last sunday.
vivo with adel + her super pig.

wanted to pre-order a cake from BakerzIn,
but those flavours i dont think dumb will like em.
so still went ahead with Awfully Chocolate (:
paid and we went for high-tea at Secret Recipe.

chocolate banana is still the fav cake down there ^^v
hers was tiramisu, while super pig got a drink only.
bought a pair of black slip ons from m)phosis.

slacked and fagged. their friend joshua, came to meet us.
went looking for presents, procrastinate again and again.
went out for her puff at the seaside.
super nice breeze down there (:
we were deciding where to head to.
suddenly joshua said cafe del ma.
her super pig kept repeatedly, cafe shen me ma.
damn funny la. hahaha.
geylang for dinner.
thanks to the guys, we alighted at aljunied
(supposedly kallang is so much nearer =.=").
walked from lane 27 all the way to lane 3 okay!
24 freaking long lanes ! and complaining all the way.
was lucky i didnt wear high heels, or else i gonna kill pigs! :D
and waited for their 3 other cine friends.
wasnt very happy with the way the girl talked to adel rudely.
luckily i was in a good mood, or i'll really skin her alive man.

ordered frog legs' porridge, + other dishes.
super full!
reached home near to 1am.
bathed and slept at 4-5am after online-ing.
woke up at 8 for school.
after school to town with the girls.
fep for brunch. yummy yum yum.

they got me a STAGE hp strap! tyvm ! :D
me and yun went to Art Friend which was on top of Kino.
i'm a country bum! my first time there.
so many art stuffs and such,

chose the cardpapers for super long.
like when i finally finished buying em,
it's ard 8pm+ =.="
2hours+ stuck there choosing papers ohman.
too tired till i can actually even doze off while standing in the bus.
then at night,
it was one hell of a roller coaster ride.
when i found out more and more things and such.
but it's all in the past, so. ya. (:
did projects and etc stuffs,
slept at 6am+ and wake up for lessons again.
after school to clementi.
bought a file, and another piece of paper.
+ 3 thick stacks of colourful stars and heart sticknotes.
went to kbox and waited for the morning people to finish writing.
took 99 to adel's place, racking my brain for ideas.
luckily i had her help, or else i will beng kui. lol.

was dark alr. elissa wanna meet us for dinner.
so went boonlay market for stingray etc.
we love love ! so yummy !!

she walked us to the 187 bus stop and the bus was freaking long.
took an hour of the bus trip back -.-"
reached home ard 11.
super exhausted man.
forgot what else i did alr.
but i slept late again, for 3 consecutive days.
i'm a superwoman. haha.
woke up early, met sharona at fajar cos i need to go over there to bind my cardpapers. she was late so instead of wasting time to wait, i went to bind first on my own! haha. i think it's 2328738237 years i last stepped in.
after school she acc-ed me to plaza.
printed out photos and rushed back home to finish the book.
irritating calls and msgs seemed to appear at the wrong timing.
then. bathed and rushed to vivo to get the cake.
luckily vincent came to meet me, the cake was super heavy !!!
we lost each other in vivo, hahaha. on call cab to JP to meet the rest.

puppy and dumb went to smoke, so we came in.
quickly took the night shift's paper notes and i went to the staircase to do.
damn eerie and quiet !!! ohgawd.
finished and back to Ichiban.
haha. ordered food, ate a lil bit.
then they went to smoke while i prepared for the cake.
took the cake out when they came back etc.

the rest went to chinatown while me and dumb headed home.
i'm tooooooo worn out.
missed my stop and when i woke up i'm in woodlands alr.
damn. cabbed back then.
finally i can have a good sleep.
cambodia's trip is nearing.
no preparations or whatsoever still.
it's like, a normal trip hahaha.
m'sia desaru on 20th.
fireflies, lobster lunch etc :)
gonna bring my camera along,
have been ditching it for a long time.
eh, actually just keeping in a safe place.
and for the past days,
my blog reached a max of 125-150viewers and 65-80 unique users.
which means on an average 1 reader came twice.
thank you for coming to help me increase those adverts money,
but sorry to say, for some ill-intentioned people,
there are no shows down here (:
outsiders outside the circle who dont know anything, please keep the comments to yourself. you wouldn't want unwanted troubles to come knocking on your door yeah?
we're now all grown-ups, at least, young adults.
my brain is shutting down anytime now.