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lengthy post ^^
today !
i thought that the test starts at 9am , so when i woke up at 8 .
i rushed to go to school , cabbed over ~
when i reached school and then i realised i'm too early ! =.=
wendy was absent cos she was late for exam and thus she took an mc .
after sports and wellness ,
lunch-ed at central with 6 girlies + cheeyong :D
SINFUL lunch. bleahh ~
had a very happy day with them !
they're nice friends and i lovee nice ppl you know you know ;)
heh CHIPMUNK movie ? (:

so many KITTY x'mas stuffs in FAIRPRICE !
LOLS ! so cute :D and sweet purchasing aftermath .
Friday, 30th Nov 2oo7
woke up god damn early in the morning and met up with wendy , seri and shikin at bpp and over to Botanic Gardens to do our report or whatever nonsense. don't think the whole class went and we spent 2 silly hours(perhaps 1hour) there walking around taking pics for our report and went for makan-ing at the F.C there which the food wasn't that fantastic at all + its much more ex @.@ .

slacked and fagged at westmall's mac . shaker fries is back ! i'm loving it * :D
met ling awhile at 2head there . headed home and wendy came over my place so early so i went to bathe and we BPP-ed to slack. met up ahtat awhile then he went home due to his probation . last min bought a cute small lil cake for ahLIAO cos the shops are closing alr. hahahas . hellokitty somemore X= (purposely)

it's VICTOR LIAO QING CHENG's ... the day his bird was born ! MWAHAHAHA. happy bday ! -winks .

though there're quit alot of disappointments which i don't know why last min everything corked up and it indeed wasn't very nice la .. intended to club and all of a sudden the plan backfired . sad . but nah mind another day then :)

- how high the bungee roping thing .
well apart from that, he should have been feeling very honoured kay ? just the two of us at Clarke Quay riverside sitting there chit and chat and watched ppl bungee roping -.-" ~ eventually i complained to the rest that we're suffering there from the river breeze. and hachoo * ! i'll always try my very best to attend friend's impt no matter how tired i am from school :) well we cabbed over there with midnight charge but in the end night-rider from there to cine to meet up the rest. CRAP .
finally everyone's there. ppl like yileen and boyfriend, eileen, vincent, raymond, wendy + me and ahliao. deciding where to go and in the end we went for prata supper just the 5 of us at don't-know-which-kuku-place . it's the first time i ate MAGI GORENG ! haha.
vincent drove us back bp and up to his hse , intended for a drinking session. but guess i'm way too tired alr that i fell asleep right away. so woke up and all of us went home at 6am+ .
slept abit nia have to wake up for work. Total Sian-ness*
work was okay (: dinner-ed with ade , nelson , sharon and xiong before gg back. i'm famished ! haas . and i'm the lightbulb can ! so bright ! :( LOLS .

sometimes i'm so envious of ppl in r/s right now , it's like .. so xingfu can? but i don't know what's wrong with me , i'm envious yet i don't want right now -.- .
Contradicting . i know .but what if someone along the way can touch me , using his heart ..
waaa ~ :D i think i'm dreaming then.
SUNDAY , 2nd Dec 2oo7
work again. accumulated what i've bought for two days , don't think my two days' pay can cover. haha ! i bought like .. 7(eyeliners including 2eyebrow liners) for don't-know-what-sake . cos i don't know what colour to buy so i bought all . LOLS i'm crazy i know . and 2silkygirl's new glitter perfume . nice nice :D * and the Volume Shocking Black whereby i bought the same one but different colour last wk ! haha . okay enough of these ! i just lost 1black eyeliner which i don't know what happened to it and when i reached home i realise 1 is missing? o.O argh !
Adeline kept saying me luan luan spend $ . hah . say want organise go out meet seng they all come out also never. this newly promoted SUPERVISOR damn busy la ~ i wanna go her hse for mahjong again leh !! (: rushed off to meet wendy, cy and oliver at lot1 for our project discussion. in the end we didn't manage to do anything. plainly eating and eating cos we can't think of any ideas. sigh- went home aft slacking ~
MON. 3rd Dec 2oo7

lot1 with them again for project discussion aft school. in the end still didn't get it done as we wasted alot of time eating and walking ard . LOLS .

and MANR this gf of mine told me abt today's meet-up at clementi kbox for singing. so agreed and reached home ard 7pm , bathed and went downstairs meet her , jiaming and vic over. sang and sang . following by me and manr went down central find cake. choco flavour again ! hahaas . sang belated song to him and we made him pick the candle up using his mouth.

then at 11pm+ wendy, eileen, raymond, liheng, vincent came . total 9 of us .. sang sang all that . ordered hardliquor liao ~ at first henessy i never drink cos i singing + wendy kept reminding me that we're having early school lessons the next day but they kept asking me play game tgt. haas . then not enough open another i forgot what le cos i got drunk.

today morning then knew what happened from wendy. HAHAHAHA. they all do stunts sia . luckily i didn't do any stunt .. phew- or they'll disiao me laugh abt the chalet that time i say about mahjong thingy when i was drunk =.=" damn malu ! me , jiaming , liheng sit vincent's car over to my hse first then wendy at pending waited for us to reach then they sent me up my hse i went in myself. haha . then vic , wendy and raymond one cab this ahliao did alot of stunts . wahahahaha xP . then eileen cabbed home too ~

had a hangover today morning. seh seh sia * then in school big stuff happened. it was resolved alr so i shan't elaborate as i'm lazy and since apologies were made . wasted so much of water today . you know you know . and so damn paiseh can. haiyoo ~ luckily i'm someone who can forget things easily , esp bad ones . case closed (:
lot1 again =.=" for dinner. need to get back my energy . wanna faint mann cos i didn't had anything to eat in the morning + afternoon . eek ! finally KIMCHI soup meal is my saviour ! :D kimchi is love*

walked ard again .. then settled down at mac to discuss. wrote our proposal stuff and packed up . nearly went over to cut my fringe cos wendy wanna go cut hair ~ wa liao . comments pls ? should i cut ? or should i not ?
got my phone alrdy ! W910i ! wahahaha . i lovee it .
but the only thing is that , i can't take pics as often now ..
cos it doesnt have a camera infront for me to CAMWHORE !
aww =/ sucha pity ~ but other than that the music is great ^^ !
and i wrote a complaint email to singtel for their mishandling of my termination of line . ever since last thurs i wanted to terminate it and till now it wasnt done yet ! how angry am i?
tell ya something , i kind of miss MR SUNNY CHOW ! i mean , his lessons ~
cos nowadays we're only having free and easy time as he is out of school for a wk ~ aww . hols coming ! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~
alright . i'm kind enough to blog so much can !
brain dehydrating alr !
Ok bye !