i did the perms myself , just testing it out for the 1st time . must really thank my BAOBAO , Jo for lending me her hair curler :D well , i played with it the moment i stepped into my house (: Luckily i still have my hair sculpture lotion for permed hair which i bought last time when i did my perms at the salon . kinda miss my perm hair a lil though ~ sometimes you get sick of the same straight hair everyday you know you know ;)
sat aft wrk IMM to shop for GF's bday prezzie with ade LG and nelson. dinner at LJS . it's been long since i had that anyway ~ . then wanted to go home alr and buyer smsed me to wait for her for half an hour as she's on the way over , so resulting in me having to reach home at nearly midnight ! she missed my timeslot arranged for her in the afternoon before my work ! and when she reached she didn't even apologise that she was late or whatsoever ! damn angry can . but its okay , such small stuffs i'll forget it .
bought a few stuffs before i went for work again + my previous days posessions :

BOURJOIS PARIS in disco blue and absolute black mascaras , 1more purple mascara from the same brand and 1 purple eyeliner clubbing . this brand is specially made for clubbers . haha . i think the packaging is pretty so i got em :D $84 for 4items . i think i overspent again .
also got the Biore makeup remover cleansing cotton as recommended by a friend . quite effective (= but i heard Nivea's good too .
then on sun , work was super fun ~ hahaha . cos
mahjong-ed till morning . and i'm having sch on mon kay!! eventually i'm the big winner ! we played only 10-20cents which is like v lil~ .. and i won $16 !! whereas the guys lost and jas won $0.80 !! LOLS !! breakfast-ed with em , and cabbed home with Daffy alr . damn damn tiring . bathed and i fell asleep on my sofa . mum woke me up and i hurried to sch . was sleepy on the way to sch and dozed off in the bus . go sch having lunch break alr and went classroom with Oli and CY to slp ~ LOLS . you can imagine how tired i am .
nowadays sch's .. err . okay ? managed to turn up but i'm late ~ ):
and miraclously i went into the ladies today ALONE !! ohmyTIAN* it's just ALONE and no one else in the ladies and its so so quiet !! i started to think far alr hahaha . then washed my hands w/o even dare to look at the mirror and .. CHIONGGGGGGGGGG out ! LOL . i sound so dumb :X
school at 11am tml! yeah ^^v i can slp more ~
though i've to meet a buyer at 10.50am ~ hahas .

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