Min : ya haha totally believe 本性难改.. 还是你会看人..
anyway i also hack care about those 贱男人 liao . lol .
your ganbro isit that day i met you guys we sit down there slack
that guy in red skinnies one ? lol he super farney la
but he that day kept disiao me sia . you must wack him for me (: !
paiseh leh that night never call in cos i on the phone with my friend
and forgot to call in . bleahs . you from birth till now 最有道理 kay ? :)
Ling : HAHAHA miss you too darling :D
cannot la later Min kill me when i say i miss you more X= .
i miss both of you many many ;D ~ i
like your "hongsters lj need to be cut off"
LOLS . you ah always soo vulgar sia . piangg* faints-
clever leh you pretend as me ..
this kind of BHB thingy also dare to say here ah . :P
JJ : sweetheart ! thanks for your comforting those days :)
Nice description = POO , dabian . LOLS .
which guys i've never seen before? this is just a small pea right?
yeap i've promised ya i'll make it after my exams .
you take care too ~ *loves
Eunicey : dear ~ yeah that's right . i think you and me both are so suay to have met this kind of jerks . this jerk you also know one sia . haha . loveya smuacks*
EILEEN : sis ~ haha YES lucky enough . cos lao tian ye don't bear to see me upset . LOL . we see VERY CLEAR SIGHT right ? (= haha of cos so many guys better than a bastard . *loves*
Melissa : sis~ no la never MIA la .. just that i now seldom contact ming they all liao cos i busy with sch ma . that time got try contacting you when Ben say
you miss me alot and looking for me but you change number right ?
haha change number never inform still say never contact you . piak ni ah * ;D
my mamamia : MAMAMIA where you MIA to!!!? once you see my reply you contact my hp kay ? miss you tons ! have been looking for you for quite some time le sia . haiyoo . play missing game ah!?
jo : 宝宝 love ~ hehes . yeah gonna join WP X= ~
xiaoxiaoshihui : darling ! (= smuacks*
meetup ! qishan , you , tiangyun and ME !
qishan : ahhh 73 ah ! C= you alrdy hol liao ?
i still got 1more wk to go ! =[
slyvia : baby~ hugs you back ^^ .
my aiai : 爱爱 ~ yes :)
while basketball-ing ytd, i injured my left hand .
ppl helped me rubbed and lessened the pain , a lil nia .
while CY's doin lay-up , i bumped onto him , and i rebounded and flew .
and sit right on the floor and i'm so stupid to just use my left hand
to hold onto the ground to prevent my butt from getting hurt .

All thanks to him , he's violent ! haha but its just an accident (:
he's mad at us ytd ! cos we ps him during break today .
i'm so slow , now then i know the windows of the classrooms ,
from outside can't really see what's inside if you close the window ..
smart-alec OLI pulled us to go to a classroom to slack and hide -.-
so in the end i became an accomplice also . a minor one perhaps ? :P

i'm so suay to see a moron ytd ,
not once but a few times .
i hope he gets out of this sch asap .
or rather i get out asap . YIKES .
today nearly missed my bus , yet i don't want to chase xP
luckily the bus driver knows my pattern , he waited for me !
phew- and tiff laopo in same bus as me .. so went sch tgt ..
den for an hour nia .. we all cut cake all that ..

we sang CHILDREN SONGS for Mr Malcolm ,
Mdm Seet , Mrs Lui , Mrs Annie Soon .
They super happy lar kept smiling :)

Mr Malcolm wouldnt be our CA anymore as from next semester !
I'm darn upset luh . I mean not me but the rest too .
He's really really one of the nicest .
best and kind-hearted cher i've ever met .
It's like , who will bother to keep calling you up to attend sch ?
I bet Oli will truly understand when next term comes ,
i kept reminding him that there'll be nobody to call him up to come for exams etc .

There wouldnt be another MALCOLM CHUNG .
how sad X.X aww . I thought that we're all
so fortunate to have him as our CA for the total 2 years !
oh by the way ! asked him about my elective and i'm in WEB PUBLISHING !
actually i got a bit a bit regretting to change my elective cos sista is in ETP .
but whatever it is i shall stay on to my interest then :D
and baobao is also inside ^^ ~
so after the rest went back , we and malcolm chatchat ..
then wa liao really will miss him larh .. argh *
later part me sista and oli went to help malcolm up ..
the teachers all got gathering at the staff lounge .
then bring up food all that up and down lo .
wanna makan at Holland(due to the food variety show) .
but OLI is running late ! So me and wendy headed to timah .
yum yum * HongKong Restaurant .

aft that sis acc me to BPP for something.
slacked awhile . saw alot of ppl again .
i even saw MOPENG :D its been long i see him alrdy .
saw stella and shuzhen too ! *hugs* miss them la ~ (:
and some other peeps ..
wanted to go else where but nowhere in sg like gt thing to do sia .
and then i was very tired already so we headed home .
later working ! yeah ^^v can see my loves at work again ^^ ~

i got to run off now .
late for work !
跌跌撞撞才明白了许多 懂我的人就你一个 (=