Wednesday, May 21, 2008

i got tempted by baobao to get a DS LITE!
and my NRB also !! ohmy*

should i , or should i not ?

the procrastinating queen is at it again ..


Sorry for neglecting you for the past few days.

Sometimes i suck at words and may be unable to provide you with the best consolation you needed during your lows, but i just wanna let you know that every bit of your emotion matters to me. I care for you just like how you care for me. So when you're super sad now, i get very worried too.

Focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.

Always keep in mind that i'm just a call away, whenever you need a listening ear, a shopping partner or someone to accompany for a meal or to a movie when you feel lonely.

Here you have my word, i'll try my very best to be there if ever you need me or want a lil bonding session together.

Remember what i told you on msn just now.

And. See you real soon again with more shopping sprees together with NRB and bitching ~

of cos , our June 16 taiwan trip ~
Think of it and SMILE !



gave baby a surprise today .
i told him i'm very tired after sch(i am really tired though)
and will go home straight , but i had it all planned !

4pm(sch dismissal) - 8pm . 4hours !!
i'm so good ok :X

spent some time OWN SHOPPING ard IMM .
ohmytian* this is the 1st time i went just ME MYSELF and I !!
a tough job ok !!

went watsons for falsies ,
bought my fav biscuits TASTY and ZA blemish shoot ,
skin conditioning mist too.

and that BOURJOIS foundation which costs me freaking $38.80!
but its very effective and smooth la , defintely worth .
but i regret a lil leh . cos i can buy better brands :X

btw my Maybelline's still left a whole lot !
i love that too ! :D

the receipt was ard $60+
it was stated that there's a lucky draw to win vouchers 0.0

bought nail art stuffs , and a prettaye hp strap too.

and restock some blinkblinks*

waited for baby for 1hour 30mins in K18 listening to songs.
till i nearly dozed off .

heh heh . baby was so surprised !

my dinner (:

i only ate 1/4 though :P

fav junk .

dinner together and he sent me home :)

baby kept pinching my cheeks and face !
he's jealous of my smooth facial assets :X



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