Saturday, May 31, 2008

Baby and me finally got our rings at CoupleLab,
need to wait for a few days for the engraving to be done.
It's been a long long time i last been to Lot1.

A drastic change i see.

One happy thing.
I finally found my BIG metal cosmetic case.
You know those professional makeup artists
who bring those sort of cases ard?


paid for it and then i'll collect it another day
cos we're gg other places and bringing that with us is a trouble ~

50% discount okay !
$80. weeeee ~ i love it*
i have too many cosmetics for a place to fit in !

and got some anklet for myself (:
then went for a lil snack of the so called
" TW snacks " at the new food court.

Vivo for collection of watch + movie and dinner.

Accuracy of Death.
I think the whole movie is all abt how charming Takeshi Kaneshiro is.
he's really very handsome and cute la ! :D

Sushi Tei.
Loads of people queueing till it's a long line outside the restaurant.

Udon for him and Tempura Ramen set for me.
Side order passionfruit drinks, crisp chicken and Chawanmushi :)

i guess i overworked myself for the week.
whenever i'm on the bus i'll go Zzzzz .

so nice to sleep on baby's shoulder~
baby kept pinching my cheeks !!

tlast wk before my work baby came to meet me aft his.
sudden craving for pizzahut :D

loads of chilli and cheese~

baby kept wanting to wait for me aft my work everyday
but i know he'll sure be very tired though he denied.

i ordered him to go home :X

moodswing for a few days alr.
losing too much blood for an entire mth.

Work today sucks.
Probably due to extreme exhaustion and my swollen toe.
And besides work, other stuffs accumulating too,
I nearly burst out crying.

i hope life gets better now.

Decided not to cancel my schedule tml
cos i feel i really need a deep rest.

NRB conferencing!
i gonna bathe before i call em alr ~

i feel like closing my blog.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


I just felt so not belong to the grp .


Okay, i prefer this.
IF don't like me,
just say it in my face.

Maybe i did something wrong.

Don't make me feel so miserable can?
Hear me out and feel my pain.

I tried to swallow down many times alr.
But still, i need some breathing space to vent out.

It's like. bursting soon.

Don't even say the same old words:

" you think too much la.. "

Try to be in my shoes,
and feel what i felt.

Perhaps I'm just an extra.

I dont wanna fake my smile.
I wanna laugh wholeheartedly like before.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Something to share.

One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly noticed that her mother had several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast on her brunette head.

She looked at her mother and inquisitively asked,
"Why are some of your hairs white, Mom?"

Her mother replied,
"Well, every time that you do something wrong
and make me cry or unhappy,
one of my hairs turns white."

The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then said,
"Momma, how come ALL of grandma's hairs are white?"


sometimes i wonder.



anyw, i skipped class for 37249247th this term.
bah. exaggerated abit. but.
tomorrow will still be self-proclaimed sch hol again~

sometimes i need some breathing space.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Baby gonna be transferred to Cine alr cos not enough manpower there. Damn angry la but what can we do? We were all moodless during work last night cos work seems to be so unenjoyable alr other than the parts when we are fooling ard with the superiors etc and our gathering at blue.

NRB! let's go find another job tgt ! :D

Back home, conference with NRB (:
Totally totally made my day !

They're the ones who totally understands me,
and we can always be true to one another.
Whatever we're not happy with , we'll say em all out,
so that each and everyone of us know what's going on.

Tell me in this life, how many can you meet?

No badstabbing , no badmouthing at all.
No lies(white lies only) , no hate and loathe.

A teeny bit of hiccup, immediately solved ~
of cos, the bonding even stronger !

Accepting indifference.
Accepting that each one of us has flaws too.

Just directly right from the true heart (:

Honestly i'll place em right above my BF ~
So baby, you better don't bully my ladies huh,
If not i also can't help you :D

NRB outing asap !! ^^

few hours of conf till 9am.
and i wanna slp alr cos i was supposed to meet a spree-er.
In the end i couldn't drag myself up and missed it -.-"


On friday ,

CHEEYONG is not a man of his words !!

met up with BABY aft school.
then headed over to Vivo.

