Friday, January 11, 2008

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skipped school today again !! my fault , my fault .
i shouldn't have youtube-d till so late like 4+ !


and .....

i overslept !!

i need to help out in the orientation today !
but but .. it's over alr when i wake up at 2 !!! ~
luckily for ytd i managed to attend sch but was late as well .
not because i intended to , but i had 2 meetups at clementi before sch.
and Jiaying, my regular came way off late @ 9.30pm ~
she kept apologising , but its okay la . (:

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what else ?

went for Brunch at IMM with girls . MOS-ED . and my gastric(i think) hurts like no tomorrow ! $#@$#@!*^%$"^%$#@!*^%$ W.B.D!!! then i chased aft the bus , which i don't intended to in the 1st place . but vivi and wendy kept sia-ing me , saying that the bus haven't leave faster can catch !

and ..

last min i ran ! WA RAO . paiseh sia~ X=

apple in the bus , initially asked me go plaza with her ..
in the end we both went home cos her bks are heavy~ hahas .
wow she's got so many books ! luckily for us we don't have that many ..
(: hehe .

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i made a promise that i will attend sch regularly from next wk onwards . Hopefully i will not break my promise then . and my clock is DOWN . SPOILT . FAULTY or whatever ~

it doesn't move alr . LOLS . lousy .

i want a H.Kitty clock kay ? :X

youtubed for a few hours ytd , partially because i wanted to finish the show . and the ending sucks la . LOLS . anyway wuzun is so sauve . haha ~ laopo , wuzun my husband leh .. cannot snatch :PP we wun divorce one except that i find someone more handsome than him . mwahahaha .

then , i also watched that famous " 星光帮 " whatever ~ the 1st time i watched .
wow . 杨宗纬's voice really .. is GOOD ! go youtube and type his name !
then listen ! real damn good ~ and when he's singing those soothing songs ,

I teared !!

i mean , the audience teared too !

it's the 1st time i actually teared( a lil actually ) when someone sings . its like he really puts his heart and soul in the songs~ even the judges have nth to say , they even commented that he can be compared to those professional sings alr ~
should go listen , really (: though he's nt handsome ~ haha .

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and for the whole of today , i was doing my shop's stuffs .
replying to like ard 40+ emails frm different ppl ? ohmyGAWD .
then decided to do a new spree since i haven't done so for few mths :D
and i saw some eyecandies i wanted to get for myself too !

waiting for orders now .. (:

aint this piano piece nice ? (: it's Angela's 不想懂得 .
i lovee classical pieces ^^

only for ppl who appreciates music ba :P . don't you think its lovely ?
(when some ppl may actually think its lullaby sleep music =.=)

rah rah rah ~ nowadays nth to blog .
hur hur . tml's work again ! :DD

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i don't understand her now , neither do they understand . why is she like .. so .. zi bi nowadays ? =.=" and ppl came asking me what happened all that .
How am i suppose to know ?? O.O when nth happens either ??! it's very tough for me you know that . haven't to think of this and that , needa take care of this and that ~ haiyo .

i better leave her alone when she does that .
cos i can't tolerate this kinda stuff at all~ totally no idea *

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