

pool-ed all that .pingping came ! *hugs ~
then they went home at 4am+ .
we stayed back and waited for NRB they all finish work .
sang , pooled again ~ lols .

cabbed over to dewey's aunt bungalow at timah with evan and jas. wanted to get money from my wallet , realised my money's gone ! all gone okay ! $70+ bucks okay ! dammit . i don't know who stole em la . must be some f***ing idiots ~
i seriously hope their mouths rot and faces burn,
they puke whatever they eat,
they choke on whatever they drink
and even die while breathing in oxygen ~
my carelessness !
should not have leave my belongings ard~
giving THIEVES a chance to steal !!
many people alr guess dao is who liao la .
but ask em , sure deny what . never mind .
really can't believe people can change so much in a short time .
then they're right , have to open our eyes big next time !
abit heart pain la cos i can buy stuffs with that money .
but also a lesson of people's true colours . well well .
i know my loved ones will keep cursing em right into their heart !
anyway kenneth came too .
been such a long time i last seen him la since sec sch .
hahaha . getting darker ~

the house like animal farm sia ~ hahaha .
5/6 dogs , BIG DOGS okay !! nearly to our height !!
we were damn afraid to go in la , but evan like nth happen -.-
then dewey went in first to control em cos they kept barking .
in the end 1 force open the gate and ran out , following by 3 more !
and he gave chase !! LOL ! managed to chain 1 back !
then his maid help him . hahahha . finally dare to go inside the house .
wa lao first time so close to BIG DOGS !!
then heard the sound of a goose ! quack quack*
really got goose sia ! so cute !
up to his house . mahjong-ed .
went home during noon time .
bathed and slept till evening !
damn shiok :D