DIAN XIAO ER for brunch.
the service is VERY SLOW okay!
and i'm so hungry alr!!

but tell ya !! the roasted duck is damn yummy !
hahaha . so it actually made my anger away (:

my stupid face ! :X

caught him off-guard!

Then . he saw me taking his photos !

And he ignore ! :X

then walked ard to wait for my watch to be fixed.
in the end we had to wait for a few days to get it back -.-"

got a dark choc round biscuit mirror !

and SWEETS from Marks and Spencers :D

headed to baby's home to slack.
then before work , to IMM.

we wanna get rings but the designs are not v nice.
so baby got me a necklace i wanted so long !

angel necklace with two earrings !
i decided not to get the earrings yet cos i don't really need la.
so waste of money right as the whole set will be $75.90.

after work surprise cake for aiping~


the usual sleepover at evan's place.
she wanted me to watch The Eye 10 with her,
in the end i dozed off.

late noon , i kept sleeping on and off ~
then her maid bought chicken chop back .

school tml again ):
my work schedule for this wk is fully packed !
6days of night shift. wow ~
hope i can endure ba.

tell ya, i've been eating alot nowadays ~
and i actually lost 2kgs ! hohoho :D
maybe i ate the right meals and not skipping em.

i guess it's the test of how the r/s stand now.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

♥ the mirror, sweets and necklace ~

i love boyfriend :D
he says he can't wait to see me again!
hahaha . *winks


Read this somewhere:


1+2+5= 08
3+1+4= 08
5+1+2= 08




前四个字 - 北京奥运
后四个字 - 四川地震

Friday, May 23, 2008

Sometimes ..

i don't even feel like going school.
i don't even have that motivation to go either.

i felt like quitting,
but i know i'll be stupid to quit right now.

Sometimes ..
i appeared to be crazy and smiling and laughing,
but it doesn't mean i'm really happy.

That may not be the real me.

less than a year more to go ~
i must endure.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

i got tempted by baobao to get a DS LITE!
and my NRB also !! ohmy*

should i , or should i not ?

the procrastinating queen is at it again ..


Sorry for neglecting you for the past few days.

Sometimes i suck at words and may be unable to provide you with the best consolation you needed during your lows, but i just wanna let you know that every bit of your emotion matters to me. I care for you just like how you care for me. So when you're super sad now, i get very worried too.

Focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.

Always keep in mind that i'm just a call away, whenever you need a listening ear, a shopping partner or someone to accompany for a meal or to a movie when you feel lonely.

Here you have my word, i'll try my very best to be there if ever you need me or want a lil bonding session together.

Remember what i told you on msn just now.

And. See you real soon again with more shopping sprees together with NRB and bitching ~

of cos , our June 16 taiwan trip ~
Think of it and SMILE !



gave baby a surprise today .
i told him i'm very tired after sch(i am really tired though)
and will go home straight , but i had it all planned !

4pm(sch dismissal) - 8pm . 4hours !!
i'm so good ok :X

spent some time OWN SHOPPING ard IMM .
ohmytian* this is the 1st time i went just ME MYSELF and I !!
a tough job ok !!

went watsons for falsies ,
bought my fav biscuits TASTY and ZA blemish shoot ,
skin conditioning mist too.

and that BOURJOIS foundation which costs me freaking $38.80!
but its very effective and smooth la , defintely worth .
but i regret a lil leh . cos i can buy better brands :X

btw my Maybelline's still left a whole lot !
i love that too ! :D

the receipt was ard $60+
it was stated that there's a lucky draw to win vouchers 0.0

bought nail art stuffs , and a prettaye hp strap too.

and restock some blinkblinks*

waited for baby for 1hour 30mins in K18 listening to songs.
till i nearly dozed off .

heh heh . baby was so surprised !

my dinner (:

i only ate 1/4 though :P

fav junk .

dinner together and he sent me home :)

baby kept pinching my cheeks and face !
he's jealous of my smooth facial assets :X


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sun after work.

waited for him till 7.30pm ok !
it's so freezing inside K56 la ~
see , i'm sucha good gf right ? :X

after walking rounds in IMM.
decided on Swensens (:


Baby's .

smiley face (:

ahh . and his baked rice . forgot to take ~

then .
bought some accessories and headed home .

Sat after work .
Kobayashi (:

i think bf gonna make me super FAT !!

he'll be cooking home-cooked dishes for me on fri!
can't wait to go over !

bf is good eh ? :D

Some overdue pics .

wanna go out with NRB again !
i miss my girls so much ~ ):


i wanna go DINGTAIFUNG~
xiaolongbao *

then again .
we are so fortunate ,
so fortunate to have a good government,
and so fortunate to live in sg .

looking at the Sichuan Earthquake ,
my heart sank .

saw this in the news:

"These buildings outside have been here for 20 years and didn't collapse - the school was only 10 years old. [Government officials] took the money from investment, so they took the lives of hundreds of kids. They have money for prostitutes and second wives but they don't have money for our children. This is not a natural disaster - this is done by humans."

One mother was found buried dead while still suckling her three month old.

A third baby was found by rescue workers alive in the arms of his mother who unfortunately didn't make it. Rescue workers also found a mobile phone with the text message, "Honey, if you make it through this, please remember that I love you."

There are even people who had to cut off parts of their bodies themselves in order for the rescuers to be able to save them. That requires alot of courage and determination to do so .

Will you be able ?

though i know how much we dislike the china ppl(most) cos they're rude , unruly , strange odour on their body , uncivilised behavior etc etc ..

or that perhaps like what ppl guessed , it might be the doings of God punishing the officials/ government blabla ~

but .

please do help pray for them.
The peasants are innocent ; especially the children who became orphans.

Friday, May 16, 2008

a happy girl today!

Bf got me ..

a super cute kitty watch with white strap
+ pink *blinkblinks*

he himself got a watch too ~

then we still had 2hrs to spend .
so walked ard , slacked.
we camwhored at the fountain there~ :X

and then the sun is so scorching !
can't see my eyes alr ! LOL !

SCHNAUZER is so damn cute !
but i can't rear a dog at home , mum will kill me ~ ):

this familiar?

hahahaha ~ i bought it ! haven't tried it though .

and jelly from Daiso .
the fruits in it are made of star shapes ! :D

then ..

Movie : What happens in Vegas .
very nice *smiles* ~
Cameron Diaz is so HOT ! :D

dinner after movie at KolouMee .
couldn't finish my noodles .

i got tempted and went in Zara to try that long bf top i eyed on previously .
it looks nice, but then when i wore it , feels so weird due to the bad cutting.

heng i told bf i don't want to buy alr .
or i might be regretting now ! save 75bucks for him ^^

cos we saw 1 RED bag which is super mesmerizing ok !!!
it's $40 ~ and actually bf wanna get both the bag and bf top for me .
but i say next time la . cos nth else caught my eye though (:

by the way , not gonna disclose his face for the moment .
till maybe .. when we're stable alr. (:

anyway , told my parents about my tw trip just now alr .
LOL . dad offered to sponsor me the fares as my belated bday gift !

initially i said no need la .
but he insisted , saying later i no money spend how.
and he knows i always go shopping ; be it online or town .

MY SUPER NICE(yet sometimes lame) DAD ! :D

mum also insisted as she wanna me to get her some tw snacks back too !
but how much can snacks cost you tell me ?

i'm so lucky to have such "initiative" and "stubborn" parents :X !

woohoo ! no work tml !
NUA-ING at home time for me ! ^^v
i can contd watching my Hana Yori Dango (花より男子) !
Lei is damn handsome ok !!

ohya ! i almost forget!

Starburst Jellybeanies from CANDY EMPIRE !

from bf too :D

pamper pamper pamper.
gonna die from overdose of sweetness ^^ !